Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Putting this on here too…week commencing Monday the 4th Sept i will go swimming that week and start eating ALOT healthier.


I second this as I was feeling quite trim and strong and weighed myself and I’m up a couple of pounds again. Just had to have a word with myself about not allowing the scales to dictate how I feel about myself :joy:


Need something else to think about, soI decided to join in here and actually do something about all the weight I’ve gained lately, because I simply haven’t cared.

Going to change that from now on. Won’t be counting calories this time, but I will most definitely take action.

I’m up on 67 kg. And for me, that’s a lot (I use to be at 58)

So I’m starting here and now.


Still maintaining :+1:


I’m lost and kinda not able to cope up. The thoughts of ending it all keeps popping up in my head. Just want to share with u guys how miserable i feel


Hey MrAddict.
What’s going on?
I’m glad your here.
Not sure I can help you though. This is a weight loss thread. But since you’re asking for help here’s a website I keep handy to share with people who might need it.

International suicide prevention hotline numbers.

You don’t need to know what to say. Just call. If you have a loved one you are worried about, call also.

If you’d like to join a daily check in on the forum and you are clean and sober check out this thread here. Lots of great people on there checking in to get and give support.



So after 2 weeks of stagnation finally it moved!
Weight - 1kg down
Waist - 2cm down
Whoop whoop! Now we’re talking! :slight_smile:


Checking in…lost some weight this week!!! Down 1.6lbs even after increasing calories. I also worked out 6 days last week lol. This is wonderful news i needed the weightloss to confirm to myself i was doing the right things.

I have 5.5mo to lose 20lbs to meet my healthywager weightloss goal. I need to consistently lose 1.2lbs per week.

Praying and taking action!


What a wonderful feeling and great news!

Yes! Happy thatvyou starting to see more benefits

Hell yeah CJ! Thats so awesome. I know you were nervous and im glad to see that your hard work is showing positive results! :muscle::clap::clap::clap:

Keep it up - you are doing great!


Hello all!! 1,068 days AF here. Wanted to share a bit of my weighloss journey. Quitting booze helped drop weight initially… then ive been consistent the last year/ year a half with intermittent fasting. Im down 40lbs (first pic 210 lbs) Comparison pic is june 2022- now. (15 lbs down) Slow and steady wins the race. Keep working and find what works for you. Everyone is different and beautiful no matter what. Keep fighting that good fight friends!


Looking fantastic- thanks for sharing your journey and providing inspiration

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Great work! @KaitSmith thanks for sharing your story. You look fantastic

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Monday weigh in: 222.6 lb
Feeling pleased about this as last week i was 229 lb. Its abit of water weight im sure but ill take it. I have made huge changes to my eating and exercise again tho. Got some motivation back :slight_smile: Striving to be 180/190 lb again so going to keep plugging away at it.


hell yeah lady - doing awesome! glad to see all your hard work showing results!
Happy Monday Dana!

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Thanks friend!!! Appreciate the support! Hope ur monday is going well also! Hugs!

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Great work @Butterflymoonwoman eye on the prize.


I gained everything back :confused:

I bought myself a kettlebell, gonna check out some yt videos. Maybe some recommendations?


Hi Mischa, don’t worry about numbers. Look how you feel. I’m sure your body has changed.
For me it is about being active. I don’t struggle with losing weight initially but it’s hard for me to keep it. So this time I try to stay active.
My kids moved out and I’m working full time. So all I need to do is planning some workouts in my schedules. Sounds easy but still so hard to do sometimes. My weaker self often tells me that I don’t need to do anything. Anyway I got myself a treat ( new Garmin watch) downloaded the app and started a run-walk-run program. To be honest it’s definitely far more walking than running on my skills but anyway… I’ve been doing it for 3 weeks now and I really start to feel better. Body didn’t change much but I feel my energy level lifting up and that’s what I need to get further.
Sorry for the long reply but I just want to tell you not to be too hard on yourself. You’re doing great !


First post hear, started my weight loss journey about 8 months ago. Heaviest I was 265 got down to 210 and now I’m back up to 220. Was doing great with fitness and eating then I went on vacation and haven’t gotten back in my routine. My goal weight is 160 :open_hands:t4: I have recently stopped drinking and ready to get back to it.