What do you microwave?

I thought it would be fun to see what people think is good microwaved and what you should never put in one. I know people who have never used a stove in their lives and microwave everything and I mean everything. I myself prefer the stove or oven, but when need be I do use #chefmike. One food I noticed that really does taste as if being reheated in a pan is Rice, while steak for instance is a huge mistake and one I made one night when I was nodding and drunk…that filet mignon was crying while being nuked, but the screams went on ignored. I hope to hear what everyone has to say


Never microwave your phone. Or your laptop.



Metal cutlery?
Although it’s quite an impressive light show.

Don’t try drying clothes in a hurry in one either. Not that I’ve tried, it just springs to mind that it’s probably a bad idea.

My issue with food from microwaves is that anything that is supposed to be crispy or crunchy goes soggy while anything that is supposed to be moist dries out.

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  • Things bigger than it
  • People
  • Anything undead
  • Most things not yet dead
  • Antimatter
  • Most legal documents
  • Genie lamps
  • Time machines
  • Explosives
  • Water for tea

The only thing I use mine for is popcorn so I feel like it’s a waste of space.


Microwaves are useful if you have children. This is something you wouldnt likely understand if you dont have children. We cook food on the stove or bake it in the oven, grill it, etc. most of the week. On days where we’ve been going crazy busy non-stop reheating stuff in the microwave is simple and quick.


Yep. Or if you live alone and don’t like cooking every day. All I use my microwave for is leftovers.

I could do without, except why would I reheat things in the oven or on the stove when it takes way longer and makes me wash cookware all over again?


When you say undead, do you mean like vampires and zombies, or things that are living? Because I’d argue that microwaves could be a potentially good weapon against these creatures… :rofl:


Like vampires and zombies. It tends to damage them, but not kill. Regardless, the risk associated with getting them in the microwave is higher than other more efficient methods of dispatching the undead. :man_shrugging:


100% facts. This person knows their stuff.


I actually have dried a shirt using a microwave :joy: it didn’t have that dryer feel to it but it did work while also fading the color immensely


I second this. I have an extremely busy life and it’s a great way to heat something up while I’m doing the 5 other things I need to get done at the same time.

I usually reheat coffee in mine. I also heat water for tea :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Heathen! :joy:


I know! I love tea kettles too lol I have an electric one and it just takes up space.

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Came for “boiling water.” Was not disappointed.

It’s not so crazy, y’all. The main way microwaves work is by heating of molecular water in food that cooks everything else in the process. You’re basically boiling everything in a microwave, just from the inside out.

Also on the do not list: metal. I didn’t learn this until I was in my early thirties. It’s amazing I had never done by accident.


As much as a Bix boxy microwave?

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I have a microwave oven and a normal microwave up in my kitchen but I was heating something up for my girlfriend in the oven and I put tinfoil and she started to freak out yelling to turn it off before I blow us up :joy:


I do however love nuking pepperonis, for some reason they taste good in the microwave along with Chinese food which always taste better the next day for some reason

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ROFLMAO don’t microwave a cd! You get lightning bolts :rofl:

Trigger warning
we always put the substance on a CD sleeve. if the substance was still pasta and wet … we put that on a CD sleeve and then in the microwave for 15 seconds. during an after party one of my friends had forgotten that there was still a CD in it. everyone was shocked because lightning suddenly came out of the microwave.


Pretty much everything I eat, has been cooked by me. I do meal prep throughout the week, usually bang out 2-3 days of food at a time. Then reheat the meals in the micro throughout the week as needed.

Saves a lot of time to spend an hour every few days making 3 days worth of food and not having to cook every day.