Where my cat people? #3

Oh yes our little Rita :heart_eyes:
She doesnā€™t meow much, unless she is telling me she needs something. I think itā€™s due to the fact she lives with 3 other cats and a dog. So she takes Ques off them.
Il tell you what is a spooky story :sunglasses: I found out recently over the past few weeks the lady who passed away in this home before I moved in (I have lived here for 10 years) was called Rita :open_mouth: I didnā€™t know this when we named her.
She does give a little meow in the night for me to come and find her and bring her to bed sometimes. I know sign language as it is what I did for work a while back. So I talk to them all using sign language and my voice.
Rita is loud though, itā€™s like she likes to feel the vibrations of knocking stuff and jumping lol :laughing: love her to pieces.

Iā€™m sorry to hear Alice has lost her hearing. I think the good thing is that you have a safe peaceful home where she feels safe. I think Polly my dog is getting a little old now. Itā€™s sad :cry:


Rita is such a little doll :heart_eyes_cat:
That is so spooky. Rita has come back home.

Alice may be deaf and 17 1/2 but sheā€™s looking pretty good and doing well. We are probably going on 2 years of this subcutaneous fluids and sheā€™s just keeps going.


Alice does look so cute in the pic :heart_eyes: and yes looks very well for her age.

Thatā€™s extra spooky haha :joy:


She says thank you.
Sheā€™s on me right now. Sheā€™s always on me if Iā€™m sitting in a chair. Or in bed. At her age and deafness sheā€™s constantly by my side. I love it so much. I just hope itā€™s not bad thing like sheā€™s frightened all the time or something. I donā€™t know. Itā€™s so sweet though. Sheā€™s off to her heated bed now.


She knows she is safe with you :hugs:.
I think if she was frightened she would hide especially when sleeping. She just loves you lots!


Oh she is so beautiful and does not look 17 1/2 at all. :heart: :heart: totally looks like a precious little kitten!


lovely to meet Rita :heart: how adorable :hugs:

that is a spooky story Twizzle. got some chills reading it.


The two little mischief makersā€¦ Destroying things is a given.


Okayā€¦ Bear on the right, Blue on the left?


They already have that ā€œit wasnā€™t meā€ look!! :rofl:


Sheā€™s beautiful.
Betty tends to meow very loudly when she realizes sheā€™s alone and doesnā€™t know where we are. Once our other cat or one of her people go to find her, sheā€™s OK and happy again. She loves to knock things over. We no longer have nice things (actually, we put everything we value and donā€™t want broken in the guest room and keep the door closed). She likes to be up high, usually on the highest tier of the cat tree. I guess she feels safest up there. I also know some sign language. She recognizes some signs, especially eat. I had no idea what to expect when we got her. Itā€™s not much different than having a hearing cat. She takes cues from our other cat and follows us around a lot


Iā€™ve decided to start sharing some old pictures of when I used to volunteer at the Humane Society. I used to take quite a few pictures and some are worth sharing.

This guy was always looking up at the skylight. It was very amusing.


Yes!!! :blush: You got it.


I also cat proofed my home :joy:
Oh yes Rita, if Iā€™m on the loo, or a doors closed she will meow she definitely doesnā€™t like closed doors.
When I pop to the shops she is only happy in the hallway with the Polly :dog2:.
She also likes to be high up too.
When we first got her I could see she was wary as when she would sleep she would go under the bed at the back. So when she stopped doing that I knew she knew she was safe and this is her tribe.
Iā€™m really lucky my others are so loving and friendly if I play you tube and a cat meows they all come over like ā€™ has she got another one ā€™ :joy:

Iā€™m going through a dilemma atm with mine.
They were outdoor cats, (except Rita who goes in the catio not oaming freely) since we moved out for building work for 4+months they had stayed indoors very happy.
Now we are back home with the garden one of them really wants to go out. But all I keep seeing on this nextdoor app is peopleā€™s cats going missing and being taken by people who think they are strays - all the cat did was sit on their wall and they take them.
So Iā€™m scared to let them back out again but feel mean.
They are happy and chilled indoors but they miss going Im sure. Iā€™m just scared someone will take them.
So not sure what to do! Itā€™s been since July 2023 they have been indoors. Iā€™m thinking to wait until summer so Iā€™m with them out there all dayā€¦ watching them hehe :eyes:

Edit : + since they havenā€™t been out the wildlife and birds are full in the trees and it would be like an episode of David Attenborough and the big cats hunting up the tree.


Itā€™s not mean to keep them in.
Keep them in.
Itā€™s always safer I say. Ours are always in. Unless they are in that inclosure. I couldnā€™t live with myself if I lost one or a predator got one.
You got enough toys and stuff for them to be happy in the house.
Google cat enclosures. See what comes up. We use to have this tent. Iā€™ll find it for you. But when itā€™s not nice out and we canā€™t be out with them watching them. They stay in.


I have quite a few catio joined on to eachother but I want to build one and make sure they canā€™t get out the garden but can still feel happy in an enclosure.
I always believed in letting them out, but something has changed in my thoughts. Itā€™s not them I donā€™t trust its just not like it used to be.
Basil he used to hunting all day, and bringing back the hunt to show me how itā€™s done. His the one thatā€™s a little unhappy just looking out there. I have to take him round the house to help me do jobs, he needs to think his got jobs to do :laughing: then he loves to be told his good boy his whole face changes. Like a dog that needs working, thatā€™s Basil


Yesssssssssssss!!! :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Oh yeah they are already rocket scientist level manipulation masters. :smirk:


Utrecht kitty


Have some tuxedo kittens they told my sister. It will be fun. Hereā€™s a snapshot made by my sis on her balcony, locked out by this little monster who managed to lock the door on the inside with sis outside. Luckily sis brought her phone so she could take this pic (and call her son who lives nearby and has spare keys).