Where my cat people? #3

Perfect name for a perfect kitty. I hope she chooses to trust you. Keep us updated.


Little boy Blue :blue_heart:


The old boy always finds the perfect spot: sunny in the morning, cuddling with me under the blanket in the afternoon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Always a pleasure to see you check in Hanna :heart: :people_hugging: :heart: . And Paavo shining!


Love those pink toe beans


Some Noodle content cause its been to long


Has anyone had luck socializing shy kitties with guests?
My boys are two now and still get really anxious around visitors. I had a friend over tonight for 5 hours and my guys hid the whole time. Bird has forgiven me and is now out but Water is still in hiding. We don’t entertain at home often, for this reason, which might be exacerbating the problem but I would like to feel comfortable having people in the house. Any thoughts cat people?


A kitty will do what a kitty ( or kitties) will do. They’ll be fine hiding out and might even make an appearance when you least expect it. Possibly not, too.


Sooooo lovely Noodle :orange_heart::orange_heart::orange_heart::orange_heart::grin: and very decorative :wink:


My younger ones were very shy due to the lack of guests during covid restrictions & lockdowns. As they grew older it changed. I don’t often have guests. To some of my people they are used to in the meantime, some are explicitly loved, new ones get either ignored or inspected. She needs more time to come out, he became a purrer & sniffer. They will be 5 in may. They started slowly changeing from shy to interested at about 3,5 years.
I never forced anything but I talked to them (invisibly hidden upstairs), introduced the guest and invited them to join us telling them it’s fine. It didn’t help with the shying but it still is a nice ritual for her. She is still away lurking when people come in and comes down later :grin:

Missi in her full morning mama I want breakfast mood :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


She’s beautiful. :blush: We don’t have many people over and the kitties have hidden areas they frequent when that happens. I don’t push them but I do invite them and talk to them soothingly to let them know my visitors are okay. I’m glad I’m not the only one doing this. :heart_eyes_cat:
I think time is probably the answer. I just hate to see them scared.


Unfortunately the blueprint for how they behave as adults lies in their kitten hood. So they will always be scared if they are unsure or not used to guests… Yours are also rescued from an outdoor area where they would have been hyper vigilant no doubt to noise and strangers just to be safe and secure. They obviously love you and clearly trust you, which is beautiful. My old semi feral cat was the same as yours… Not interested in others at all, they were superfluous entities.

With repeated exposure they might improve, or they will hide ever time…Which is fine ya know, but upsetting for you. They will get over it. Some cats are really mono and share love with just their direct slaves.

They are still really young Em, I would say that if it’s important to you, then start to invite your friends over more regularly and keep it short, mini visits. Talk to them and reassure them when the friend arrives and get your friend to talk to them so they hear their voice. Act natural, don’t seek them out afterwards. With repetition they will for sure start to see that nothing is going to go south during this visits and they might start to venture out. Or not. You can’t make a cat do anything :sob::rofl::rofl:

Currently I’m doing noise training on mine with freeze dried chicken treats when they don’t respond. They just kind of got ok with the nutri bullet. Foil is a no go, they are off like a shot… The hoover, even on, they just stare at. It makes no sense!! I also make them meet delivery drivers lol, Liam my DPD driver gets cuddles :rofl:


Hahaha. This cat has an IV of Lick e lix treat I swear.

Amended to: You can’t make a cat do anything without copious treats…

Ps. I’m actually training mine too do normal things also as they are so young… Not a hula hoop in sight!


What breed is she, she’s gorgeous! Looks like a Maine Coon or N. Forest? Siberian?

These cats are such gentle giants, I love them.


Time hop today of my forever best friend, Mogg.
My baby girl, the bravest pudding in the world :earth_africa:

Well, today’s game is interesting… The cats are turning the sound bar on and off and putting the volume up to 56 so the flat is shaking…

At least they also like football. Proud soccer mom :muscle:

With three games on today, it might be a long day of kitten taming…


They are Maine Coon. My old boy, the white one, is a Sacred Birma :orange_heart:


Beautiful! :heart::heart::heart:

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They are so sweet and rearrange themselfs to be most comfy …


Hello Menno, peek a boo randomly to see if you guys are still working on it :face_with_monocle::wink::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: