Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Hi everyone. A big reason I stopped drinking was the negative consequences related to my health. I’m trying to make generally healthier decisions and have definite weight loss goals. It helps being able to discuss this so I’ll give weekly updates here as well. Thanks for all the motivation!


Omg!!! This is soo exciting!! Sooo close!

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Lol thanks. Definitely more of a powerlifting focus. I am on a cut phase right now because I don’t like the fat build up so that may cross into the bodybuilding lines. I don’t focus as much on the title lol. I do a 4 day split chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/core, and legs. Lifting 5 days a week with cardio at the end of each day.

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Have been doing much better with my eating this week. Monday I calculated my calorie intake and macros (after the fact). My calories were 2800!! I did work out but still that’s ALOT! Yesterday I was just over 1800 calories. And today I ate oatmeal for breakfast and this is my lunch. Got a Tim Hortons coffee and surprisingly it is 210 calories! Wow! Surprising how sneaky those calories are!


Ugh… I was doing so well today with my eating UNTIL supper. I was overly hungry and ate too fast and too much :frowning: I went over my calories limit by 500! It could be worse I guess. But I’m struggling to get my carbs down. Can anyone recommend an estimate ideal in grams for lower carbs per day? Not keto low. But low enough for weight loss? I eat WAY WAY too many carbs. Over 50% of my intake today was carbs :frowning:


I tend to be too extreme on my diets so my advice may not be too reasonable but I’d think around 80-100 net carbs a day would be good, especially if you’re pretty active.

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Awesome!! Thank u :slight_smile:

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My weight has stayed the same. Again. ~ sigh ~ I guess it’s better than gaining. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I barely had time to eat at the trade show last weekend and I packed healthy snacks to nosh on. Whatever…so frustrating.


Weighing in at
One lousy tenth at a time. I’ll take it.


The last little but ALWAYS take forever lol keep at it! Ur doing amazing ☆


Down is down! No matter how much!
I really have to join this thread, and start cutting down my sugar intake. Specially because spring and summer are around the corner, and even an XXL polo shirt of my uniform makes me look like a well stuffed sausage! :laughing::rofl: (in my defense I must say that the XXL a effin tiny!)


Excited but curious for Mondays weighin. I have been at the gym 5x so far this week and doing my very best to cut sugars and stick to 1800 calories a day. So we will see!


Well done! :clap:t2::clap:t2: I should join you! Don’t be surprised if you actually start gaining weight because of muscle gain (guess you know that anyhow!)


Checking in at 136.0 yahoo!
A little under target but I feel great and sober and raring to go in the mornings.
I have joyful appreciation and we can stick with this mindful lifestyle. I can’t jog anymore but am enjoying brisk walk feel goods :raised_hands::hugs:


Love getting my steps in! Who else is logging their steps for fitness and/or weightloss?


I have 30 lbs to lose too!


Down 17 lbs since my sober date :sunglasses: I know it’s mostly water weight but I’ll take it :joy:


Weighing in up a tad.
201.0 lbs.
no biggie. I got this.


i love the idea to change not only your lifestyle about your addiction, but also taking advantage of your body getting healthier and decided to go on a weight loss journey. here is a pic of me before and after. the before is 2 years ago and after i just took 2 weeks ago


Thanks for this reminder.

I really don’t want to log or keep track of another thing :grimacing: I use to when I was on Noom. I still have the step counter and calorie thingy. So I made sure I brought my phone on my dog walk. Always have it for music on my 3 1/2 mile loop. But a nice reminder when I do this I get my 10,000. I do a shorter route every other day. Still about 30-40 minutes though.
I think it makes a difference to get 10,000 steps in a day. It does for me anyway.