Ohhh what a beauty Junuh is!
That face!!! What a gorgeous kitten
She likes to rest her chin somewhere along the wrist wrest bar or mouse pad rest and watch me play. The downside is that she drools a lot which means I replace them more often than I normally would.
Tis the season! Heating the stoves started today. Oh boy are we warm and cozy and chilling, the fire burning and heating the room …
That middle picture just makes me want to reach through the internet and give pets. what a little ball of adorable.
I petted my old boy all evening! Pets from you are very much appreciated
That’s a really nice set up you got there. Love the fire. And of course the cats. Bet that’s a frequent spot for them this season when the fire is going.
She is cute. Doesn’t look like she misses many meals
Kinda looks like my Daisy.
Your cat’s shadow is looking a little suspicious
Merlin having a murder mitt moment.
Aaaaahhh, too cute! I wanna rub that little belly!
This was the perfect picture opportunity. I didn’t touch her or interact with her at all but as I was taking some pictures she started “yelling” at me, then got up and turned around so that she was facing away from me. Clearly this aged model was not in the mood for the paparazzi.
Her body language says, " What is the meaning of life outside of the safety of the box? How did I get here? Why am I even here? Can I ever go back???"
Ooooh, question! Does she still like to be on the box when it is directly in front of the window? I wonder if she feels more secure in a position that isn’t quite as exposed, but she can still enjoy looking out and getting a bit of sun.
I’ll ask her