What do you microwave?

I don’t have a microwave at home, but when I’m somewhere with one, I like to heat up a cloth thing filled with rice to use as a heating pad.

In that 80s movie Pump up the Volume, a young lady in rebellion microwaved her pearls and other jewelry and it caused the microwave to explode, so maybe don’t do that.


Also useful if you want less children


:neutral_face: I think all of my kids are finally too large to fit in the microwave now fortunately.


Popcorn in a pan on the stove is easy and comes out way better. I prefer it from the stove to the bagged kind.


I microwave my meal prep lunch stuff at work. Haven’t had a microwave at home in close to 10 years.

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My microwave is built in above my stove, it’s not on the counter

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I only use a microwave for thawing or reheating. Never cooking. My mother would cook a baked potato in the microwave and I thought they were just awful.

But NEVER reheat fish in the microwave. The smell is awful and lingers. It lingers so long that food heated after the fish then takes on a fishy smell.




But I do heat water for vegetable stock cubes.


I worked in a warehouse for a while, and we had a coworker who would heat up canned sardines in the microwave. It was the most foul thing ever, and made the entire warehouse stink the whole day.


Pepperoni chips I call them. Put them on a paper towel and it sucks all the grease out. I’ve done that since i was a child!




Marshmallow Peeps! It’s hilarious!

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Absolutely!! I sometimes rip the bag open to put it in the pan if I’m going to watch a good movie or show and my girlfriend thinks I’m acting ridiculously until she tasted the country crock butter with cayenne pepper sprinkled and stuck around the popcorn. Now it’s rip open the bag and lets see what else we can put on it

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That’s the exact face I made :joy:

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:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: that’s disgusting. That’s absolutely disgusting, I can’t eat fish because of the smell and to have my other food suffer the fate of a nuked fish :nauseated_face: I just can’t. I love sushi lol but it doesn’t have that awful smell

Yeah reminds me of toxic avenger


I binned the microwave,I got given it and only ever did baked beans in it, microwave s microwave food (changes the biochemistry) so it’s not good for human bodies,…I heard their banned in Russia?!:grin:

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I’m the same. Cook from scratch but I have a noodle-obsessed little one so it’s an easy way to reheat after I cook a pot of noodles. Fortunately he’ll eat a variety of them like white, whole grain, spelt, red lentil pasta , chickpea pasta etc. That’s probably all I use it for


Mine too. I never understood - ok so it takes longer in the oven but it is sooo much better. And it’s not like it’s any effort. Just some oil and salt then wait for an hour!

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I think you could have closed the topic after this reply. :rofl::rofl::rofl: