Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Im super determined, if i can do 7 months off the booze i can do this :muscle:


Id love to read it!


Saturday weigh in.
189.? Something. I forgot.
I havenā€™t been in the 180ā€™s in forever!!


It is amazing what we can do when weā€™re sober. And Iā€™ve kept the weight off too. :muscle:


Only down .25lbs this week but lost an inch on each chest, waist, hips.

Goal is to increase exercise


On track. Down 4.2 over 4 weeks. Not going to imagine my weight or scale being different at 9000+ft elevation :blush: Just going to March on ahead :pray:


Hello Binx
I do feel your struggle as well and have to constantly tell my mind that i cant just casually drink as for me that leads to a full blown daily binge in a blunk of an eye. The weight also piles on with no motivation for excercise. Dont focus on the amount of weight tou have to lose. Not drinking, adding good habits like some daily movement, healthy eating and try not eating close to bed time. Your weight will fall off as im hopeful for. Dont give up hope - this may take weeks or months but it will happen. Stay positive!


Glad you are joining in! @Binx all the more merrier. This is a great place to be held accountable


Great to have on this thread! I also have quite a bit of weight to lose. Seems like quitting one addiction (drugs and alcohol), caused my eating to get worse (i have been working on stopping the binge eating and being hyperfocused on food). But we can do it one day at a time like anything else :slight_smile:


First monday of the month and wanted to do a weigh in at 228lb. I usually would weigh myself weekly but am finding that my body fluctuates too much and so the number on the scale can disappoint me and make me lose my motivation. This weeks goal is to exercise 5x a week like i used to before i had my 2 week ā€œbreakā€ and i will be focused on having a slight calorie deficit to help me reach my goal of 180lb. I have no real set date of weigh id like to reach my goal and i dont even know if thats the final weight that will make me feel comfortable and healthy. In the past 180lb made me quite fit and was a reasonable weight for my height and build but im also older and have had a child so that may play a role in what my final weight will be. We will see :slight_smile:


Thanks everyone for the welcome, Iā€™m so glad to be be here and with you all :two_hearts:

@Butterflymoonwoman I think Iā€™m in a similar boat to you, Iā€™m not even sure where my body would be happy with in terms of weight. I have had four kids (two arenā€™t kids anymore!) And I will be 44 soon. I also think Iā€™m peri-menopausal, so heading into a time when we gain weight :woman_facepalming:

I havenā€™t been trying to lose weight recently, but when I do, I donā€™t calorie count. I have had a lot of success with a blend of healthy keto with intermittent fasting. I should be eating this way anyway, as Iā€™m pre-diabetic.

Should we do a weekly or fortnightly weigh in to keep us accountable? I feel like I need something goal focused to keep motivated :woozy_face:


Im gonna do my weigh in once a fortnight on a sundayā€¦im using the scales at work so as to not keep weighing myself at home cos i get obsessive lol, itl be saturday this week though as ive taken easter sunday off. Im 168lbs but thats alot for me as im only a tiny 5ft 2inches :see_no_evil: according to BMI im obese :roll_eyes:


Yey ive got a weigh in buddy, thanks Binx, we can do this!! :muscle::muscle::heart:


Scrolling thru my phone to make a family calendar. Found thisā€¦jan 2021 when i was ā€œsober curiousā€ and noncommittal

Geeezus i let myself go! Deep in shame and despair.

Me a few weeks agoā€¦ 10+ months sober and finally taking my sobriety and health seriously.

I look forward to further progress!


Wow! Congrats - looking great :clap::muscle:


You are still amazing. Feels good donā€™t it?
Edit. And I love the sober AF shirt.


Do any of you guys have a treat meal or treat day weekly or anything?

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Yes, I take it a lot easier on Saturdays because we have a home made pizza tradition and I donā€™t want to miss out.


No cheat days for me going on 95 days


Thank you for the encouragement! Iā€™m down 14 lbs since the beginning of the year. Have many more to go but really appreciate the support!