What do I do if I really want to drink or self harm

Pick up the phone and speak to somebody. If you don’t have anybody to speak to, please find a group in your area that deal with these specific issues. Lighten the load on yourself, you’re doing great :+1:


Thanks :yellow_heart::seedling: @nick_1985


I’m glad you’re ok. I don’t get those often but when they do come they are memorable. Lots of good advice above. I’m glad you’re safe. You deserve to be safe.


Hi. I guess I missed this yesterday.
I hope your doing better today.
Thanks for the shout out earlier.

Have I already shared this with you?

I like the part where the brain can’t handle anxiety and gratitude at the same time.

I’ve shared this so many times I can’t remember who I’ve shared it with. It’s a cool article and you could always read it again. If you’ve already seen it on here.

Yes Restaurant work is tough. I did it all my life. It was the only thing I knew how to do well and make a lot of money. So yes. I know what your going through. My PM is always open if your struggling.
And yes. You are doing this. And you’re kicking ass.


@Dazercat I don’t remember who you sent it to, but I remember it. I just reread.

“I always end my day with a ‘thank you’ even when I have to dig deep to find it.”

I’m glad it’s on this thread. (Which I tried to delete after I posted) I felt embarrassed I shared my weakness. Even in my anxious state I didn’t want other people to see my vulnerabilities. I’ve spent my whole life swallowing, hiding, and numbing feelings and emotions- and that’s the type of shit that caused me to drink in the first place. But I notice a lot of the time people relapse they don’t come here for help during an active craving. So I try to learn from that as well. It’s scary to say I’m struggling and need help, but worth it.

It’s funny I was trying everything last night and I decided to post what I was grateful for. It helped immediately. Interesting that I felt as though that would help the most. And it did. Good to trust a gut feeling. (Backed by science according to the article ;))

I am doing much better today. It was an accumulation of the weekend stressors at work, not eating, not being able to sleep, being so short staffed, and just being so busy.

If you think about it, all you can do is care and do your best. When you put it all in perspective I have so much to be thankful for and all my stressors will eventual resolve. It’s not worth freaking out over.

Thank you for always being here E :socks:


Sorry I didn’t see this thread yesterday.

Something that is very helpful to me is my “self soothing kit”.

It also is a way to soothe your senses and bring you back into the present moment. Anxiety is usually brought on by our brains jumping ahead even by milliseconds, and depression by our brains ruminating over the past.

It is fun to make a kit and I found them a savior when I was self injuring all day, everyday. I keep one in my purse, one in my glove box and one floating around my house.

Here is a photo of one of my kits to give you an idea…

Some very strong smelling and tasting things to grab my senses. I find when I am having urges to self injure I need very intense stimulus to distract me. Then some more calming things like word puzzles and the worry stone for when I am anxious. Picture of my kiddo to remind me of why I never quit. One of her stretchy dinos because it feels cool and reminds me of her…



Shhh you don’t owe me any sorries :kissing_heart:

I LOVE this idea. Your little is a cutie :heartpulse:
I’m already thinking of what I can put in mine.
I have essential oils and a Tibetan song bowl that I may start it with. I’ll have to build it up. Then one for my bag too. Thanks Stella :yellow_heart:

“Anxiety is usually brought on by our brains jumping ahead even by milliseconds, and depression by our brains ruminating over the past.”
I do believe this is my brain most of the time.

Perhaps a reminder that I need to be in the moment more and a bit more mindful. I have trouble sleeping, an over active mind. I’ve been listening to the same sleep meditation on insight timer Relax and Sleep well by Glenn Harrold. I don’t even need otc sleeping pills anymore, I pass right out.


So glad ur feeling abit better today! U did the right thing by reaching out and taking the suggestions. Im really super proud of u girl!


Will give a listen to this, thank you!



:kissing_heart: thank you for the suggestions Dana :heart:
PS. Enjoy that apple crisp :heart::apple: I loved seeing your cake the other day too! You are so talented!

It has helped me so much, I donated to him. Let me know if it helps you :zzz::sleeping: :yellow_heart:


Agree-I learned the box breathing technique a few months ago and it has made a positive impact.


I’m an asshole when I don’t eat regular. I take it out on those in my orbit, not on myself. I’ve taken to keeping a couple of protein bars handy, and I find I have to eat by the clock. If I wait until I feel hungry, it’s too late and I will want to overeat.

Stress is all about vision for me. Fave AA quote “When I have my head up my ass, I have a shitty outlook on life”. It reminds me, in the midst of stress, to focus on what’s important - #1 is sobriety and #2 is gratitude. Thinking to myself “I’m sober and they have no idea what I’ve dealt with” helps me to gain perspective. I like to look out the window, too, in order to practice “raising my eyes unto the hills from whence comes my help (Psalm 121 and I am most def not a religious guy, but I love me a great quote)”.

Remember to eat, to rest, to pray, and to practice gratitude in as many situations and in as many ways as you can.


Hi Caroline, Hope youre feeling better now. I remember getting advice from a psychiatrist where he said “talk it over with someone you trust”. They may catch your delusions or irrationalities and reframe with you. Also he said “you can’t be everything to everyone” and “get though to the next calm spell”

I can relate with your post so closely so tthanks for posting. Be well. :hugs:


Im sorry I missed this too!

Im glad you’re feeling better! You’re doing great!

Anxiety sucks! I had it really bad when I quit drinking. Impending doom anxiety.

Focused breathing in through my nose out through my mouth helps me. deep breaths.

Years ago, working with a therapist, she noticed I quit breathing when we started hitting heavy topics. I never realized it until she pointed it out.

I sometimes had to tell myself anxiety isnt real as I focused on breathing.

My anxiety is minimal these days. It gets better!

Hungry, angry, lonely and tired are the perfect recipe for anxiety.


Fell straight off to sleep when he stopped talking!! I liked his voice, will listen to more of his meditations, thank you!

I really enjoy meditations on Insight Timer with SonicYogi, Sarah Blondin, davidji and Kenneth Soares…all very interesting and relaxing.:slightly_smiling_face:


This is a great idea, thanks for sharing!!


“Remember to eat, to rest, to pray, and to practice gratitude in as many situations and in as many ways as you can.”


Thanks Dan, some sort of a bar is a good idea.

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Good! I’m glad it helped you sleep :yellow_heart:

I’ll check out your suggestions :kissing_heart:

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Hey Owen :slight_smile:

I was able to chat it over with my mom and some people here.

Thank you for reaching out and I hope you found some helpful advice here too. :slight_smile:

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