What does your nickname stand for?

I’ll have a look now! I’m more on the cat thread! :cat::rofl:

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If you happen to need anymore friends lmk and I’ll send a request

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Emi has been my nickname since middle school, soo it’s just become my name haha.


Hi Emi, welcome to the forum! Emi is a nice name! :blush:

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Hey :grinning:

My trainer code is 9044 2199 1739 , always need more friends :blush:

Request sent. :smiley:

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Where in upstate NY? I’m from good old Tupper lake. About 30 mins from lake placid


When I was a kid I played football for the Bulldogs and I had red hair so that was my nickname for years. The numbers were my numbers over the years.


Reviving this for you @Twizzlers
What’s the story? I’m actually more interested in your new avatar. When I see it, I keep thinking it’s
a Jack-o’-lantern :jack_o_lantern: When I try to zoom in on it I can’t figure it out.


I always think about my favorite licorice when @Twizzlers name pops up. It has to be cherry for me but hubby likes strawberry. It’s been an ongoing battle in my house for years. :joy:


Mine is my preferred first name, middle initial, and legal last name initial
Aura Xanthe P


I love this :star_struck:


That’s what I think of too.
And Cherry. Definitely cherry.
I didn’t even know there was a strawberry.
Definitely cherry.


Oh its my bed time mixture of camomile, valarian root and lemon balm. Ever now and then i add a dash of ashwaganda.
So i litrally drink chamomile and lemon balm in the day and by night the rest goes on and it seeps for minimum of 2 hours and then i feel calm. I came off my antidepressant and trying the natural route and its working for me so far.

This is my pic in full size

How have you been?
I had my first face to face AA meeting today I writ about it in checking daily, it was such a positive experience and nice to have some human interaction with like minded people.
But I want to say thank you to you as you where one of and still are so welcoming and supportive I’m gratefull that you are here and that we all are together here.


I’m pretty good. Sobriety wise strong. Thank you.
Now I see it. It’s a tea pot. A glass tea pot. So pretty.
That’s so cool. I’m glad that’s working so far for you. That’s great. Great job going to the meeting. I went to my first Al-Anon meeting about a month ago. 12 steps. And it was really such a relief to be with people that have the same battle to fight. Definitely stronger together.

Thanks for showing me your tea pot. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. But I thought I’d be fun and I didn’t think you’d mind.


I was curious about the pictures, in fact I didn’t recognize the tea pot. But I still don’t know what the @Twizzlers stands for? Or is it the sweets Lisa mentioned? :thinking:


My name is Alison I have 4 cats, my lucky number (because it reminds me of 2 swimming ducks :duck::duck:)


:blush: Love the duck explanation! How curious! Never thought of it like that (seeing 2 :duck: in the number 22!)


In Britain lingo a Twizzle probably means something else. @Twizzlers
And I bet it’s good and cute.


Twizzle was our pet dog who passed a few yrs back.
He was such a loyal huge cuddly dog, he was massive and would still squeeze in for hugs on a small 2 seater sofa awwww I miss him but am so glad that I could be part of his life.