Where my cat people? #3

Happy 11th bday Sox :partying_face::balloon:


Congratulations! :confetti_ball:
Nice cat! Does he has a bit siamese in his family line? It was because of the shape of Sox his head that made me wonder about that.


I feel like Sox has some Birman in him as well. Happy birthday young man!


Happy Birthday SOX!


3 day old Bengal Kitten it is my daughter’s. Eventually will be adopted but for now I get to enjoy kitten time.


He’s considered a “Lynx point Siamese” which is a combo of Siamese and tabby. But he was an alley stray. :grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Beautiful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Years ago I worked as a vollunteer when I white siamese cat was brought in. I will never forget her, she was so sweet. We called her Barbara Streisand because of the shape of her head/nose :hugs: And because of the cat was looking cross-eyed.
I already had a cat who doesn’t like cat compagny otherwise I had take her in.


Politely awaiting breakfast


Well it happened, my 2 1/2 year old kitty escaped tonight. It took an hour and a half, a lot of blood (mine not his) and a lot of patience but he is home and safe.
My husband and I actually worked as a good team. I think I was bad cop, he was good cop. I have never seen this cat more angry or scared and I am soooooooo grateful we got him back. No more patio time for a while.
Apologies I don’t think this is a trigger but if so please edit or flag.
Water the cat is laying at my husbands’s feet currently as if nothing happened. I am going to need a minute. Not pictured, the chunk he bit out of my pectoral region. My lovable, terrified idiot. I am so mad, sad, glad all at the same time.

To keep it kitty here he was two days ago. My tiny, born feral monster.



Oh my goodness Emilie! That’s awful
I’m glad hes home safely but man those wounds are insane. Wonder what got him so riled up.


Oh no, sorry this happened :persevere:
Cats under stress are completely wild and unknown, don’t beat yourself up about it.
Also, please take really good care of those bites and scratched, it’s no joke that they can be lethal with infection.
Kiss your boys, they don’t mean it. :heart::heart:


Proper clean the cuts :people_hugging: it will sting. But it won’t get infected. I use the hand gel from when Corona was first about if I get any cuts or grazes and they have never become infected when I do this. They were not cat scratches though so yes clean them well :mending_heart:
Maybe get some help to do it and some water to wipe after to help with the stings.



He is sleeping cozily now but here is the timeline for those interested, and for my sanity.
I got home from my third 12 hour shift in a row yesterday at 2 am. I was sleepy but excited for my day off today.
At 2:30 my husband went outside to put food in the bird feeder on our patio and the cats went out with him. I’ve been experimenting with letting kitties have some patio time but I am laser focused on the task at hand when they come out with me. Hubs gets distracted and tells a story about poutine, Water slips under the railing.
We panic, Water bolts to the next door neighbor’s patio and starts throwing his body against the neighbor’s glass patio door. At 2:30 am. We try to coax with food and love but the kitty is not coming to us. I’m sorry but I eventually pulled him under the railing by his front paws.
Carrying him back into the apartment complex he is nervous and tense against me but when we enter the apartment foyer he goes insane, biting and scratching he is scared to death. In hindsight I brought him into a complex with many animal smells and held him with his face up against my chest. He could probably smell animals and wasn’t able to see and freaked out.

He then went full feral. Climbed 6 feet up the walks, threw himself against the mirrors and windows to escape, climbed a fake tree and clung to it. I was dripping blood so I went to get a towel to wrap him in so he freaked out more. Ears back, eyes huge, mouth open and scenting and that horrible feral rumble/moan of scared kitties.
I give up. He is panting and I have chased him up and down the halls and just made him more scared. I go back into the apartment, tag my husband in and tell him to shoo the cat out the door to the outside. I figure he has a better shot of calming down if he is outside and can jump up on our patio than being stuck inside an apartment hallway/foyer when people start walking large dogs in an hour at 5 am.
I also realize we might just lose him but he is so scared I can’t touch him.

Hubs goes in and out with him a few times and finally, he says by going zen, convinces the cat to be picked up loosely around the middle and carried back into our home. He did it right when I gave up. Water was twining around my husbands ankles in 30 minutes of coming back in. We will have some good solid play time before I trust him completely again. His poor brother was forlornly waiting in the window the whole time. They truly are feral little guys even after 2 and 1/2 years inside.

No more outside time, lots of rest today and A&D ointment all over our cuts. Thanks for listening. It helped to get that out. My productive day off before a working weekend will now be one of rest and I am good with that. Phew. That was a very scary experience.


I think he got a taste of grass under his feet and then we spooked him with our panic. I didn’t know he had it in him.


We are mending and don’t worry I wasn’t beating myself up about it but I was definitely blaming my husband for a while. :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_spiral_eyes:
I’m really grateful my husband persevered when I couldn’t. We both had a good cry at 4:30 am. Ugh.


Oh wow 
that’s a hell of a way to end your day.
I see how that could have spooked him (the unfamiliarity of it all). Sorry love. Grateful everyone is home and you are tending to yourself. Hope you heal quickly :pray:t4:


Last night was quick first aid with soap water and antibacterial. My husband got bit right on the thumb pad and it is swollen but I hope not infected. I washed it very well. I’m exhausted y’all.


Thanks Jazz. I have never tried to engage with a full feral cat I hope never too again. Now we heal. No more patio trips for the kitties. Phew!


That’s crazy! I’m glad he came back to you :pray:
Please look after those wounds, even after they seem to be healing. I’ve seen cat scratches turn ugly, fast. I once had to get antibiotics after volunteering at the SPCA and believing myself to be a cat whisperer (I’m not). Take care :heart:


Ha! Way ahead of you on the scratches. Every internal twinge is cat scratch fever and you can’t convince me otherwise. It was a WebMD rabbit hole day.