Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Thank you Dana! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Friday weigh in.
198.2 lbs.
it’s all good.


I’m down 35 lbs since stopping alcohol in January


Monday weigh in.
I still want to get closer to 195. But if I’m at 200 or under I’m still at my goal weight. So that’s really good.


Kat here checking in at 200.4

I can see Onederland for the first time since recovering from my IV opiate addiction in 2017 (that took me down to 175 but in the 5 years since I put on 100 lbs to 275 or so)

Now with the help of Gastric Sleeve surgery the weight is off again and I’m happy. I do have to do a lot of mourning for food because I can’t eat what I want to beyond a few bites lol. My mind still wants to eat half a cheesy pizza. Or big ass cheeseburger and fries. However, I don’t regret my decision to undergo the surgery.


Way to Go! Kat. Good for you :+1: :blush:

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You too @Dazercat you are doing great! Was happy to see you go below 200

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Checking in at 185lbs, down 2lbs :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Forgot yesterday’s weigh in.
Today 199.00


Monday weigh in.
198.6 lbs.


I am working hard on losing weight. I have lost 19 pounds in the last 3-4 months. I have about 40-50 more to go. My goal is 165 I am just a little over 200. I gained 70 pounds when getting clean in the span of 1 year and a half… and because of medications and lack of exercise. I got off the certain meds like 2 months ago and I have been walking up to 10,000 - 17,000 steps a day, depending on the day. I get a lot of cardio in at my job and I walk from work sometimes to work then I will do my exercise after I go on a walk or something. I haven’t been able to eat many calories the last few days because I
Got 3 teeth pulled so I’m not really eating and they said no exercise for 3-4 days after getting the teeth pulled because it can mess up the blood clotting. Now I might have a minor surgery tomorrow and I don’t know how long I will have to recover for
That but I am eager to get back in my routine. I cut out all caffeine and pop. So I really only drink water and decaffeinated tea. I learned there is no such thing as “good” and “bad” foods. Just moderation of
The right ones. It works for me. Anyway glad to be on this thread. I believe I can reach my goal weight


Me too Flannery! It’s been about 2 months since I weened myself off of Seroquel, Trazadone and Paxil. I ended up losing 10 lbs with just stopping those. I couldn’t get below 197 and my weight is supposed to be 165 as well. Keep up the good work! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hi! I’m trying to quit alcohol and lose some weight. I’ve gotten up to 210lbs and I’m 5’6”. I gained 40 pounds since the start of the pandemic. I eat mostly healthy. It’s the drinking that added on the pounds. This is the most I’ve ever weighed. Need to get healthy!


I was doing so well exercising eating well and losing weight and now I’m not ugh. I’m still sober that’s the main thing but I’ve been so busy with a new job its hard to juggle. I know my citalopram anti dep made me gain so much weight too I want to wean off but not sure it’s the right thing to do even though I feel OK. Why do these meds make us gain weight? They dud the first time I went on them too.

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Weighed in this morning at 184.8lbs!!! First time I’ve been under 185 in almost 1 1/2 years :sunglasses::metal:t2:


One for the Brits, I have lost a stone :muscle::partying_face::muscle:.


Weigh to Go! Guys!


I forgot to weigh in Friday while traveling back from all the good eats in Dallas.
204.6 :scream:
Ugh :weary: why is it so easy to gain especially when you’re not exercising and on vacation. Duh :man_facepalming:

Weighed in Monday a bit better at 200.4. So that’s good. Walking helps. A LOT!!


Thank you @Dazercat! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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204.4 :grimacing:
Eating out too much. And not walking enough.