Wife having an affair

Im making sure my children are ok
Im at work today As even tho i cant concentrate i feel i Am making a positive difference . I will go for a walk tomoro if we are still allowed out. I will stay at home as long As It isnt bad for my children or my mental wellbeing. Long term i will be able to buy a small House somewhere quiet or maybe a barge and have a change in lifestyle
I have to see past now and cling to It being an opportunity


My son is so angry and i want to stay a role model. I want a confrontstion but its not me. I dont want to look back and regret how i managed this however bad It gets


You are not the bad guy so don’t become one. You are handling this so well so far. You are one class act! You are rising above all of her shit and staying sober. You rock!


Thank u. I dont feel It. But i need to salvage something out of this. Ive had to tell my parents who i cant Visit As they are isolated As of covid. But i Guess we all keep going till we cant


The most difficult thing is the heartache and feeling of betrayal.

There is no cure to that other than time and living through the intervening period is hell on earth.

Please keep coming back and talking to us, you have hundreds of people on here who have been through this and understand.

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This. Children need and deserve at least one dependable, responsible parent. Keep being this for them. They have so much turmoil in their lives, trying to make sense of this pandemic and disruption, without adding family turmoil to the mix. They are looking to you, for cues. Be the rock they can cling to, for they are your legacy. Be the parent who put their needs first.


It will be’ ok. Ive come up with a financial solution which we are both happy with. I just need time to implement It…ti get It legally binding and then prob two years ti fully implement
And i will look at getting an interim mortgage for myself qbd the Kids


I will manage the emotional side next

@Timetochange I’m really sorry you are going through this. I’m glad you are here talking about it and mindful of your sobriety. I’m proud of you.


Thank you. I feel okay today. Alot clearer


That’s a heartbreaking story man! Take care of yourself and you children. Let her take care of herself.
She did chose a horrible time to tell you.
I believe your 2 years sober will in some way help you to survive next days, weeks, months,… you can make clear sober descicions for you and your kids.
We’re all here for you!


I agree. What was wierd is in the past i would have just got drunk shitless and then sorted it out. But now i Am just upset but philosophical about It and will be’ fair to all involved . When everything is Settled i will give myself space to Grieve this loss


Only reading this thread now. Not much to add but to voice my admiration for you, keeping it all together during multiple shitstorms in your life. Thank god you’re sober. Success in all you do.


I can relate to that. I too would first drink. A lot. And then solve the problems in my own life. With a hangover an no clear mind.
Sober you are stronger!

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Stay strong mate, for your kids and for yourself.

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You are handling this so well. Thank you for sharing, I’m sure this will help others either now or in the future when faced with the same situation.

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Read through the thread and you are handling this as good as anyone could ever in my opinion. Good for you under such stressful times.

Only sober you can handle this properly but you know that…so i guess thats why it is happening now.

Proud of you and stay well.


Thank you. I want to whats right by my children and also my wife as regardless whats happened she has been there for me for along time. If i have to be’ mean thats always an option but i want to start off kind…however angry i feel


I think over the past two years ive got a better idea of my emotions and actually weve been together through alot…and there is so much baggage for both of us.


How are things going? I hope you are still standing tall and proud :walking_man:

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