What made you start on your recovery?

Sick and tired of being a hopeless scumbag loser. Now it’s a full court sober press. I’m 96 days in. I just wish the sugar cravings would STOP… I’m swelling up. I take a daily gummi vitamin and I’m drinking as much water as possible daily.


Blacking out alone is dangerous. After about 3 drinks I obsess for more. Not sure why.


Awesome perspective friend. Needed to read that tonight.


Many things but anxiety was a real demon back then.


I love hearing stories such as yours. It gives me hope. I only have 36 days sober but I aspire to be like you. I have given God control and it’s really working. Thank you for sharing.


Couldn’t keep running from my past and all the people I’ve harmed. Couldn’t continue living in pain. So spiritually hurt and lost. When i was at the point of accepting death and seeing the mess I’ve made of my life giving up everything even though i didnt want to put that needle in my arm but not having a choice in the matter thats when i gave up and ceased fighting everything and everyone even alcohol and drugs


I was so tired of wasting my life. Being a prisoner in my own head. Having to plan my day around alcohol. When to drink. Where to buy it. How much to drink that no one would get suspicious and where to hide the booze from my husband. I got so depressed to see my kids growing up with a mom that is always hangover with little patience and bad conscience towards them. Tired of wondering the next day what I talked with whom and being afraid to forget something that I promised while being drunk… Tired of not being able to sleep anymore and tired of fighting with my husband a lot…
I am so grateful for every day being sober :pray:


I’ll double that , couldn’t have said that better myself

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Like what @Englishd said, after years of destroying myself through obscene drug and alcohol binges , self harming and numerous suicide attempts ,nothing worked it all just got worse and after another blackout that was enough for me , I had to try something else …and here I am almost 13 months later …nuff said, recovery works it’s simple, just wish I had done this 20 years ago :heart:


Wow. You are so brave. Thank you so much for sharing! You all inspire me. It’s my day 3. I more awake today. But when does the sweat stop? I never use to sweat before.:heart::sparkles:


I was going to die. There was no way. I was so filled with shame and heartache I just laid in my “bed” a sleeping bag on a yoga mat on hardwood floor and drank. Tried to sleep. Only got up to pee and buy more alcohol at the corner store RIGHT across the street.
Each trip I was weaker and felt sick.
I didn’t eat or drink any water, brush my teeth. Shower or move for 8 days.
And I continued to take the medication I’m prescribed.
I was waiting for the courage to kill myself when I decided to drink a glass of water and stop drinking instead. And find an AA meeting nearby.
Life is weird.


Waking up in bed with an ex of a friend of mine with puke on the floor.

It wasn’t exactly these two things the reason why I stopped drinking. We are both adults and my friend has hooked up with many exes of our group of friends. It was mostly the fact that I know I wouldn’t have done it if I was sober. I wasn’t really attracted to her and I there are plenty of fish, to be honest.

I knew I would be a much better person by not drinking. That I would be healthier mentally and physically, that I would save money and prevent embarassing moments like this from happening. And that’s what I am doing. And I am happy for that.


I’m not the same person drunk as I am sober.
Honestly, Its like Dr Jeckel and Mr Hyde, I disgusted myself.
I have hurt too many people and ruined too many friendships to keep drinking.

Everytime I would wake up I you be checking my text messages to see who I had to apologize to.

I found an amazing partner who means the world to me. I don’t want to fuck that up, so I decided to stop… For good.


Sick of being Sick


• Blackouts leading me to really dangerous situations
• The fact I reacted difderently drunk than sober
• My emotions dissapeared when I was drunk
• I did not care about anything when I was drunk
• I had no control over my drinking
• Very bad depressions in two, three days after I drank

The moment when I have got lucky to get awake and finally open my eyes to see that I want to stop drinking was when my boyfriend found me sleeping on the bar and tried to carry me home. I blackouted myself after 2 months sober with this app. This night should be only 2, max 3 beers. Instead I do not remember swearing on my boyfriend on the way home, telling him that I hate him and why is he doing it (I do not know what) to me. I remember like 3 seconds from Uber, when I felt sick and I was praying not to throw up in the car. Next thing I remember is myself sitting at the toilet. That is it. My bf told me I was there about an hour. I woke up still dressed up with absolutely crazy hungover which lasted whole day until unbelievable 4am (It was hard to wake up at 5am to work)! I could not drink or eat anything whole Sunday otherwise I would vomite. I did not have hungovers at all before. So now I realised how much I had to poisen myself when I even did not use to have a poison reactons anymore!

I never ever want to be this stranger again. The girl who hates her bf although I love him the most in the world! The girl who hated herself, why would she be otherwise voluntarilly destroying her own health and life? The girl who did not remember half of her time being because she would be blackout.
No, thank you. Sobriety gives me a freedom and awarness. No more drugs for me.


Oh my god. I am glad you are here today, writing this story. Why would you drink for 8 days like this? Did you want to kill yourself from some reason? For how long did you used to drink before this happened and for how long are you sober now?
I hope you don’t mind me asking. I am just curious.
I also had times when I would be drinking for more days in a row, with no eating or drinking anything but alcohol. But I couldn’t manage to do this for 8 days. 2, 3 maybe. And I always felt horrible after such a “run” for days.
I literally can’t imagine how you had to look and feel like after 8 long days like this… :cold_sweat:



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Hitting the ol rock bottom for the 3rd time… Losing my wife because of it… And crying while I was using wasn’t the norm for me so… Yeah that sums it up in a bit of a nut shell. Hope all is well with you and yours


Well, I’m a tough mothering alky. I put up with lots of loss and consequences and the physical, moral, and spiritual beatings administered by alcohol. For 35 years.

What got me started on my recovery was an out of body, spiritual experience. I heard a voice telling me that everything was going to be alright and that I would be able to stop drinking. I trusted that voice, did what I was told to do as I entered into the legal system as an offender yet again, and went back to AA.

Every little thing is gonna be alright. :pray:


Wow all of you are amazing. God has a purpose for all of us.