What would you do if fear didn't hold you back?

Im Scottish I dont have fear ,lol

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This just happened in my town yesterday :point_up_2: :grimacing: I want to sky dive so bad but after this happening with the company I was going to jump with, I’m re thinking my decision :thinking::grimacing::joy:


il be honest , I don’t feel fear or think about fear really… The only thing I think about doing now in regards to fear is , everything outside of my inner self… I now out of the blue, suddenly in the last year and a half, have realised how fast my life has gone by, is going by…

Ive already done so many amazing things in my life. Ive experienced so much. So much good.

But I never thought about time. Never. It never crossed my mind. Untill recently…

So what I would do if I did not fear I didn’t have much time in this incarnation?..I would put myself out there , back into the world again, amongst other humans, and not continue being so solitary and recluse…

I love all humans, I love people. But the past few years if detached myself from society and all other humans… To focus on knowing my inner being authentically.

I now well and truly now know my inner being.

I have no reason to continue living in solutide, not emersed out there with other humans.

I would not fear beginning all over again.

New people. New friends. New lovers.

Its all fear based now because it takes alot of inner energy to allow new externals energies into my over all space.

I’d stop being so protective and let the energy vampires do there thang and in turn, just experience it as it be :heart::pray::innocent:


Love this :heart:


Be more outgoing and gregarious.

Perhaps play music live again. Haven’t done so in about a decade. Stage fright so bad my hands shake to the point where I physically cannot play. As a result I don’t even play with others in private, let alone in front of an audience.

Both of these are perceived mental blocks. Strictly mental and can be overcome, because there is quite literally nothing stopping me from either one other than my brain.


I think I would leave and go see at least one tornado before I die. I have loved storms and been interested in what turns them into super cells since I was a little girl




This really strikes home for me in a way. I’m a songwriter, pianist, and vocalist, but I’m terrified to perform in front of others. So yes, you make perfect sense to me. It’s fun to get together with others and make music, but there’s no pressure to be perfect and to please someone else by being perfect in the way that an audience expects. All those eyes watching can make the delight of being with friends and making music into something bitter and unsavory.

Omg me too! I thought I was the only grown up in the world who didnt drive! :joy:


Your not alone :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:


How to save a life :rofl:

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I don’t drive either :rofl: 41 and just about to get my license :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You still have the power to change your life :pray:


Quit my job, work as a nurse per diem and spend as much time as possible with my family and loved ones.


I’m with Jan. I’d be myself. Well, I actually am working on that now. Looking for myself I am. Once I find myself I’d like to show myself to the world too. If I dare.
Go Jan! You got 35 years on me friend.


I still had to get a degree (not an university one though) to make that sort of money here. As I do now. But I never had a student debt thank god. And I can afford to live in the town of my birth thanks to the fact that I’ve been living where I live for 22 years now and have rent protection. Normally the people who earn the sort of money you describe and what I make can’t afford to live here anymore. I think it’s always better to earn your degree first. If it’s not too far off that is.


@Jennajen I understand. I have friends who quit university with only their thesis to do. Looking from the outside it would always seem better to finish it. Just the title is worth something, although less then it was 30 years ago.


Tell my husband this all the time, I Would try to fix whatever it was I did wrong in my last life that was so bad that made me have to come back and live this life so lonely and friendless. Because whatever it was it must have been horrible really really bad. I’m just ready for this life to end and get on with it…
Anything to keep me from come back and live this life again, crying myself to sleep at night, ts is a lonely place for an addict truly in need of a friend,this is my 2nd time n needing help that I’ve come here it’s not changed, I’m going to give it another little bit, and I’ll slip away, holiday, birthday and being alone,

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Find a professional to help me record my song writing and music . get it out there and not be worried what anyone thinks . Take a risk and move to a bigger city .