Who is hangover free & who is struggling

Killin it. Great job.

Keep fighting brother. The struggle is real but we are stronger than the struggle.

We do understand. Just reach out.

Yep. I get it. Rough time of year. Hang in there and let’s fight this demon together. Happy New Year

Awesome. I’ll be hitting the gym in a bit as well. It helps so much. Happy New Year

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Way to focus and the see the positives. I kinda felt the same way especially when me and my went out to dinner. But a good steak took my mind off of it.

Welcome to 2021. Great job staying sober. I feel great and proud this morning of myself. I hope you do as well. Have a great sober 2021.

Sounds to me like you are a winner, waking up with no hangover. Thats a huge win. A badass win. If you stayed sober last night, you can any night. How long has it been? Sorry you are feeling vulnerable but know you are in control. And you are strong enough to fight the negative feelings. Praying and rooting for you.


Struggling is part of our path unfortunately. We are here for you though and we all get it. I’m in a great place this morning but that can all change at the drop of a hat. I know that. Stay strong Maria, stay safe and stay fighting. I’m praying amd rooting for you.

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Welcome to the forum, all of you first-time posters! Today’s a great day! You’re here and it matters!

If you haven’t already seen this, it’s a good intro to this happy community of ours:


Winning. Sounds great. Have a great 2021.

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I am not hungover, but I sure feel hungover. Yesterday was a shit day. Staying sober was the highlight! The rest - meh. Bad day, but a no-reason-to-drink day.


Way to make it through and keep perspective. Happy New Year.

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It’s true, we are in a position to help, others close in your life may not understand the situation!

At Christmas a very close friend of mine tried to get me to drink hot chocolate with Bailey’s in it, apparently it would “be fine” because “I wouldn’t even notice the Bailey’s” he was truly trying to be nice.

People who are able to moderate alcohol have no idea what it’s like for those who can’t moderate, their brains are wired differently.

So you’ve come to the right place.
I’m glad you’re here.


Hangover free! Although i feel slightly hungover from staying up so late. I made it just past midnight lol


It’s my first day. I am hungover and I don’t know how I will manage to stay sober. Any tips would be helpful. Ty


Hang over free here. Prob the first New year’s in 20 yrs I didn’t drink. Having one heck of an ice storm here right now. In the past I would of started day drinking as soon as I got up since I’m not gonna go anywhere but not now. Feels good!


7 days and i relapsed no hang over just dispointment i thought I can say no but fuck there drinks everywhere now i know am not ready for that type environment day 1 of being sober again


Thanks for your words!

It’s my 57th day.

I got tired of fighting it, I feel weak. I guess I won’t drink, but I’m missing the point of this whole stuff.

I was 7 days sober then last night relapsed and didn’t even get drunk just disappointed in myself I guess a one hour at a time and just more people to talk to cuz it’s right now I really want a beer but I’m struggling am just trying to stay busy