Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Glad your out getting your walks in Eric. I try to do power walking like you used to, I’m in your footsteps : )
I might try using poles but I think it’s gonna slow my down a bit.
Enjoy your night Eric, take care :raised_hands:

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I’m day 36 AF.
Started going to the gym again and healthy eating I have ALOT of weight to lose.
I’m 4 weeks I’ve lost 6lb. I won’t lie I’m a little deflated by this. I thought with having so much to lose and sobriety I’d have a big loss in the first month.
I do have pcos tho so maybe that’s why it’s slow.

Trying to stay motivated and keep it up. I only weigh once every two weeks to prevent this feeling. Today was weigh day.


Working has been good for my weight loss and I continue to use my gastric sleeve tool.

High Weight: 270
Surgery Weight: 265
Current Weight: 237


You are doing amazing!! Losing 1-2 pounds a week is so healhty and sustainable. One of my favourite fitness peeps made a paper towel analogy - remind yourself of this! You are doing amazing!! :two_hearts:



198.8 lbs.


Good on you Eric! I’m with you at 134.8 lbs today, I’m happy too!! My new obsession is meditation and with that non-identification except that of being a Meditator :wink:

Thanks @Feeling.great i loved the paper towel theory. I haven’t weighed myself since but know 100% I’ve stuck to my exercise and healthy eating so it should be working. I am just going to avoid the scales… they don’t make me feel good at all. I’ll limit myself to once a month just to make sure I’m going in the right direction.

I will say this though, being on a weightless journey does help hugely with sobriety. When I look at my daily calories now I think wow how on earth did I ever fit booze in too? No wonder I gained so much.

Well done to everyone losing those pounds


I am so pleased to have found this thread. I need to lose a couple of stone and have been trying forever, but never really get anywhere. The reason is the alcohol and terrible food choices I make when drunk. I have always eaten relatively healthily throughout the day, but that evening wine habit has completely wiped all that out.

I am on Day 9 and the scales aren’t really showing it, but I feel slimmer. Not sure how scales work really. I know that there aren’t as many calories going in now so just hoping I can start seeing results. Loved the paper towel analogy, thanks for sharing that @Feeling.great


Welcome @JennyH Its nice to do this journey with others :two_hearts:


Weigh in and a meme.
199.6 lbs.

Sorry ladies. Looks like us guys getting it easier again :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This is very true and so unfair, Eric. Alas, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@Dazercat that is so true :rofl: That also used to be true of me in my 20s!

Well I am checking in on the thread but still stubbornly hovering around 72kg. According to another app I have, the calories I have saved should have me drop a couple of llbs at least, but pretty much the same on the scales. I do feel slimmer, and my face looks better. Maybe the scales will catch up eventually :thinking:


Weigh in day


Weight check in 137.0 lbs
Not sure what my ‘proper’ weight should be… I’ll continue to eat healthy and exercise and go from there. And I’ll continue with my lemon drink in the mornings.


Still 72kg, but considering the amount of sweet stuff I am eating as part of my “self care” I don’t think it is bad to maintain. I am looking slimmer so that is something. Just hoping if I keep plodding away, and gradually ease off the chocolate, it will start coming off.


A few years ago, I was about 165 pounds. I’m down to 134.

A huge change cutting out the booze.


After my first year or so I just had to give up the sweets and chocolates. It was making me I’ll. And I was strong enough in my sobriety. Give it time. I ate lots of chocolate instead of booze my first year. And I know I wasn’t alone. And gelato :yum::rofl: Now I haven’t had any added sugar for over 6 months. No More Added Sugar
Keep up the good work Jenny.

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Brilliant, thanks for sharing that. I will head over to have a read! At the moment I am sort of content to give in as sobriety more important, but really don’t want this to become a habit.

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199.8. :white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:


Hooray, that is so satisfying!

I have finally started to lose weight. Not doing anything differently (in fact eating too much) apart from giving up wine. Showing on the scales now, lost 0.5kg. I am hoping to get under 70kg for the first time in a few years soon :crossed_fingers:

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