What are you sipping on today?

I’m moving furniture in the heat so I’ve been crushing Gatorade

I have to be near death from dehydration before I touch Gatorade. It’s like drinking salt to me.

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That’s why I drink it. I’m a fat sweaty guy so I need to replace the salt I lose


I’m soooo hot for you right now! (Makes suggestive eye movements creepily)

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Lime water

Water. Got a two hour belt test tomorrow evening. Need to be completely hydrated.

Can’t stand Gatorade. I am more thirsty after drinking it than I was before. I have electrolyte tablets I can swallow with regular water, if I’m having to worry about hyponatremia.

I rarely worry about that. Water is the only thing that quenches my thirst. And I’m almost always thirsty. In the evening I allow myself herbal iced tea and a smoothie when I’m hotter than hell.

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Me neither. If I’m hiking all day, or riding a century, I might replenish electrolytes once or twice during, mostly to avoid muscle cramps. But doing yardwork or a 90 minute workout or Krav class, I get enough potassium in my diet, and I don’t do carbs.

Same here, I’ve always had to keep something close at hand to drink, it was always soda as a kid, then stupid me decided it needed to be beer for a long time but fortunately its water now lol. The big assed travel mug I used to drink my booze out of all day now serves the same function, just with better contents, I’ve made that thing my bitch. No rest for the wicked damn you! Lol

These ain’t half bad thrown into the mix (and the smoothie for that matter) occasionally tho… @Yoda-Stevie f.t.w. again!


Good stuff, ain’t it?


Damn str8, the Greeks can officially stick their stuff where the sun dont shine! I came down to NC b4 I head out and I have a mini fridge upstairs at moms house, knowing itd be hard to find here I stocked up on the essentials b4 I left. The girl runnin the register kinda looked at me funny when I handed her 15 yogurt cups and a pack of bacon :laughing: I nodded and gave her my best “dont judge me just ring that shit up dear” smile :joy:


Key lime la croix


G2 man, thats where its at. I rarely drink gatorade, but when i do thats what i go with.

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Scrubbed and soaked my bubba keg for 2 days before it was for for beverages not from St. Louis or Milwaukee

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That’s all we have at work. I like it better as well

Coconut Milk! :milk_glass::milk_glass::palm_tree: And only 27 kcal :innocent:


It’s so good and like £2 for a bottle that lasts for weeks :joy:

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I finished the last of my pitcher of dandelion tea yesterday so today I made a pitcher of mint green tea. I added some mint leaves to it. It’s refreshing.