Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

226 days. But you can choose your own time frame and you can change it any time you want.

I can not walk the real Camino because my knee can’t do it. I messed up my right knee with running :expressionless:
Signed up for the virtual ring of Iceland, gave myself 1 year to reach it. It works very incouraging for me to walk for a purpose :grin:


Hi guys…new to this forum and this thread.
I recently went off anti psychotics (3 weeks ago) and am just over 50 days off the copious amounts of wine I drank. I’ve been counting calories for a month but I am reluctant to weigh myself. I dont want to be disappointed.
I have tried on clothes that were previously too small and they fit better, but I still feel huge :frowning:
I have a sneaking feeling that I’m not eating enough calories. TDEE says 1300, and I only get in about 900 because I’m busy at work/not hungry. The anti psychs definitely increased my appetite!
Any advice, fellow weight loss gurus? :slight_smile:

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Celebrating your victories with you. It still amazes me what we can accomplish when we just love ourselves and take a vested interest in our well-being. Your a prime example. You got one more cheerleader right here.


I have those feelings as well. I won’t waste food , even if its naughty food , so when I finish the last of what ever it is, ie: ice cream , I am very happy coz I know I’ll then give it a good break etc


So quitting alcohol and giving up sugar is a little tricky. I HAVE TO HAVE something sweet once in a while… these got me through last night. Do you guess have any other sugar free options that you’ve tried???

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Yep. That’s me too. But I’m happy I’m not just polishing it off in one day like the old days like an addict. I’m using a really small coffee cup for my serving size. I can’t believe it’s lasting this long. And it was my birthday ice cream for my blueberry pie so I know I won’t buy it again. But no I’m not wasting it!!

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Thank you!! That is so kind of you to say!! :grin: it truly is amazing what we can accomplish when we treat ourselves kindly and with love.


Lack of self love was my number one offender. Im just fortunate that I was able to understand that about myself and CHANGE it.
Taking care of everyone else sounds selfless, right? Boy does it take a toll. Did you know that people can take care of themselves? What a concept :bulb: lolol.


Lol I completely agree. I used to put everyone else first before myself but now I’ve learned a healthy balance to it. I can still be selfless and selfish on a healthier level because that shit was truly exhausting. It’s exhausting when you think your “friends” are like you and will fill your bucket like you’ve helped filled theirs.

Hello all just checking in.

Everything is trucking along nicely. Still sticking to the plan (although I DID have a cheat meal on Saturday but it was worth it so no regrets :grin:) havent been able to get out on walks much, weather hasn’t been great and have been busy with other things. Still been doing yoga each day and feel great for it.
Looking forward to Thursday’s weigh in :grin::grin:


Here’s what I consumed today so far and it’s only 1200 my time.

6 eggs and half a bell pepper
1 piece of toast with about 2 TBSP peanut butter
16oz of Oat Milk mixed with Vanilla Vega Protein

16oz of Oat Milk mixed with Vanilla Vega protein
Half cucumber with 1/4cup peanut butter to dip it into :drooling_face:
2 rice cakes

Half cup dried rice (obviously cooked it to eat lol) with 1can of tuna.
Half cucumber with 1/4cup peanut butter to dip it into
2 rice cakes


Checking in before dinner. So I’ll do this in reverse.
Wifey’s cooking dinner.
Home made Beefaroni. I can’t wait.
Easy boy🤪
And I’ll probably finish the ice cream tonight.
Leftover last night cold grilled chicken breast sandwich with some sharp cheddar on an English muffin. With a side of cottage cheese.
Half a quest power bar.
Mango peach smoothie
Got my 3 1/2 mile walk in.
@Solanaceae sucks so much when there’s ice and snow on the road. But it looks like I’m back out there. I hope you can get back out there too Jen. It makes such a difference. I don’t care how cold it is I just don’t want to slip on the ice.
And 45 minute dog walk.
Except for the ice cream tonight. No snacks no treats.


Good Job everyone keep working hard !!!

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Checking in.
Smoothie at 9:30.
Dog walk 45 min.
Apple and organic peanut butter.
Pilates Reformer workout 1 hour. Second time this week. Aiming for M W and F. I still hate working out.
Smoked salmon on rye 2 pieces of rye toast for lunch.
Pan seared salmon for dinner later with Mac n cheese and roasted zucchini and onions.
No more ice cream.
Keep at it folks. We’re worth it.


Definitly kicking ass !!!
Inspiring Lets gooo !!



Well, I lost 2lbs this week :grin: soooo close to the next weight category I want to be in but never mind, I’ll get there next week.
That’s quite good considering the only exercise I’ve been doing is yoga (and running around after a 6 year old…) I’m loving yoga and feel great for it but it’s not exactly one for burning a lot of calories is it… so, diet ‘plan’ is working :grin:

So yep, 2lbs down this past week. :star_struck:
19lbs lost over all :astonished:
23lbs still to go. (Ish) :muscle:

Everyone’s doing so well :star_struck::grin:


I had my last drink Sunday night and I’ve already lost 2.5kgs!! My appetite has come back and I’ve been eating more than I normally would but I’m eating healthy. I’ve always struggled with my weight and since moving here almost a year ago I’ve put on 14kgs! I’m so disgusted in myself for letting that happen but I didn’t really want to move back to the town I grew up in with so many bad memories. On top of that I moved to be closer to family then they moved away! I got a transfer for my job and hated it, I loved my old work place and mates so depression set in and it got away from me. But I’m back on track now, feeling better and am looking forward to jumping on the scales again :sunglasses:


Weigh in for today iam 194.0 ive lost 3 pounds this week total weightloss of 30 pounds out of 79 i went from 224 on December 15 to 194 today Febuary 4th 2021 my last weigh in for month 2 is Febuary 15th ! Closing up on 2 months only a week left very proud of myself :hugs::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Great great job!!! You’re doing fantastic!! So happy for you! Keep up the AWESOME job, you will get there!!

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I really appreciate it !
It means alot my goal weight is 145 lbs
I will get there by all means happy with the progress ive been making closing in on 2 months it means alot how are you coming along in this journey ? Im so happy and proud of everyone on here ! Lets Gooo