Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

I am SO inspired by you!!! Teach me ur ways Eric!! I’m sucking at this eating thing :frowning: intermittent fasting… what benefits do u get from this? And is it helpful for u? I need some sort of schedule or routine for my eating and I’m liking what u said about only 2 meals a day. I need help here :frowning: I woke up so groggy this morning bcuz I ate soooo crappy right before bed.

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I just heard about it one day and started googling it. For me it really is was the worrying about what and when for breakfast and getting it in before lunch. The shopping for it etc……
again it’s not for everyone. I’ve never had blood sugar spikes or get cranky when I don’t eat. Maybe once and awhile it does hit me that I NEED food. I was always such a workaholic in the restaurant business all my life I almost never stopped to eat a meal. Maybe that conditioning helped.

My sister on the other hand eats little portions of food and healthy snacks ALL DAY :scream:. The theory more food burns calories before the spare fat cells kick in and……… shit I don’t know the technical stuff.
But as an addict that didn’t work for me because I started binging ALL DAY. And then I really gained weight. I guess God made us all different.

Intermittent fasting really works for me. I have never been a massive breakfast fan so just skip it. I can get very grumpy when hungry, but because I have planned my food I tend to be OK.

@Butterflymoonwoman there are some good apps out there that track it and hold you to account (I used Fastic but now do it automatically). One concern with IF though is that people may binge once their mealtime comes around. It isn’t a concern for me, but something to be mindful of. I am doing it for health reasons too, to lower blood pressure, blood sugars.

I am finally getting somewhere with slow and steady weight loss. The lack of alcohol calories is really starting to show. That and losing my appetite after covid. Half a stone before I am officially healthy again. Not sure what my plans are after that.

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Friday weigh in.
It’s all good :blush:


I missed my weigh-ins and walking and workouts because of the move. I found the box with the scale in it :grimacing:
198.8 lbs. :blush:


Great news @Dazercat It sounds like the move has resulted on the llbs falling off.

I am under 11 stone!! Haven’t seen the number 10 in a few years. Still shocked I let it go up so much, but think lockdown was just so crazy. Most women I know put on weight and couldn’t fit in their work clothes when they went back. Just wearing a bra was initially a challenge :rofl:


I have lost 15 pounds so far, and I want to keep going. Ate a bunch of ice cream last night, but it was worth it. Goal is to work out after work today.


One more pound down taking me to ten pounds lost since stopping drinking. It’s slow but it is progress.


Since I found the scale and it is Monday.
198.6 lbs. still good.


Friday the 13th weigh in :grimacing:
200.0 lbs


Monday check in for the week
Gained 2lbs over the span of 2 weeks (missed last monday). I worked out well last week too and again today. Decided tho that I’m liking how I am feeling and progressing in my workouts. Not going to fret over the number on the scale. Cuz what good will that do being upset over it. My diet is improving but there is A LOT to improve on still. I want to cut out sugar but I’m struggling a bit with that bcuz I need substitutes for sweet things fir my oatmeal or coffee etc lol I’m making progress tho. That’s what matters. And I’m being active everyday so I’m going more for how I feel as opposed to a number I want to reach on the scale. Quite frankly I will most likely never get to the weight I want when I was at my fittest. That was like 15 years ago haha and I’m 37 so I feel like my body has changed due to age :grimacing:


Monday weigh in 198.6 lbs.

Great job with the great attitude Dana @Butterflymoonwoman
You’re feelin good! Your 91 days clean! Fuck that scale! or number for your weight! That attitude will get you where you need to be when you get there. Did you notice a few people joined that no added sugar thread? Just what you need another thread :scream: anyway. Check us out if you got time. Seems like there’s a no sugar craze happening. Keep up the great work.


I am super interested in that thread! I am going to check it out :slight_smile: thank u Eric!! Maybe I can get some good tips to help me with substitutions :slight_smile:

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So I haven’t checked in here for a few weeks but something interesting happened. I was 197lbs for a long time (30lbs overweight) and couldn’t shake it. I quit taking certain medications I was on about a month and a half ago that were giving me really bad side effects. Well, I haven’t been to the gym in like 3 weeks and I’m down to 187lbs! I think the medicine was keeping the weight on me??? Anyways, super excited to start going to the gym again. Hope you all are doing well, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Interesting bro, would you mind linking that no sugar thread below for us?? Thank you!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Certainly :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sweeeet!!! No pun intended :rofl::rofl::rofl: thank you Eric :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Thank you @Astro :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Wow!!! Thats amazing! What a great thing to see!!! Way to go

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