Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

I weighed myself at the gym, and I was a tiny bit, but still a bit, under 11 stone :partying_face:

It feels like all of a sudden it is working. Like pushing a heavy stone, once it starts moving it keeps going. I am the heavy stone :grin:


that’s great news Jenny – keep working it :muscle:

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I’m on day zero again (extra added sugar shit).
Starting again. Right now. Not looking back.
My weight didnt change last 3 months, maybe just a little bit (like half kg) so I have to try something new. Intermittent fasting, 16:8. Basically, I just have to skip, or postpone, morning smoothie. Usually after 19 I don’t eat anyway. I don’t know if it will change anything, I’m totally aware my biggest problem is sugar, but I download some app helping with fasting and who knows :slight_smile: TS app changed my life, maybe new app gonna change my eating habits :wink:


Good luck with it all. I had an app for that and loved it. It told me which stage I was in at various points, really motivating. I do really well with fasting, stops the mindless eating and highs and lows that causes. I had to give up annoyingly as apparently fasting can make gallstones worse, and as I have to have my gallbladder out it wouldn’t work for me.


Thank you so much.

Oh no, how bad you found something that works for you but you can’t use it anymore :frowning:
I’m definitely giving it a try. It sounds like it can work for me too

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Today marks 9 months since i made an active decision to change my lifestyle and incorporate healthier eating and exercise!

I started slow with walking Boscoe a couple times a week and now 9 months later i love going to my gym classes 5-6 days a week. I ordered a $20 scale off amazon which was linked to a food tracking app. I started '“tracking my weightloss journey” 12/30/22 and weighed 216.8lbs. Last sunday i weighed in at 174.3lbs. A total loss of 42.5lbs since ive been tracking.

15lbs to my healthy wager weightloss goal by 1/31/24.

My mood is better, my energy is better, my confidence is better. Quitting my DOC gave me hope that with time i will get better. At times it seems slow but in retrospect ive accomplished alot in 9 months. Onward and upward my weightloss buddies


Good decision @Mischa84 to give this intermittent fasting a try. It really works for me. Like @JennyH mentioned it stops the mindless eating and that was one of my worst problems just snacking around all day and night. This 16:8 model just keeps me a bit more focused on when and what I eat.
Good luck with it! :+1:


You should be proud of yourself @Cjp you’re doing great!


Just wanna say thank you for this inspiring thread. You all are doing great!
I’m struggling with keeping my weight on a healthy level for years and years. I guess mentioned that before.
Started a losing weight challenge with myself in January this year again. And it went great from the start for 4 month, then I slipped again on wine and bad food and scale went mad again…
So… here I am again 2 month sober again the recently gained weight almost gone again and I’m trying to keep active and focused this time.
Thank you for reading. I’m glad you’re all here with me.
Have a wonderful sober and healthy weekend everyone.


WOW - this is fantastic and grateful that you are seeing the benefits of sobriety. Keep it up :muscle:


76kg today which I feel comfortable at. I’m not deliberately restricting food but my appetite is still very poor. I’m making the effort though.


My scale is so stubborn, keep showing the same numbers… But I’m not giving up. I like the feeling that intermittent fasting is giving me. Like you girls said - it also stops mindless eating. I was always thinking I wasn’t eating after kids went to sleep but now I see how much I snacked here and there. A bit of brie, sunflower seeds, some cookies, NA beer… Definitely not ‘nothing’
I think I should put my scale in other place, maybe this one has some bad vibes :wink:


Haha, love the scales with bad vibes. I think mine had a bad attitude for a while. All these nasty scales :wink:

You describe the feeling IF gives you perfectly. I am sure it reduces your appetite too. Keep going, my weight was really stubborn to shift and now I am finally seeing the benefits. Once it starts moving it seems to build momentum. Persevere with it!


Don’t be too focused on the scales. It’s only numbers, isn’t it?
I’m glad you notice a difference already @Mischa84 and I totally get you with being surprised about the intake at night. Was the same with me. A little piece of cheese here, a cracker there, bit of chocolate… you name it.
I’m doing ok with avoiding snacks so far, but I’m still struggling with eating healthy. Still too often it is just a takeaway or a bread roll and a salad. I really need to get more into healthy food and home cooking.
Well tonight it’s dinner at a restaurant as my eldest takes us out for a meal to celebrate his birthday. He’s 31 now :heart_eyes: but umphh … seeing these numbers makes me realize that I’m getting old :joy:
Have a wonderful sober Sunday everyone :sun_with_face:


Weekly checkin…

Down 1lb! I was nervous when i weighed in mid week and was up :confused: good thing im committed to only weighing in 1x per week regularly so i dont fixate too much.

Measurements are making progress too.

15lbs to go.


147.4 lbs. Slow and steady! I’m actually just starting on a low FODMAP elimination diet to try and hone in on my IBS triggers, so that’s helping me not overeat, but it also means tracking everything twice (and also tracking GI symptoms and moods) which is a pain!

My field season is ending, so I have to remember to adjust my calorie intake since I won’t be hiking all day and I’ll be home a lot :cry: time to get back to the gym!



Great work! My first milestone/goal was 11st (just made it) and my second is 147 lbs as that puts me in healthy weight so very jealous of your numbers! Hope you sort the IBS.

What is a field season?

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Amazing work, so impressive. I am eating so badly recently, particularly since my cold took away my appetite for everything except sugar and salt! A timer might help focus me.

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196.6 lbs
I think I’m still maintaining. Which is great since the Cali trip and all the fine restaurants.