Where my cat people? #3

Awwww :sweat:
Hope the bloodresults give some answers.
My formal cat Buts had a simulair health issue and they discovered a autoimmune disease. He had anemia because of it and almost died. He got prednison and recovered.
Hope they find the cause of the illness of your buddy too :pray:
Keep us posted :people_hugging:


Thanks :pray: @SoberWalker
That kitty started eating today! Blood work just showed elevated white blood cells. He only needed 1/2 the sub Q infusion amount today and is drinking some on his own. Also started on the prednisone today, an appetite encourager and lots of other treatments. They donā€™t really have a diagnosis but think since heā€™s been hydrated heā€™s gotten better. Keeping fingers crossed that heā€™ll continue to improve. He probably didnā€™t eat or drink for five or six days and was still walking around and jumping on the windowsill and stuff.


This is my precious kitty Iā€™ve been happily sleeping on the floor with for 6+ months because she hurt a leg. Sheā€™s getting around great all things considered.
Sheā€™s able to jump but has a Mom who doesnā€™t want her to jump. Thus we stay in a little room on the floor. The last 6-8 weeks letting her in the living room kitchen and on a porch watching that she doesnā€™t jump on something. One hurt leg is enough.

The last month plus has been rough with trips to the vet ā€¦ this was the first weekend in three that I thought wow I donā€™t have to worry about putting her to sleep this weekend. Gastrointestinal stuff.

Thenā€” ugh. Hopefully just a one time thing. Sheā€™s been happily eating and drinking for the last four hours.

These puddle pads are around because we have scorpions :scorpion: in here sometimes. Scorpions are not aggressive. The advantage of the white puddle pads is that at night with the low led candle light, if there is something crawling across one of these white pads, I can see it and I can deal with it. Itā€™s a lot better than having dark carpet everywhere, itā€™s been working.

We do need your thoughts.

This afternoon she went into one closed off room where thereā€™s a bed unescorted.
First thing I did, when I noticed that she was gone as went and looked under the bed to see if she was under there. Sheā€™s been wanting to go under there for six months. Yes she was under there so I thought maybe she canā€™t crawl because of her leg injury. She wasnā€™t that far under the bed, and I didnā€™t think I was going to be able to reach her, but I stretched and stretched and stretched, and was able to get her by the neck scruff of the neck and pull her out. She didnā€™t resist. I thought I was going to have to call the fire department.

She likes to reach out to me to get petted. And to talk. She reaches out and pats my face w her paw. Sheā€™s my girl.

Reminds me a lot of @Chiron and hers. @Chuckie22 and so many others.

So many of my friends ask if a cat is responsive like their dogs are responsive to them. The answer is yes. So responsive to humans and their physical, mental and emotional status with an appropriate and loving response. How kitties get the ā€œaloofā€ and ā€œuncaringā€ label I donā€™t know.

I havenā€™t sprayed for the scorpions because spraying will cause more to come into the house for about a week and we donā€™t need any more than what we already have in case anybody was wondering



Just an idea: put those puddle pats under your bed as well. When your cat lays under it you can pull her out by it!


That is an excellent idea. Thank you. She has a torn, Achilles tendon on her back left leg and she walks with that flat from the ankle down. She canā€™t stand under the bed. For all I I know she could get out just fine but I donā€™t really think that she could. She didnā€™t go that far under. Thatā€™s a great idea. Even a couple light rugs under there. I keep the door closed but despite best intention, she was in there on her own.


Sending so much love to you and that sweet girl. :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:


So glad Iā€™ve got her this cat basket, she adores it!

Maybe I need such a thing myself :sweat_smile:


Oh my! Your sweet kitty! Glad she had the surgery! Heal quickly sweet kitty. @Zse


Thanks a lot :pray::blush::blush:


Any luck @HoofHearted corraling your baby?


We JUST found him, moments ago. He was deep in the woods up in a tree. I brashed through the underbrush with a 30 foot ladder, got him down and now heā€™s resting in his momā€™s bedroom.

Only took a week!


Oh my gosh!! Iā€™m so happy you found him. I love a happy ending. Tell him not to do that again :smirk_cat:


You two have been through a lot in the last 6+ months. Sending so much love and so many cuddles to your baby and you Alisa. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging: :heart: Hoping for continued success with her gastrointestinal stuff. :pray:


this is wonderful news. grateful you found him :pray: A great way to start off the weekend


Yayyyyyy! So happy for the reunion


What a little diva. So glad you got him back!! :roll_eyes::eyes::roll_eyes::eyes: What a week for you.

Hydrate hydrate hydrate Nandor, you cheeky little man!


No kidding! I am performing at the Seattle Folk Life festival tomorrow morning and I am in much better spirits now! I can finally get a decent nights sleep and breathe.


Did the kitty seem stuck in the tree, needing rescue? I guess so or he wouldā€™ve run off. Was he meowing up there? So glad heā€™s home now. Enjoy your festival.


One week! You all must have had so many worries about him!
But what a relief you have found him. Didnā€™t knew he was lost because It happenā€™t during my holiday. But happy I can share the good outcome with you :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


oh this is exciting ā€¦ glad you will be able to have a good nights rest. Good luck with your performance ā€“ maybe share some pics if you can ā€“ sounds like a fun time!