What are you sipping on today?

I wanted to try these liquid death sparkling waters cuz this threads love for em

Not wild about the convicted melon

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Ah we donā€™t get that one hereā€¦I do enjoy them as a treat once in a while but since Iā€™ve reduced sugar - even these are too sweet for me at times.

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I Do :heart: Convicted Melon @Cjp. You should try this oneā€¦


I had never seen these Liquid Death sparkling waters here in Scotland, but checked online and I can get them on Amazon.

What oneā€™s best to try first?


I buy them on Amazon, too. :wink: Try Convicted Melon or Berry it Alive. Lemme know what you think.
Have a beautiful day! :sunny:

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Strawberry flavoredā€¦ actually really good


A large coffee to wake me up as I head into the office.1st of many today I think. :star_struck:


Strangely - after work today I walked into my local Tesco for some shopping, and what did I see? They only had the Mango and Lime varieties. :grin:


The mango is actually my favorite right now ā€“ i wasnā€™t a fan of the lime ā€“ what did you think?


At the beach near Margate I had a beautiful pomegranate and lemon iced tea.

Today I tried to make a similar style drink, so I brewed a big jug of elderberry and echinacea tea from teabags and when cold I decanted it into a soda stream bottle to aerate. Big mistake. JULIA ROBERTS ON RODEO DRIVE SIZED BIG MISTAKE. I may still be cleaning up the mess next weekend :confused:


Not a strong enough flavour maybe, but still quite refreshing.


i totally agree - i felt like a sprite light but better if that makes senseā€¦ glad you found some near you. I do have to give in and order the melon one from on line as it is one we donā€™t have around here


Iā€™ll keep an eye out for the other flavours on Amazon.


Agreed! We go through tons of lime and grapefruit Bubly. Even with the soda stream machine, thereā€™s something more satisfying about the flavoured cans out of our extra cold drink fridge :slight_smile:


@JazzyS their marketing really sucks, this is from Amazon UK site for this ā€˜liquid deathā€™ productā€¦ disgraceful! :face_with_monocle::no_mouth::open_mouth: Quite shocked.

:dizzy_face: :scream:
That is so dissapointing! WTF are they thinking? Yeah - i am shocked too. Such a great product and very refreshing. I do love all the artwork and clever names of the drinks.

I honestly hadnā€™t heard of them till i saw on this site (talking of which - @GenG where are you - hope you are well?)

I find them now everywhere.


Itā€™s just weird right, they are tapping into a market where the cans are beer sized so people wonā€™t think you are a spoil sport for not drinkingā€¦. lol crazy

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This sounds really weird, but I like bottled real lemon juice, a little watered down and add garlic powder and salt. It give me a really stiff drink without the alcohol. It stimulates the part of my brain that likes salt rather than alcohol.
Not great for the teeth though, so I use a straw.

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Yeah .I thought so too but now Iā€™m like why should alcoholic drinks have all the fun shaped bottles/ cans- cool names and awesome glasses :joy:
I like holding a fancy glass - it can have lemon water but gives me a fun feel.

Right now itā€™s m just sipping on some black cherry seltzerboutvof a canā€¦I do put in fancy glasses from time to time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Mine has been a bit boring, but Iā€™ve been sipping on ice cold water with lemon and lime. Its warming up here so itā€™s been nice to have an ice cold non alcoholic beverage!