Where my cat people? #3

Luna is so cute! I am in the process of possibly starting one of my cats on solensia… curious if she has tolerated it well?


Luna says thank you! I have not noticed any side effects yet. Also not that much improvement TBH, but this is her second injection and they say it takes a while before it really has effect, so should try at least two or three times. She does jump better (easier and higher) I feel. It IS expensive stuff. But it’s Luna… No final judgement yet.


Thanks for the info! Yes it is pricey but if it helps then it’s totally worth it.


The sweetest cuddly Blue there is :heart_eyes:


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Snuggled. :heart_eyes_cat:



That content little face just says it all. Those guys are the best. 🩷


They send you hugs, :hugs::hugs:


OMG - these two just made my day – your kitties are absolutely adorable :heart:


They are very very cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: they send you a hug too!

They like lots of cuddles :grin:


So after your post I wanted to show off the orange tabbies we’ve had throughout the years.

First 2: back in the 80’s 90’s
Bowie. He’s a bit larger and move buff. My wife’s cat she adopted just before we met. They actually gave her the wrong cat :scream_cat:
Let me tell you about upper respiratory issues and other infections @maxwell :grimacing:

The little darker orange girl was my McAdo born on a farm in Texas.

Later on we ended up with Joe after they lived a long spoiled life with us. Joe top left. Some asshole tossed him out of a moving car :scream: :angry: when he was a baby. Then O’Malley next to Joe top right.
And Alice looking a bit young and chunky.

O’Malley came with a sister. Ginger. We rescued them from a house that was being demolished. They didn’t have any known owners.

Don’t know if you remember but Alice was tossed in our dumpster at 10ish days old. She the only pet we actually know her age. 17 1/2 now.

Alice didn’t cooperate in this pic. It’s hard to get 5 cats in a pic. But the white one was Trax. He was our neighbors cat. They didn’t take care of him. We gave them shit about it. And we ended up with him.
And the dog is was Max.

So that’s our orange kitty tabby story.
3 girls
3 boys
They were all very friendly and got along with dogs @maxwell well the cats came first. If the dog didn’t get along the dog wouldn’t have stayed. But we made it happen.


I always forget about the Cat thread! The first pic is my baby girl, Riley. I adopted her from a shelter in 2010. She recently passed. She was a tiny girl, barely 6lbs. And the sweetest, I called her my little love bug. She liked to ride on my shoulders around the house. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And this is my new senior rescue, Alex. He is approximately 11 years old, and 16 lbs. He came from the same rescue that Riley did. He has some of the same mannerisms as Riley, but 3x the size. As you can see from the 2nd pic, he has made himself at home. :cat:


Here is Riley with my dog Buddy, in November, one month before she passed away. :disappointed:


We had been considering trying this for Zelda. I’m glad Luna has been handling it well.


Aaaah, thank you Eric for taking the time to show you all of your red cats.
The one in the second picture in the front (Alice?) looks very alike Wikkel.
I always had a cat since I was 17 years old, but always just one. The first was Poes, she was a calico cat (is that how you call a cat with 3 colours in your country? Google says :sweat_smile:). She was our house cat in our student house.
My first cat of my own was Poetje, also a calico cat. She died at 18 years old because of a fight with another cat ore dog outside. She got bitten badly.
Buts I showed here a lot, I got him from the animal shelter. He was 18 when he drowned behind our house. Still miss him much.
Wikkel is ingeWIKKELd (difficult) we say in Dutch. She likes us but only wants cuddles if she comes collect them. Seems to like her plaids more then us :laughing:
Never sits on our lap (one time half and for 10 minutes ore so). Eat like we starve her :blush:
But we :orange_heart: her.


By the look of it she does love belly rubs though, which is a BIG plus! :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes, it took a longggg while but she show us her belly sometimes :hugs::confetti_ball:
We have her for 1 year now and we still see some progress so who knows what she does next year? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


She looks so fluffy and happy there :kissing_cat:
She’s probably still warming up to you.


My boys.

Cuddles and more cuddles. Feeling loved :heart_eyes:


Oooh, I want in on the orange kitty display! I love them! They’re so friendly and goofy! There’s been quite a few over the years. I don’t have pictures of Binky, Buster, or Bonkers from my childhood but there’s plenty more :smiley_cat:

Twinkie - the only female, who was not very friendly

Buttons - the last thing my best friend gave me before she moved to Texas in 1994

Buster - my grandma’s cat

Spiderman - the first cat I owned when I was 19

Benny - he lived in the retirement home my grandma was in. She was allergic but he always wandered into her room.

Krieger of course - baby krieger :heart_eyes_cat:

Stu - loved this lazy boy

Krieger did too

Yay orange kitties!!! :orange_heart: