Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

I feel you man, our main drag is littered with the empty carbs,

Bamba & Duck donuts get me sucked right in,

Otoh you might wanna sneak into Nova for a few weeks, I just saw a sign on the GWP saying no entry to DC for the 20th be safe man

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I hear you definitly likewise friend :pray: we got this one day at a time


Yah! WATER… I love to hear that! So many people have different ideas of what healthy is. And here we are… no longer poisoning ourselves (fabulous news… literally amazing) So whatever works, WORK IT.


omg. MEEEE TOOOO :triumph: I just don’t dip my foot in the pool today. Last time I ate sugar was on Halloween :jack_o_lantern: I was already 4 months on keto/no sugar at that point. I was in treatment with 13 other girls, watching them gorge
on it, lol. And I thought just a couple kit kats, and just 2 tootsie rolls and maybe one piece of licorice Im talking, the little candies… I turned green, :nauseated_face: instantly. Lets just say, my mind said yes and my body said NO. I think about that every time I think I want chocolate :chocolate_bar:. And has deterred me, LolololLOL. Fyi, it does not taste as good coming back up. :pleading_face: I treat my diet with the same principles I do my recovery. It has worked for me. So, yeah, I cant bring myself to cheat @Truckinmonster21


Already got started this morning. Skinless chicken thighs… Seasoned to perfection (I think, anyway) with a little lemon juice for acid and onions of course they always accompany the amount of garlic :yum: I use. Wish I could feed you all… MANGIA!!! CAPICHE, :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :point_left: that’s me blowing a kiss.


My partner and I have been back on our 30 min a day elliptical streak, only now we’ve increased it to be Monday through Friday, AND we’ve been waking up early to do it before we start our work days. It’s about third week going strong… He is just getting started and I’m about to start coffee before I hop on. 30 mins feels like nothing and yet it helps to set our intentions for the day and I just feel so dang good!!! I love doing it in the morning versus another time through the day like we used to because then my goal has been met in that way and I can focus on other things. We are on 41.2 days sober, no alcohol, and really feeling good. I’m currently listening to “Seltzer Squad” podcast and reading “Sober Curious” to provide insight and keep me on track. Not to mention coming to this forum and learning from you all!!! My favorite beverage as of late is club soda in a can with a squirt of that Mio stuff. It adds flavor, B vitamins and a bit of caffeine. It’s either that or iced tea.

Y’all are so inspiring, I love reading what others are up to. I am currently taking ballet and that photo is so motivational! I do other kinds of dance, but this is my first year getting into ballet. I hadn’t really thought about what ballet would do to growing feet, especially during those young years!! Of course you don’t have to answer, but I wonder if you feel the skills and experience you gained were worth the foot pain and social discomfort with the issues that came along with it? Just curious because I’ve ALWAYS wished I had started dance at that age. @LGC @apes2020

Thanks everyone for letting me rant here. Have a good day and keep up the great work! Bit by bit we’ll get there!!


Thanks to 59 days of not drinking a gallon of beer a day, better eating, and a little stomach flu thrown in for good measure, I’ve lost just over 20lbs! Down from 240 to 219.8!


That’s great @Charlie_C
Not the flu part.

Checking in. Yesterday I had my 2 meals and a fruit smoothie in between them. No holiday treats. No snacks. No cookies. And :cry: no chocolate :grimacing:. I want to get back down to 195 which is five pounds under my goal weight which I set last year at this time.

For anyone new on here. I haven’t check in here for awhile. I do the intermittent fasting. I don’t eat after dinner and my first meal is around 1 pm. I been doing this for years and I love it. It’s not for everyone. My body doesn’t need food first thing in the morning and it doesn’t seem to effect my blood sugar or make me moody or anything.


Yea thats why i keep myself sharp when it comes around those sweets same concept i use for my DOC i use it for overeating and sweeets works wonders !

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That looks sooo good :hugs: yummy
Kiss recieved :blush:
Mind sharing recipe ? I would love to make this iam enjoying myself cooking wich is crazy because i never cooked :joy:

Congratulations on the weightloss !!! :partying_face:

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You will get there @Dazercat
Rooting for you !!

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I do the same fast. In the morning I survive with black coffee :grin::+1:


There is a new show on Netflix " tiny little things" its about dancers. Its a brilliant show. Its a pop drama I’d call it. You will love it! @LGC

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Nice one charlie :trophy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::tada:


How is wifey feeling about you cutting down? She dosnt like you thinner did you say !?!/

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She likes the weight I’m at now 200. I like to have a buffer so 195 is pretty good. She thought the 185 - 190 was a bit too thin.
Thanks for asking.

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I had a slip last night. I ate an ice cream sandwich. It wasnt big but I had gone so long with no sugars that when I ate it , it was soooo much sweeter than I have ever remembered! Sickly sweet. And ive actually woken up with a headache this morning and its definetly from the sugar. Instead of thinking ohhh yummmmm I want More, I am completely repulsed by the thought of anything containing sugar :grimacing:


Speaking of this show my 17 year old just started watching this and is enjoying it. She’s a dancer since she was 3 and is now teaching some at the studio she’s dancing at too. Mondays and Wednesdays are her LONG days, 3:30-9:30pm. Anyhoo! She loved the show Dance Academy… she watched that multiple times. LOL!

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