Who is The most important person in your life

Mine is my big sister she helped me through everything


That’s beautiful. My son is the most important person to me, my little sister is a very close second. Just like your big sister mine has helped me though everything. Sisters are the best :blush:


Myself and my daughter…


My mum. I have two children but i havent seen them for 4yrs since leaving a controlling marriage.
My mum is my rock.


Welcome Emma!
Sisters are the best! I have 4 but they live too far away and I don’t get to see them enough. Miss them daily.

The most important person in my personal life is my daughter. She has special needs and relies on me for just about everything, but I couldn’t imagine my life without her.

The most important person in my recovery life is my sponsor. She’s become a best friend and someone I share everything with.

The most important person in my career life is this one teammate who I can count on no matter what. We are like a well oiled machine working together. If one of us is out the other picks up the slack with no complaints. We know each other’s weaknesses and strengths and use it to our advantage. We divide and conquer to meet every single deadline.


Myself. Without a doubt. I have so many important people in my life. My two little kiddos. My amazing partner. My parents. Really close friends.

And even though they are all important to me, they all come second to myself. Because if I don’t take care of myself first, then I can never take care of them at all


Me my Wife my sons . and my sponsorees


Me. It took a long time to get me there, still working on codependent issues and keeping focus. It’s me. Because when I’m not ok I can’t be there in any sense for my loved ones.
You asked for people. Those I sometimes care more than I care about myself are my cats. They have nobody else, they are the sunshine of my life. After my cats my most important people are my chosen family and my close friends. I’m grateful this is a bunch of people caring for each other :heartpulse::pray:


This was my immediate thought too, myself. It took me a REALLY long time to grasp this concept. It reminds me of the airplane instructions-attach your own safety device first and then you can take care of others. If I’m not taking care of myself, I truly have nothing good to offer anyone else.


At this point in my life, it is finally me. I have a lot of familial responsibilities and I cannot fulfill them if I don’t care, respect, honor and love myself first. :heart:


God first and foremost & My 17 year old son !


Definitely my son and my daughter. I’d be lost without them. Working on moving myself up the list!

My older sister is a close second. Love her!


My two daughters, and then my close friends, those I can rely on in every circumstances


I feel like the answer to the question should always be yourself…its only recently i learned that too…back as a single mother in active addiction i absolutely thought that the less i gave a shit about myself and the more i thought of my daughter the better mother i was…how wrong i was! My daughter needs me to love myself aswell as her


When I read the topic, my thought was instantly ME!

But then I thought that’s really arrogant. If I wright that people will think of me as selfish. But reading through your answers @erntedank @Englishd @SassyRocks @MandiH and @Starlight14 that is exactly why it always should be me. I’m grateful you explained it a lot better than I ever could.

Next step for me: don’t be ashamed of putting me first. My wellbeing, my recovery. Only when I am whole I am of use to others.


Yes girl everything always starts with yourself. Learning to love yourself first will help your love and happiness to grow stronger for everyone and everything else. You will appreciate life more and celebrate all your accomplishments and be more proud of yourself :heart::hugs:


Love this thread as many have said self has to come first. I am for the first time learning to love myself this with the developing relationship with my higher power whom I call God.

My three children, daughter and two sons are the most important people in my life. Thought my active addiction I haven’t always shown this but as I recovery I am thankful that this is changing. God self children and my family and friends.


As I am newly getting sober, 66 days, I feel like I am discovering this still. My instant answer would be my kids, but I’m also in the stage of coming to terms with how selfish I’ve been in my addiction that it’s hard for me to even say that because then how could I do that to them? I will say reading everyone’s responses have been good for me, so thank you.


My little 5 year old boy :heart:


And as we age and our children become self sufficient adults, we are once again responsible only for our selves. :heart: Already having a healthy foundation of self love and care is so important. Plus, when our children are small, it is vital to model a healthy relationship with self for them.