Wild animals we adore

One day time boss, one night time boss.


Some beautiful reptiles…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s too funny. I love it. I’m glad the made it home. They made it home right?


I hope so. I didn’t stick around long enough to find out. But probably yes.

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I found one in my house years ago during a major renovation. :grimacing: My daughter enjoyed snake hunting as a hobby. I despise them! A huge fear I’ll never get over. Anyway, I freaked out, hubby wasn’t home and there’s my 6 year old picking it up like it was a toy, admiring its beauty, while I’m screaming “get it the f**k out!” Then I couldn’t sleep for a week, thinking its family was still in my house and maybe we should just burn the place down. Eventually I got over it but my family won’t ever let me forget.


Was out for a walk with the good dog girl and we came upon 2 in the bushes, just watching us… the dog girl didn’t even notice. Was too busy sniffing the ground. :relieved: :shushing_face:

I will admit I smiled and whispered “oh hey! @Lighter! So good to meet you in person!” :sweat_smile: :orange_heart:


I covered some ground today! I just eat constantly and stare at people :laughing:


Thankfully no passports required at the border for higher life forms than we humans :wink:


Ours are absolute bastards here too :laughing: They try to box you in your driveway. I just ignore the backup alarm, and hit the gas! Dominance testing. :white_check_mark:


I more than adore my favorite animal of all :heartpulse: The Kangaroo :kangaroo: It’s my dream to see them in their natural habitat one day, but this’ll do for now. Hands down, without a doubt, the best attraction our fair has ever had! :star_struck:

Sulcata tortoise, eating all the grass

Coati, the South American racoon

Patagonian Maras, with 1 day old babies!

I could’ve stayed all day!!!


So cool. Looks so much fun! :blush:

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That is an awesome fair. Wow! Glad you both had such an incredible time

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I have heard of “The tortoise and the hare.” The tortoise and the kangaroo?" Might have to create a story…Great pictures.


My daughter mentioned seeing a cool moth in the stairwell 3 days in a row. I’d never seen such a beauty :green_heart: A Luna Moth. Apparently not rare, but rare to observe.

In their adult form, their sole purpose is to reproduce. Because of this, they have undeveloped mouth parts and are unable to eat, living for only 7-10 days :pleading_face: Day 6 today, so I assumed it was dead or dying and wanted it for my entomology collection.

It was still alive, and before I moved it anymore, I discovered that females will stay in one place a few days awaiting a mate. So we carefully put her back in the window. I do hope she finds a fellow and fulfills her destiny before her time is up :pray:


While I don’t have a photo as I only have my phone for pictures. I absolutely love and adore hawks so much. I rarely look up and don’t see one while driving or on walks. I say the hawk is my spirit animal. One day I’ll get a camera and I’ll take a butt tone of photos of all of them.


WOW – how cool is that – great capture :heart:

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Thanks! :grin: It seemed weak, so it’s possible it already mated and landed there to die, but if not, I couldn’t bear ruining it’s only chance to reproduce. We need more of those in the world!


yes we do! Thanks for taking such good care of it… hope it does find its mate :heart:

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Baby desert spiny lizard I found in a bucket in my yard. Very small, the size of half your index finger.
I poured a small pool of water in there for it, which it is now sitting in.


:star2:Update​:star2: She was gone this morning, so we looked out back to see if she had fallen, but no sign of her. Then I read that a female waits for days while emitting pheromones that a male can smell from several miles away and will mate with the first to arrive, usually after midnight. Then she lays her eggs in a nearby tree. I’m believing that’s exactly what happened :relieved: :pray: