Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

I started last year 128 kgs drunk stoned depressed and suicidal.
This year I’m clean and sober nearly 5 months. It took a couple of goes but I’m there. Working hard and now 90.1 kgs
And the happiest I’ve been in a very very long time.
Question. Does the saggy skin and stretch marks dissipate? And is it possible to loose to much to fast. As the loose skin is a little yuk and does affect my self confidence


I love reading stories like yours. What a difference a year can make. Outstanding.
I am finding that the loose skin does sort itself out to an extent over time - particularly on the face. I used to be so embarrassed about my droopy drinker’s face because I knew that it betrayed my grubby little secret. I mean, I’m not expecting a cover shoot any time soon, but it is definitely better. Our bodies are amazing at repairing and regenerating, which they try to do every day - we just foil them with that daily dose of poison.
So many things that I thought were a function of my age were actually as a result of my daily dose of poison. I reckon I am healthier today than I was 15/20 years ago. I thought I was just getting old. Turns out I was actually just poisoning myself.


Down 3lbs since last wednesday!!! Moving more and keeping a food journal. Im cautiously optimistic. Im not gonna check the scale everyday because it can easily become an obsession for this alcoholic.


196.0 lbs.
I’m good.


When I started my sober journey I joined Noom.
The part that helped me most I think was journaling and keeping track of the calories I consumed.

Being a lover of Mayo I knew it was unhealthy fat. But googling and reading serving size :scream: Holy Shit. And Pizza :scream: :cry: Food and drink always went hand in mouth for me. I was actually counting the number of tortillas chips I was eating. Not drinking sure made it easier.

And now being off the sugar is also big.



Monday weigh in:
So i was very nervous getting on the scale today. After being stuck in the hospital with my son due to illness and then getting sick myself, eating garbage food at the hospital and not exercising, i somehow managed to not even gain 1lb. Not sure how that happened lol
Anyway today was my first workout back and with healthy eating also. Hoping to start seeing progress over the next week :slight_smile:


My weight seemed to stall for a couple of weeks but it’s started dropping again this week. Weighed in at 88 kgs today. I’ve not been this since mid high school.


193.6 lbs.
Now that I’m watching my cholesterol.
Not doing extra added sugar.
Obviously not drinking.
I might be going too far down.
Feels good.
Happy Friday y’all


Measured my belly this morning and it went up :pensive: 92cm.
My mood dropped a little, I went on the scale and my weight didn’t change much, 68kg.
I had lots of gluten the last week what caused my belly to swell up and it hurt. And constipation was on top including stomach pain.
And now, instead of feeling bad I’m happy.
Healing isn’t linear, there are ups and downs.
The belly will shrink as I’m not eating gluten any more, at least for a month.
I’ve got this :relieved:


168lb this morning which is two stone lighter than March last year when I was still boozing. I came across some jeans that were unworn due to them not fitting and they are now a little roomy on me which feels great :blush:


2 lbs down from 12/30/22. I wish it was more but have to be patient. Loss about an inch around chest, waist, and hips. So theres that.

This journey is going to be rough but i hope its fullfilling and i see results. I have to be careful not to obsess about my weight and only weigh in twice a week. I need to quiet that “not good enough” voice and be greatful im feeling better already.

Signing off committed


193.6 lbs.
Same as Friday.
I’m looking for maintenance so this is a win.


Monday check in:
January 2nd i was 229lb. Today i am 223.4lb Seems like alot of weight to lose but i have been following my eating plan very well and exercising more :slight_smile:


Thats a huge win! Keep going @Butterflymoonwoman


Stuck at 151 for like a week, but I have been working out more so it’s probably just muscle weight, right guys?! :sweat_smile:

Also can I please vent: I set the goal of eating pescatarian meals this month, and stated the goal to the love of my life to make sure he was aware. I still cook meat for him because I am a benevolent kitchen overlord. For date night he chose a little neighborhood bar (which to be fair is my favorite kind of place) with a tiny menu of all fried bar food (which to be fair I also love), and the only vegetarian/pescatarian meals were a fried fish or grilled cheese sandwich. I know he wants me to be happy, but it felt a bit like sabotage. I’m not sure he can understand that it is possible to be happy and not eat meat. I do really love cheeseburgers though. Life is hard. End rant.


3 days dry, 3 pounds down. Go figure.


194.6 lbs
It’s all good.


67,7 kg this morning :v::blush:
And the belly size is back to 91 cm :boom:


Cut back on portions use the elliptical daily for 30 minutes, and you will lose weight. 15 pounds in a month and a half, the elliptical is hard and you sweat terribly but with a little discipline it can be done. Set a goal, mine is lose 30 pounds by spring time ish. I’m half way there


Down 3lbs from a week ago! Total loss 7lbs. Lossing inches on chest, waist, hips. So proud of my progress!!! Feeling healthier to thanks to diet and exercise