Where my cat people? #3

Sorry for your litter box woes. I know the frustration :confounded: but mine is the opposite. My boy used to pee outside the litter box. I got him fixed when I was supposed to but I think it was still about marking his territory, which was anything that belonged to me :tired_face: Heā€™s gotten WAY better over the years but every few months it still happens. Itā€™d be easier if it was :poop: bc Iā€™d find it right away! Anyway, is Coriā€™s tummy better? Could be sheā€™s not feeling well and wants to show you :thinking:


Hi there @Just_Laura, her tummy WAS better and she was still pooping on the carpet. Last night her diarrhea was back. I wonder why? :thinking: so thatā€™s why she went so many times. Anyway, I pulled the rug out of my room and thoroughly cleaned it. I am not going to put it back in my room anytime soon. I am hoping with fewer choices she will use her box.

I have an appointment with a behavioralist from the humane society on Thursday morning to hopefully figure out why she is doing this. I wonā€™t let her into the rest of the house right now because I donā€™t trust her. So she is staying in my room.


Itā€™s a crowd pleaser :joy_cat: Now I definitely have to keep it around!


Looks a lot like Jess in this photo itā€™s just the look and the eyes. She was the first cat we got when we came back from Germany in 91. She was only tiny but she ruled the roost even we has 7 cats, nothing in the neighbourhood was safe if it pissed her off, regardless of species or how big and she never came off second best. :innocent:&:smiling_imp:



Today I finally saw her and made friends: Hermione, a rescue from the shelter who now lives in a garden center nearby her best life. She wonā€™t let brush so in spring the groomer will shear her. Oh yeah Iā€™m looking forward to the halved cat :rofl:
I forgot how wonderful, funny, playful and just heartmelting persians are. And how fucking occupied you are year in year out with brushing & grooming them :see_no_evil: God, I miss my persians :smiling_face_with_tear:

Please meet Hermione, 5 years, friendly, sweet and boss of the garden center :orange_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good luck with the behavior specialist. :crossed_fingers: Please forgive me if you have already mentioned these things, but how long have you had her? Did she used to use the litterbox and now wonā€™t all of a sudden? Have you had her checked out by her vet for possible medical issues?

I would feel depressed over this too. Hang in there.

@Button83 Okay that is just a lovely photo all around. Clothes on cats is often a hit or miss thing for me, but this one definitely works.

@Mauvaisminou That little hat! :laughing:


Yes, sheā€™s seen the vet! Sheā€™s on a special gastrointestinal cat food. :smirk_cat:


How long have you had her? Did this just start up suddenly or has it been since you got her? Again, you might have mentiones these in the past but I dont see every post.

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His name is Mister McCoy , he also goes by shmoops or shmoopaloop or shmoopy :laughing:


As one should. :smile_cat: Well Mister McCoy is welcome here anytime especially if he is sporting such dapper little clothes. Welcome!


Iā€™ve had her for 5 months, since she was about 5 months old. Itā€™s been a problem this whole time! Hopefully the behavioralist will help on Thursday.


Do you have several cats? Do they each have a litter tray and is it the largest size you can fit in the area, much bigger than the cat? I can only think your cat is fretting around the litter for some reason.

This is what Iā€™m using for my kittens:

One is stacked on top of the other for now as they are just using the one while they are kittens. It keeps the poop in the litterā€¦ Itā€™s super big and they really like it in thereā€¦


Unfortunally she didnā€™t make it to the animal shelter. The weather was bad, it was snowing and the roads where slippery. Halfway she felt badly with her scooter and injured her knees :disappointed_relieved:
Sheā€™s feeling a bit better now but has to prospone the cat date.


Oh no. Thatā€™s so sad, your poor daughter. I hope she is ok!! What a shame for her. Sending recovery vibes. :heart::heart:


She is ok-ish. It hurts when she walks she said. I hope it going to be a bit better today because she has to work tonight. And she has to be on her feet all night untill late. She is not the type to call in sick (but she did yesterday). So I hope if she canā€™t work she wonā€™t go.


Bless her. She should definitely rest up today. Work is work is workā€¦


Yes, almost exactly what I said to her :wink:

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I just canā€™t deal with themā€¦ They are learning a lot at cute schoolā€¦ They now make these tiny noises, I can only explain it as similar to the squall of a magnificent Lapwing scoping the plough; equally organic and electronic.

They are definitely using their fixed Hyoid bone to good effect; between that and the new electronic mini miaows we are nurturing two very adept manipulators into the cat alumni.


Yin and yang :yin_yang: and looking so adorable! I wish we could all hear the sound they make together. Seems fun!