What do you microwave?

giphy (26)


One time I microwaved oatmeal without the water. It was only last year actually. It was a pretty dumb accident, it probably caught fire in there.

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Scrambled eggs can be done in the microwave :blush:

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Lmfao :joy: now I have to try it!

I did something similar during my active addiction with a cup of noodle without the water :face_with_hand_over_mouth: the styrofoam caught fire. The edges were black and the noodles were smoking

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Another one for the America / UK differences thread.
We call it a worktop.

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That sounds way better compared to microwave. Learned something new!

It is not an alternative word for microwave, but the work surface in the kitchen.
US = counter
UK = worktop

Welsh word for microwave is great though. Shall leave it to you to look up.

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It came up in several groups on Facebook like green med info etcā€¦tried to Google the images of an apple before and after microwaving ā€¦the before images the apple had a lovely rainbow aura around it and after it has a zig zag silhouette all distortedā€¦if anybody knows that type of photography then could find the images?..?. Itā€™s quite interesting.:rainbow::+1::pray:

Definitely do not microwave fresh food!..all the frozen shit is frozen shit so a little microwaving will just keep the nutritional value toā€¦shit. :wink::rofl::thinking:

Frozen vegetables often are actually comparable to fresh vegetables if not better in terms of nutritional value. They can be frozen shortly after harvest, preserving the nutrients, instead of decaying for days in trucks and grocery stores like the ā€œfreshā€ produce.


My favorite is parmesean cheese and black pepper. I also had this jalapeno salt a while ago that was awesome but havent been able to find it again. Making it in the pan gives you so many more flavor options.

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Almost nothing
Reheat coffee or popcorn thatā€™s the extent of it. Last place I lived I didnā€™t even have one

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Oh and microwave is a quick way to do acorn type squash. Not as tasty as roasted but a quick way if youā€™re on a rush. But now Iā€™ve turned to my Instant Pot for that

Iā€™m still on the fence about getting an Instant Pot :thinking:
I have too many kitchen gadgets that ultimately just get stored. I did see one recently that had 10 functions ā€¦ including air frying (my air fryer is one gadget that still sits on my counter top)

What do you mainly use yours for @Jane.c @Salty

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The correct way to make these is to throw them directly in the trash


And similarly on the Do Not list is nothing. Donā€™t just turn the damn thing on with no contents.


Uhmn ā€¦ I microwave dinner plates / bowls to get them warm before I dish up hot food.

Mine decides to do that unilaterally whenever it feels like keeping my food cold. Warms the dish to untouchable temperatures so I know it still works and understand I am getting served bucketfuls of spite.

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Could your microwave be possessed? Just a thought. :crazy_face: