Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Aw dude that fell off IS NOTHING and thanks :pray:
iam working hard at the moment that is not stopping me right now having 200 calories for breakfast oatmeal and a cup of almond milk then im out the door with my furry friend for some good cardio and i mean what can stop me from achieving my goal ? So my journey when it comes to eating when i have crazy urges for some fast food ill try and pick the healthiest and keep it within calorie range when i over eat i usually mean sugar like a chocolate muffin or a peice of chocolate the crazy thing about it is i beat mysefl up so hard about it come to find out it doesnt affect my weight at all at weigh in time im really beileveing CONSISTENCY is key if i keep showing up and never giving upā€¦ results will happen but im cutting all that out and actually only eating healthy LETS GOOO !!!

This 15th is my last weigh in for my 2 month on this journey iam down 31 pounds out of 79 im trying to loose Dec 15 2020 i was 224 i definitly feel lighter just with this off i will be chipping every pound away to reach my dream to reach my goal :partying_face::partying_face: LETS GOOO !!!


Thank you :hugs: But I did not have much to get rid of: just a few kilo/pounds. Maintaining that weight is more of a chalenge :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Breakfast had oatmeal and almond milk
Lunch had roast beef on honey whole wheat
Dinner had 2 telapias with a salad

Getting in my nights workout LETS GOO!!!

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Aww thanks. Ya getting old sucks. Especially that old metabolism slowing down.

But, since we are sober it should be easier :grimacing:Iā€™m not freaking out yet. Maybe Iā€™m just maintaining. Or maybe that holiday sugar weight is finally going away.

Ya we do it to ourselves. But if weā€™re not drinking we wonā€™t let our inhibitions down. Itā€™s easier to abstain.

Weā€™ll figure it out.

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Checking in before dinner.
Dog walk.
1/2 Quest power bar.
3 1/2 mile walk.
Big beautiful salad for lunch.

The wife is cooking dinner tonight. So Iā€™ll be having a wonderful casserole. NO SECONDS.
Then treat myself with my thin single serving peppermint pattyā€™s. 4 singles is actually a serving. 130 calories. I just eat 2 of them. 65 calories.
No other treats or snacks.
Good day.


You are very welcome. Getting old DOES suck and that whole metabolism slowing down can just, UGH! Everything is slowing down more than just 2 years ago, it just is so not right!

But yes, I agree since we are sober and not ingesting endless amounts of empty calories it should definitely be easierā€¦ no ifs, ands or buts about it! But youā€™re right, try not to freak out too! And with us not drinking its easier to say no to other types of foodie guilty pleasures.

You got this, I got this, we all got this. Just keep on doing what youā€™re doing, I will too and we will get to where we all want to be!

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Checking in.
Got carrot my cake smoothie on :joy: this morning
Walked the dogs 45 minutes
Did Pilates reformer workout.
Eating only 2 of the 4 stuffed quahogs I defrosted.
Thought Iā€™d have an apple but not really hungry anymore. I guess itā€™s best to stop.
Keeping track of the wins.

  1. I donā€™t usually eat in the morning cuz of intermittent fasting. But I remembered to because I wanted energy and a good attitude for my Pilates. And it worked. Big win!
  2. Only ate 2 quahogs out if 4. Big Win There!
  3. And I havenā€™t missed a workout day 5 work out days in a row.
    Just got to figure out how to be less sedentary this afternoon.
    Go Team!!

I donā€™t know if this is the place for me. Iā€™m fairly new to the community. 120+ lbs overweight. Working on it, again. Iā€™m in my late 40s and have been fighting Binge Eating Disorder for over 30 years. Currently on Day 32 and have lost 14 lbs, one day at a time. Congrats to all of you who are having success, and support & encouragement to anyone struggling today.


This is a good place if your looking for support in weight loss. I did join Noom last year and found it very help for my weigh loss. Lost 50 pounds. Iā€™m just checking in so I maintain and not gain it all back.

Thereā€™s another thread you might be interested in as well.

Good luck.
See you around.


3lbs down this week :star_struck::star_struck: canā€™t quite believe that but Iā€™ll take it! So Iā€™m back in my ā€œzoneā€ now, havent seen that number on the scale in over a year :grin: still a way to go yet before goal but Iā€™m feeling more like my old self now and I even fit back in my old jeans (I knew it was a good idea to keep themā€¦ :eyes::smirk:)

22lbs down :scream::star_struck:
20lbs more to go :muscle:

I finished my 30 day yoga challenge yesterday, just going to start a new one today because Iā€™ve really been enjoying itā€¦ then by the time thatā€™s finished the little one will hopefully be back at school so I can start going on long walks again.

When I get nearer to goal Iā€™m going to start doing my weights again, dont want to end up ā€œskinny fatā€ so theyā€™ll need to be reintroduced but right now, Iā€™m mostly concentrating on losing all these lbs.

Getting there slowly but surely :grin::muscle::star_struck:


Congraaats !!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Thats amazing your doing a great job !


Checking in Feb 11 2021
Breakfast i will fast cause why not a bit of fasting can only do good

Lunch ill have roast beef on whole wheat
Dinner ill have some hard boiled eggs

Lets gooo !!!


YAY! YAY! YAAAYY!! So VERY happy for you!! 3 lbs down is FANTASTIC!! You are doing wonderfully for sure!! You know I have yet to give yoga a honest try, I need to do that though. I am so not flexible that is just makes me hesitant to even give it a go. The funny thing is that I do know that it would help me become more flexible if I tried it. Go figure! Iā€™ve been trying to concentrate on lots of cardio in hopes to drop the lbs and then eventually add in and explore other fitness things then. Like runningā€¦ I wanted to lose at least 20 lbs before I start doing that instead of having everything kind of loose and jigglingā€¦ if you know what I mean?

Anyway, GREAT GREAT job!!! Keep up the AWESOME work and you will be to where you want to be in no time!!


I mostly started yoga to feel better mentally, I use it as a form of meditation but I knew it was good for my body tooā€¦ then as I went further along and started getting stronger and more flexible, I started to enjoy how it made my body feel.
I love doing it in the morning, everything clicks/crunches :rofl: in a good way though! Iā€™m like a bowl of rice krispies :rofl: but to think if I DIDNā€™T do it all those joints, my spine etc would just be left unclicked/popped but would need it without me knowingā€¦ hard to explain really. I just know my body needs it just as much as my mind needs that little break too.
Iā€™m really glad Iā€™ve found it now. I plan on doing it every day from now on, even if itā€™s only for 10 minutes. :blush:


Thatā€™s great Jen. Itā€™s such s as wonderful feeling to see the results on the scale. Enjoy it. Real happy for ya.

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Checking in late morning.
Got my smoothie on and getting ready to walk the dogs.

I just realized I drank all my smoothie before I took a picture of it. :rofl:
Then I got my 3 1/2 mile walk looking forward to.
Hope yā€™all have a great day.


Thats fantastic! Iā€™ve only heard very positive things about yoga. I do a little meditating on my own from time to time,nothing too structured at the moment. Sometimes when Iā€™m feeling frazzled I stop and do it so I can calm and re-center myself. It helps thats for sure.


Weight loss checking out.
Got my 3 1/2 miles in.
Sloppy pork Joeā€™s lunch about 900 cal.
Chicken curry about 900 cal.
And my 2 thin single serving York peppermint pattyā€™s.
Feeling good. I hope weigh in is good tomorrow. I feel like I been working hard at not eating too much.


Checking in before weigh in. I always weigh in after walking and working out without having anything to to eat. Iā€™m making an executive decision and having my healthy smoothie this morning to help get me though my workout later.