Weekend support - mentor? Anyone?

don’t get me wrong we’ll support you every step of the way and enjoy your success and share in you failures which will be few BTW :grin:. it’s a funny old world when people are in a position to manage others at work and do it very successfully and when they get home they can’t control the one person that matters.

How ironic, right? I’m in control all the time and drinking makes me feel out of control which feels great honestly. I need to figure out a healthy and sustainable way to meet my need that’s not alcohol

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Well ain’t that the million dollar question :grin:let me know when you find it, with your brains and my charm we could rule the world :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Maybe the answer lies within.


Hey Jen? I see you made it through Friday. How’s it gong today? I probably missed where you’re from so I’m not sure if it’s day or night for you right now. Either way, I’m pulling for you to make another day sober.


I think it’s always hot in Texas lol! My step daughter is on her way up from there right now for the summer and I already warned her that’s it’s As cold as ever right now. Definitely not summer, and barely even spring.

My sober journey is surprisingly great right now. I love all the free time I have to come on here and chat with people and read everyone’s stories. I’m not working because of covid19. I thought I would actually want to drink more being at home constantly with a full house (husband is working from home, two boys, and stepdaughter will arrive tonight) but I haven’t wanted to drink at all. Being on here helps a ton!

Happy Mother’s Day tomorrow!! Have anything planned?

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@lovelife ahh no. I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling like shit today. Sorry that no one reached out either. I definitely hear you on that one.

I try getting on here and commenting and liking stuff when I can but dang there’s so many people on here lately. It’s good and bad I guess. When I joined a year ago there was like half the people there are today.

I feel like this a LOT. Like no one ever reaches out. It’s a shitty feeling. But then again I got sober for me and I have to hold myself accountable when no one else is there. I also have a hard time reaching out and asking for help or sharing my struggles when I have them. I’m afraid to share because I feel like no one will give a shit and no one will be there for me. But then again, if I don’t reach out no one will ever know that I need the help, so then they really won’t reach out. It’s all just bananas.

Anyway… I rambled. I really hope you’ve started feeling better today. Hangovers suck! For me it finally took one nasty hell of a two day hangover to finally get my ass to quit for good. Oh god it was the worst… shivers. It still haunts me. But as they say, tomorrow is a new day. Hope you get through all this and come out the other side of it feeling better and super ready to be sober. It’s not easy but it’s totally worth it. :heart::heart:


Thank you… I appreciate the validation :slight_smile: still feel like :poop: … did reach out to a friend from AA

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That’s really good to hear that you reached out to someone. Are you guys still holding meetings in your state right now? I’ve been sitting in on a lot of online meetings lately. Have you checked out intherooms.com?

Ah well you are getting to enjoy her then! That’s brilliant. How old is she?

My sober journey is progressing, just over 2 years now. It’s definitely a journey! Feel like I’m finally starting to get to work on some of the things that caused my unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Lots to untangle there :upside_down_face:

I rarely feel like drinking is the answer now, but when I do I have a decent sober toolbox to dip into. Much of it learned on this forum!

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I’m sad you feel like this! There are so many people active on this app it is difficult to keep track of where everyone is at.

I notice you joined the forum a while ago so you may well be familiar with a lot of these threads but there are some really useful things about how to manage early sobriety. I put together a collection of them in January -

Next time you are feeling tempted, jump on here and reach out. It is difficult to make yourself vulnerable like that but my experience is that being able to ask for help when it’s needed is one of the strongest things a person can do :pray::sparkling_heart:

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How’s the hangover today @lovelife ? Have you reset your counter? Are you on day two now?
I cannot believe the similarities I see with us. I too have a high pressured Career and have increasingly been using alcohol to get out of my head and blackout drunk at weekends. Exactly like you said - when you’re the one in control making hard decisions all week I actually liked being put on control and completely turning my thinking brain off at weekends hence getting blackout drunk. The only problem was I’d start back at work Monday I wasn’t rested, I had wasted my weekend and I was stuck in this horrendous cycle. And more often was drinking during the week too in the end.
ALSO I lost a load of weight a couple years ago and cud no longer tolerate my alcohol but drank the same as when I was bigger. The result? I was horrendous to my now husband. I used to scream at him to fuck off. Why? I’ve no idea. He used to have to follow me home from the pub hiding in bushes so I cudnt see him but to keep an eye on me so I wud be safe. What an idiot I was.
Your friend who said you weren’t an alcoholic? Well. I don’t think I’m an alcoholic. Not like physically addicted. But do I have a problem with alcohol? ABSOLUTELY! I can’t just have one. I self medicate with it. I abuse it. Therefore I know in myself I need to cut it out and see who I can be without it.
seriously Hope you’re feeling a bit better today. Stay positive. And message me anytime :grin:

Hi @Lisa07 thanks for checking in on me!!! :grin::ok_hand:t2: it is Sunday here now. I’m In the UK. And so far I’ve made it through the weekend clean and sober. Had a serious wobble yesterday but with my husbands support, and coming on here a lot, I got through it.
Sunday evening might be tempting to have a nice glass of red :wine_glass: but I am planning on making a nice roast dinner for my family and once the baby goes to bed relaxing with a face mask and a glass of my alcohol free Prosecco my hubby bought me yesterday :clinking_glasses:
How are you doing this weekend?

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No I honestly think now is a good time to go sober as the temptation of bars, restaurants and social times out and about isn’t there. But I do understand the stress and loneliness can also be very triggering.

It’s already been Mother’s Day in the UK. It’s in March I think. What about you? Did you get breakfast in bed? :fried_egg::bacon::coffee:

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@siand she is two next month!

I am only on day 5. I simply CANNOT imagine being two years alcohol free at this point. But I guess never say never huh? You’ve done amazingly well. I hope you also take time to be proud of yourself!


Oh it’s in March there?! Well happy very belated Mother’s Day :laughing: hope you got spoiled.

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You’re doing great!! I have faith that tonight will be fine. Just keep doing what you’re doing and know we’re all here for you.

It’s mother’s day here in the US and my husband and daughter have been giving me a hard time all weekend. I’m not tempted to drink over it. It’s just that one day a year where you wish they’d just appreciate all you do for them but nope. I’ll get over it and life will go on.


Ha yea, to be honest when I started I couldn’t imagine it either. Drinking was just my go to for everything and now, it just isn’t. I’m only 31 so the idea of being sober the rest of my life is pretty difficult - I know there will be much ahead that could tempt me. But today is the only day that matters, that’s why we take it one day at a time :blush:

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Yes day 2! Still feeling very depressed from the alcohol chemicals… this is the worst feeling! I will get outside for a run and take my dog to the dog park. Ordered the “women’s way” 12 step book!
Wow we are very similar indeed! Thanks for reaching out!!

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Hi everyone just checking in. GUESS WHO HIT 7 DAYS TODAY?! I know in the grand scheme it ain’t much but hell this girl is PROUD! :facepunch:t3::boom:BOOM!
The last time I got this was when I was breastfeeding. The longest I’ve gone in my adult life not baby related was 7 weeks so that gives you an idea lol.
So so so happy and grateful today. And I have a phone counselling session soon so hoping that’ll help me work through some stuff
How’s it going @lovelife? That hangover from the weekend finally gone?
Thank you for the support everyone @Lisa07 @siand @Dolse71 @Takemetothebeach hope you’re all well and staying safe? :smile::kissing_heart: