What Are You (yes, YOU) Doing TODAY For Your RECOVERY?

Congratulations on new job. It sounds rewarding for sure.

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Lots of time on Talking Sober today. And back to basics about sobriety. I was thinking about drinking because I was invited to a gathering where most, if not all would be drinking. Not safe. Why did I want to go?? HALT. I was lonely. It’s a lonely time in my life. But I need to be careful with my company.

Tomorrow I have a lunch to attend and that’s 1000x better than ‘Happy hour’. I learned something because I became curious. So many times in alcoholic life I’m on autopilot. I’m not being mindful, and a bunch of crap happens one day, and suddenly there is beer in the house. Or something lucky happens and suddenly there is a lot of beer in the house. Or bored. I never read between the lines, I never wondered what the causes were, and whether getting drunk was a good idea. Today I wondered. And I feel the power of compulsion fading.

Part of the despair is thinking you have to drink. Asking questions would do no good, you think, you’d still drink. Given a little space from alcohol I finally could start wondering why. There’s a reason. Not just ‘because you’re an alcoholic’. And today it was loneliness. I wanted to be with people, be accepted, and I was considering drinking to be accepted. Was about to cancel myself then the host cancelled. Phew! Relief.

I used HALT today. If you aren’t familiar with the acronym, it is Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired. Those are conditions that can put us at risk for relapse and this saved me today.


AA meeting
Daily reflection s
Sharing food

  • Took a friend to an NA meeting
  • Telehealth with my therapist
  • Walking 2½ miles to another NA meeting
  • Ended up Secretary-ing AND Chairing the aforementioned meeting :arrow_up:
  • Meeting with my sponsor and going over my Step work
  • BJJ class

Thanking my higher power for my recovery
Paying rent for the week
Cleaning my apartment
AA meeting
Doing some reading and less screen time
Riding my bike


Finding out where im included and living in the moment without a drink or drug :slight_smile:

I feel like i know my higher power but im not sure how my higher power works yet

I know to pray for others and not myself unless i need to. I know to help others even though i still need work on that. I just need to observe a bit

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I am having FUN. I should be working… don’t tell my boss (hubby).
I have been reading here, posting and laughing… well I think you all are pretty funny, (crisis aside and not making fun of the struggles).

Recovering alcoholics are a unique variety of human. We are talented and wise. We fight for sobriety while still existing in this crazy world we live in.


I’m building up my resilience, practice mindfulness, following my nutrition and training plans, happy to see tangible results. And keeping myself aware what was mentioned here few times - getting rid of web of lies around alcohol and addiction. Sometimes saying “just be true and honest with yourself” isn’t sufficient. It’s a good thought don’t get me wrong. Having a plan, at least two, with specific goals, is important as well.


The process WORKS! In only 19 months & 12 days I have gotten a new apartment AND a new job as a Peer Support Specialist (with a $3/hour raise). It’s crazyballs awesome how amazing my life is now. The Promises are REAL.



I am excited for you.


Well done man. Keep kicking ass! 🩷

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  • Still setting up my new apartment
  • Recovery Mentor Program alumnus check-in
  • AA meeting
  • HA meeting
  • Step work

I’m here…on this site. I googled and stumbled upon it and I feel like it’s a positive step in staying sober. Great to be here! -sober 2 years!


Welcome to the community Paige. This is a wonderful supportive community to be a part of. Glad to have you with us.
Congratulations on your 2 years :confetti_ball::tada:

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Staying positive and grateful while taping, mudding, sanding and painting a room… healthy activities!

  • Still Still setting up my new apartment
  • Smoothie!
  • Grocery shopping
  • Cooking
  • Step work

1- 200 sit-ups
2-200 pushups
3-log onto my treatment center ulumni meeting at 10:30am pacific time
4-check in on my struggling friends who reached out to me last night
5-calm my friend down after her reaction to a leaky water problem. It’s not bad at all and she is a little over dramatic about it.

  • Still, still Still setting up my new apartment
  • Celebrating the Bears’ 3 - 2 record
  • Cookin’ a chicken & broccoli stir fry
  • Step work

Went to a new meeting, got my 7 yr coin and I didn’t do any actor work!

  • 8 hour Team Building work retreat . . . after working graveyard shift :man_facepalming:t3:
  • Daydreaming about my new Day Shift Peer Support job that starts in 8 days!
  • Sleeping