Why should I go to a meeting?

Haha that’s the one I particularly liked as well.

Great post Holly :hibiscus:


Nailed it❤️


Number 3 really hit hard. I’m on day 6 of being sober and day 685 without smokeless tobacco. I never really thought I had a drinking problem…I didn’t have to have a drink, but when I did I didn’t want to stop. I can do this. New here but already feeling the love


Well said.:+1:


Holly FTW! Today I asked my addictions counselor to explain to me why I feel so better after meetings. She said that social interaction is one of the most important things to staying healthy. More so than your weight smoking etc.

Meetings are a place with absolutely no pretense. Everyone understands. I don’t have to lie or explain. I can just be. I loathed the thought of finding meetings. Now they’re a solace. And yeah, me too Holly, I’m just a drunk. Different road to it, but I’m here now so time to change it.


Welcome, @ryry13! I came to this app on my day 1. It is a tremendous support. We’re all here for the same reason. You absolutely can do it. Glad you are here.


This. Right here. :point_up: I want what you got, @MoCatt! :hugs:


Well put @MoCatt, I was so against going to any sort of meeting at the beginning but actually going to them has been the best decision I ever made. You rock :heart:


Thats my girl, great message ,meetings are the life blood of getting sober keep on trucking


After reading post after post. The motivation of the day is if you have relapsed is to hit a meeting today! Not tomorrow or next week… So many lost souls on here need guidance that only a meeting or therapy can do for them…


I feel like the better question is why not? What do you have to lose? Worst case scenario is you hate it and don’t go back. What did you lose? An hour of your time. Best case scenario is that it saves your life like it has for countless alcoholics across the world. Doing a simple cost/benefit analysis shows that it’s one of the safest bets out there


This is an amazing post. It should be on the TS Required Reading List. Thanks @MoCatt for sharing.


Yup, everything said here! As we know, I didn’t go the AA route, but the IOP route, along with the recovery specialist therapist and psychiatrist. But the message is still the same. No matter how much I felt like I didn’t want to go to my IOP on any given day, when it was over I was so glad I went. I learned so much! About myself, about other addicts, about people struggling to try and moderate (and not succeeding). Everything I learned there will stay with me forever! AA is free and less intensive on one’s life. If you don’t have other options, meetings of ANY KIND are always there.

At the end of the day, find SOMETHING to connect you with others.


Thank you so much. I feel better every day. I didn’t even realize that I felt bad before! Thank you for your encouragement.


This is perfect :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

I was going to say the same thing!

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Re: why not. Is it definitely worth trying at LEAST a few times? In my opinion yes. But some people have mental health issues and it can cost them way worse than an hour when it goes wrong. My mental health issues are my own things to deal with, but I had multiple AA meetings that made me go home trying to think about how to kill myself. Though even so, I do still plan to try another meeting again. I totally support meetings. It’s just that some involved my mental health wanting to end my life.


In hopes of never contributing to anyone feeling that way, may I ask, in the most general of terms, what went wrong?


What went wrong… Probably the mental health issues I have to figure out how to handle. Maybe me and others leaving the room to regain calm before coming back. Facilitator being condemning and vicious and seemed to be emotionally manipulative rather than sticking to sobriety facts. I think I just need to try another place where meetings are held.


I appreciate your candor and self reflection. I’ve never been in a meeting that had that feel, but it must have been awful to experience it in such a way. I’m so glad you are going to try a different meeting in a different place. I’ve been very fortunate to find that most meetings exuded warmth and support. I so hope you experience that.:hugs:

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