Where my cat people? #3

grateful that she is eating - sorry for the medication to wear off so quickly and cause such symptoms. I do hope halving the meds will work out - sorry you will be doing feedings throughout the evening. :pray: sending comfort to your sweet lady (she really is aging so well).


Me too. Sheā€™s only eating the salmon food right now though. :laughing: so picky! Im gonna try slightly lowering her dose bit by bit to see where she seems comfortable but not laid out. I think that will help. I already feed her every 4 hours, so the offset three hours is a bit odd, but Iā€™m concerned that if she gets the meds at the same time as her food then she will stop eating. I hope we will be able to figure it all out :crossed_fingers:t2:


Heā€™s so beautiful :heart_eyes_cat:


Alice likes following Zeldy.
I hope you get things sorted out over there. And I hope you get to take naps during the day.
Al Ral just keeps chugging along.

Edit for whatā€™s itā€™s worth Al is liking the Perfect Portions by Iams. They have salmon too


Alice looking so graceful and relaxed!

Thank-you. Sadly, naps are a rare thing, but Iā€™ve been seriously thinking I need to make them a thing.

Iā€™ll check out Perfect Portions. :+1: Zelda has reached the ā€œmom I only want chicken nuggetsā€ stage of life :laughing: meaning she has a small number of foods she will eat reliably, but she knows when they shift the recipe even a little. :sweat_smile:


Awww mutual love and trust, itā€™s beautiful. Get brave :muscle:


Sheā€™s so gorgeous!


Working on it. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Tell me about it. It took me quite a while to find a brand of kidney diet food she likes. Couple of months ago she simply stopped eating it. Right now thereā€™s one other brand sheā€™ll eat on and off, and otherwise itā€™s non-diet kitten food. Any food is better than no food right.

And medication, well. The antibiotics I had to force down her throat for an ear infection earlier this year totally traumatized the both of us. No way Iā€™ll get another pill into her. And she wonā€™t touch any food whatsoever with a pill in it. Absolutely not. So medication will have to be transdermal or by injection or it wonā€™t fly. Our old Ladiesā€¦




We have the smorgasbord of little plastic individual or perfect portions littering the pantry. So many we canā€™t remember what she likes or doesnā€™t like :grimacing: itā€™s crazy. Especially with 4 of them :heart_eyes_cat:



I completely understand what you mean when you talk about her simply stop eating the brand she consistently liked. A road well walked here! Any food is better than no food without a doubt. Any type of food I can find that she will reliably eat, Iā€™m buying it. Iā€™m glad youā€™ve found something that works!

Sorry to hear about the pill struggles! Zelda is impossible to pill (for me), so two of them I crush up 1/4th each and dig little holes into Temptation treats, dig out a bit of the soft filling, then put just a little bit of the crushed pills into the treat and cover it liberally with treat filling (the broken treats provide extra filling). It works really well but takes a ridiculous amount of time to do every morning.

Our old ladies indeed! You take such good care of yours :heart:

@Dazercat Time to start labeling the cans! :rofl:


Weā€™re loving this :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


That is a beautiful pic of Luna! She looks healthy and happy! My kitty thrived on kitten foodā€¦ but is not eating it right now.

Speaking of her, here she isā€¦ she says she has to keep one eye open when the camera is on herā€¦

@Dazercat you have a well read kitty!!


Okay, hereā€™s our situation currently. Our Josie is pregnant and due any day now. Before you get all on my butt about how irrisponsible of a cat owner I am, let me explain. We had a spay appointment, but the freaking location I live in is so backed up on Spays/Neuters that the appointment was literally a 6 month wait. In the time that we were waiting, she found a way to get out of the house and whore around.

So, here we are, a cat about to pop any day now. So, withhold the judgement, and give me your advice on cat birthing. We are proficient in human birthing. We have 5 boys in our house, a set of twins in the mix as well. We didnā€™t do any home births though. So, what should I expect from this cat birth experience? Good advice appreciated.


I honestly have no idea, though I expect there will be a lot of information online. Are you asking to be emorionally prepared or trying to know what types of things you needbto actually do to be ready?

Iā€™m asking because sometimes adding specifics of why youā€™re asking or what type of advice you are looking for can help others know what to advise on.

Will you keep the kittens or try to find homes for them?


Mama cat needs a quiet nest away from eyes with a cozy surface and food and drink for after and room for her littles. Most cats prefer to birth on their own so as long as everything progresses normally you shouldnā€™t have to interfere.

If you do have to get involved I would suggest watching some ā€œwhat do I do whenā€¦ā€ videos before that point. No shame here. Good luck to Josie.