Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Weekly weight check in:
Week 1: 119.8 lbs
Week 2: 120.6 lbs
Week 3 (today): 122.6 lbs

Holy smokes!!! I’m getting bigger :grin: also starting to see a decent amount of muscle growth on myself and with the the weights I use to workout with. Everything is going up. Yay!!

Hope y’all crush your goals and keep pushing past them!! :muscle:t4::weight_lifting_man:t4:‍♂


Congratulations !!
That is major progress happy to see your doing awesome :partying_face::partying_face:


Thank you!! It’s very exciting!

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low carb wrap
Fried Procuitto
Back to the basics on keto. Had my first pasta in almost 8 months yesterday… it did not go well…


Weighing in today at 198.4
Looks like I took that .2 back @DMW. I hope your missing it :joy:
I was kinda disappointed in the weigh in. I was hoping I at least dropped a pound. But I’m still under goal weight and I’m sober. And I did my Pilates reformer work out M W and Friday this week. Maybe I’m over the I don’t feel like working out blues. I’ll take it as a win. Big win.

For some reason I just want to be 5 pounds under goal weight @ 195. I feel I need a buffer and my pants would fit just a bit nicer.


Checking in for the night
Got a monster workout tonite feeling great feeling good i feel on top of the world the feeling i get after a good workout its like my new go to for a dose of good feels i also find myself when stressed or not having a great day my mind automatically thinks start doing push ups NOW the good thing about calisthenics is i can drop anywhere iam and pump out 50 pushups situps anything this is life changing iam craving my goal now :100::100::100::100:


Father D i checked out the sober selfie LOOKING GREAT ! Dont worry keep pushing you will get there


Weighed in this morning and down 1.0lb. Yay. Almost 5lbs this month.


Congratulations ! Slow and steady wins the race your doing awesome whats been working for you ?

Awww Im sorry to hear about the .2 of a lb which made its way back to you. I won’t be weighing in until Sunday morning here. Plus sorry you’re a bit disappointed too. Thats great you’re still under your goal weight and of course you’re sober. Thats fabulous!

Here’s to yours and the rest of our journeys! May we continue on getting and being happy, healthy and sober!


Got my Carrot Smoothie on this am.

Took the dogs on the 3 1/2 mile walk so I’m done for the day.
And I got leftover roasted vegetables from last night to make an omelette with for lunch.

I think I need to work on not being so sedentary during the afternoon. Got a lot of Christmas decorations to put up. That ought to keep me moving over the weekend while the weather isn’t freezing.


You will get there you look great in the picture its our motivation to get back to ourselves and we will one day at a time :fire:

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Breakfast … i fasted
Lunch … i had a ham sandwich
Dinner … i had an Avacado Roast beef tomato mayo egg sandwich my favorite going to have some pepper mint tea now keep up the good work everyone


My day is backwards today,

However when I got in I did breakfast, overnight oats, with a banana,

Lunch was turkey on whole wheat.

I have cheated though I had some Red Bull today :pleading_face: trying to gain energy


I had a monster couple days ago gave myself a killer workout :partying_face: i dont drink them like that mayb 1 every other month your doing great !

Yeah I feel you I usually use a pre workout, I been battling some depression for the last few weeks and a change of meds, so I’m trying to find energy

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I hope you get better soon !
Definitly man you will find it sending you strength during this time :pray:

Hey all. Sunday weigh in day for me. Sadly I went up 2 full lbs this week. Like W.T.F. is going on?!?! Not happy as I’ve upped my daily workouts and I’ve added in eating a bit of breakfast prior to working out. A bowl of multigrain cheerios wirh a couple raspberries or blackberries thrown in about 2-3 hours prior to my workout. Most days Im doing either 30 or 45 minutes on the bike, 5 or 10 ten min core, 5 min of arms/shoulders and now a 20 min walk on the treadmill (speeds from averaging 3.5-4 mph with varying inclines). So what in the world is going on?!?

I went from 141.4 to 143.4 lbs.

Ok… deep breath Deb… in breath, out breath… ahhh.

Ok. I feel better. Sorry for the frustrated rant of sorts. I just need to stay focused and remind myself it is NOT so much about the number on the scale (I know this, I really really do but its hard to measure “success” sometimes, other than just a simple step on the scale) when it comes to weightloss and getting back into shape.

I need to ask myself how am I feeling? Better? Thats a HELL YES! I put on some running shorts on yesterday and they are becoming snug on my thighs, my legs are becoming stronger every day. I wonder if thats whats happening with my weight… that Im gaining muscle?? I can’t imagine 2 lbs worth in one week though. I still have significant weight to lose around my mid section. My clothes are still far off from fitting, specifically pants unless they are stretching waist band types (yoga and workout pants are what I live in). Anything with a zipper and button I haven’t been able to wear in close to a year.

So here’s to another week… its the journey not the destination. I will achieve my goals and I’ll be sober through ALL of it!


Sometimes exercise can make your muscles retain water which makes your weight go up temporarily.

I know it’s so disheartening when the scale doesn’t go in the direction we want but dont let this bother you!! :hugs:
You’ve been eating right and doing LOADS of exercise so I bet this is what’s going on.
You’ll get a “whoosh!” Next week. :muscle:


Awww!!! I appreciate this SOOO much!! I’ve been kind of bumming today about it, but this has helped me, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know I’m doing everything I can be doing, right (well, as far as I can tell) so Im just going to keep plugging along!