What are you sipping on today?

Proud of you @Bluekoolaid

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Another day, another dollar for a bottle of Seltzer


I used to love diet coke. Last week my brother sent me a video about what a diet coke really contains and what it actually does to the body. It spooked me, havenā€™t had a diet coke since then.

Iā€™m fine with my sweet tea :laughing:


STRONG black Folgers coffee. :coffee: :smiley:



Enjoying a pot of rooibos tea.


Love the cup :star_struck:

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Champis, a Swedish soda created under the prohibition as a ā€œChampange sodaā€ itā€™s made with apples and grapes, and is supposed to remind you of champagne.
Taste is different of course since Champis is pretty sweet, but not as sweet as normal soda.
My kids love it and thinks itā€™s a very luxurious drink,when in fact it is a little cheaper than coca-cola.


Three shot Monmouth flat white at the book festival in Queens park. On top of the 6 shots of coffee at home :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:


Decaf pumpkin spiced iced latte.


Queens Park, London? I used to live right next door, in Kilburn :heart_eyes:

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Yep :+1:t2: itā€™s kind of my hood. Hi neighbour :wave:t2:

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Donā€™t blame you, Queens Park is lovely!

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Thank you!! Iā€™m really trying to take steps to improve my health and the food and beverages I put into my body. I still struggle with the candy from time to time but Iā€™m doing good with the energy drinks. Havenā€™t had one in a couple weeks. Progress not perfection


Iā€™ll have to look into that. Iā€™m sure Diet Coke or even regular coke canā€™t be good for us. The tea is definitely probably a better alternative. I know how hard it can be to stay away from soda but there is so many better options and all we can do is take it a day at a time and try to make better choices

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Before the 50s it was illegal to sell soda that contained phosphoric acid and caffeine in Sweden. They changed that around 1954 or something like that. Back then people didnā€™t even drink close to the sida we consume today, and they still though those ingredients couldnā€™t be good for Health. I think thatā€™s quite telling.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I love soda. (Preferably coca cola zero no caffeine) but I ainā€™t going to risk my health for that.

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Water and two pairs of sober leg selfies


I like this thread a lot. There is so many beverages out in the world besides alcohol and way better tasting. Probably my favorite thing to buy at the grocery store is beverages. I think tomorrow I might buy some coconut water to add to my little selection.


@Hailstrom Snap. Iā€™m drinking Elderflower & Apple Vitamin Water Drink

Carrick Glen Elderflower & Apple Vitamin Water Drink