What does your nickname stand for?

Yes! I deep feeling inside…that was just expelled…hard to explain…


MB = Where I live
Woman = I’m that

Dang! Rather boring. I even said it out loud a few times. Nope…still boring!


What it takes for me to be sober


Yes, that was me :sweat_smile:

It was the eye from the movie Avatar


This was the name I went by as a child. It was a carefree, magical and alcohol free time. Many of the people whom I cared for and loved are no longer around. My little sister is the only one still alive from that time period who still calls me Joey. How I sometimes long for those simpler, AF days. Having said that I wouldn’t trade it for what I have now; a loving, caring wife and two incredibly amazing twins. :heart:


Because it’s so Easy to just go hey Liv, instead of switching to your real name, i screw up my kids names you expect me to not mess up friends names

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Thanks for asking. I wanted to ask but wasn’t sure how to put it. I like it.

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Cool. Thanks. Always wondered.

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Omg!!! I had no idea u were the same person!!! I remember ur “old” name and that profile pic! Cool!


Yes, Buts never left this building :see_no_evil:
It’s just me.


I thot they were 2 diff people. How cool is this!!!

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I am a Badger born and bred. True story. It’s in the name!

(In the same way that “Dodd” is old English for fox.)


Haha. It’s ok. My mom used to mix up my name with my sister’s when we were young. Never vice versa tho which is odd LOL

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:face_with_monocle: I had to Google the translation of Badger! There’s worse names in Spain. I.e. the girls name “Immaculate Conception” :joy:
Edit; one of my friends name is “Maria de las Maravillas” - Mary of the miracles… we call her “Mara” to save time!

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In an effort to remain anonymous I previously went by ‘Tyler2020’ which is my middle name and the year I got sober (until my recent relapse on cocaine).

When I came back from my relapse, I wanted to be more authentic, and now use the alias I use for my trainer name in Pokemon Go, which is simply CATMAN; because my cats are my entire world and my reason to stay alive every single day, and CAM; because it’s what most people shorten my first name to, which is Camden.

Yes, when I chose my name at the beginning of my transition, I named myself after my favourite place, because I initially trialled Tyler when only my close friends knew, but then I met another trans guy with that name and realised I wanted something more unique and less binary.



There is a comet with a unique and erratic orbit that passes through our solar system which was named “Chiron” after a centaur in Greek mythology. Chiron was unique among centaurs as he was the biological son of the Titan, Kronos, and half brother to Zeus. His mortal mother abandoned him at birth and he was raised and educated by Apollo.

Chiron was a musician, an astrologer, a skilled healer with medicine and herbs (it is said that he is the one who invented surgery, medicine, and pharmacy), and a respected oracle. He was also a great hunter and a skilled fighter. Finally, he was a teacher and there are many heros who were trained by him.

During a battle, he was wounded and poisoned by a hydra venom that was incurable and generally fatal, but since he was immortal he simply lived on in excruciating pain.

As such, he has been called “the wounded healer”. This is especially important when it comes to astrology. The symbol in my profile picture is the glyph that represents Chiron. In astrology, Chiron represents our deepest wound(s) and our efforts to heal that wound. Not only that, but it shows how we will teach and heal others through our our wounding. This might be a conscious or an unconscious effort on our parts.

In our astrological birth charts, Chiron is an area of life where we may feel inadequate, where we might face issues of low self-worth, where we might over-compensate because of that. It might even be areas of our lives where we inadvertently or purposefully harm ourselves because we are already hurting. But it is within this area that we may be able to find the most growth if we are willing to face it. It can be through this pain that we find wisdom.

So I chose the username because, ideally, through taking part in this forum, I will not only find ways to better help myself through interactions and the knowledge others share, but hopefully whatever I might have learned through my own painful experiences will be useful to someone else.


Mine is partly rooted in shame at the origin but now it’s a memory. Jellyfish are bystanders in the marine ecosystem - they take little and contribute less. I chose a li’l jelly because I felt very small and shamed of my mistakes and shortcomings.

Now I keep using it as a reminder of how far I’ve come - some jellyfish are rather dominant in size and effect and can be quite lethal

Also jellies are dumb lol like me but I love watching jellies


Mine is a nickname a very dear friend of mine gave me… He passed away 11-20-2020


When I first joined this app two years ago, my name was just Mike lamica. And their was a gentleman who was on here at the time who’s names was beardymctallman, Chris who I hope is well. I posted a selfie and he called me powerful Mike lamica and then a couple others said oh I see a new name. Then I relapsed left and when I came back made it powerful Mike lamica.


This is a Polish nickname of my name. At the beginning I planned not to share anything personal here (that didn’t go well :slight_smile: ), and in reality nobody used my real name at all, so I thought my choice of name didn’t matter. Now even most of my irl friends call me Tomek, but I live my life pretty transparent anyway (no pun intended), so I don’t really care if someone finds me here.