Why can't I stop with 1 drink?

I work at liquor… not a great place for someone who drinks. I was clean and sober for years. But these last few years I’ve. Been drinking more and more. Oh it’s my Friday or today sucked at work I’ll just have 1 drink to calm my nerves. It never goes that way 1 leads to I’m not sure how many. My family hates it. I know it changes me and get emotional. I just want to stop myself from even having 1.


Welcome! I know it’s hard to think of life without it, but it’s better.
The habit of drinking is hard to break but doable!


I can’t stop with 1 either. After years of torture, failure, and shame, I’ve come up with a rather simple answer as to why- I’m an alcoholic. There have been SO MANY times in my life when I thought my long stretches of sobriety meant I could drink normally. There were even stretches of time when I could. So cute. But it’s inevitable. One leads to many. Many lead to suffering and shame, dry, rinse, repeat. I’ve come to accept I can’t have that one EVER because I am powerless over that 1.


Welcome to TS. You are not alone with this feeling.

Frequently asked questions about sobriety for newcomers

Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

You might find some helpful tips in these threads.
If 24h seems too long for the moment, cut it down further, for the next 1 hour, 5 min I won’t drink. Come here, reach out, vent whenever you feel like it.

Have you tried finding a sober community near you? Meetings face2face or online.


Maybe a meeting might help wish you well


Welcome! In the beginning I was scared with a life without alcohol. Once I sat down and listing all the things that alcohol brought to my life, my eyes opened up. It never brought me a good thing.

Stick around and be very active, this place can change your life.

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