Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Thank you I hope you are feeling better too :heart:


I am! I felt great today. Super ran down mentally but I’ll be good as new with some sleep. :zzz::zzz:


The whole damn month :joy::sweat_smile::tired_face:


OMG ladies your all doing some universal shit on another level. I don’t even know what this means, I just thought it was something to do with blood clots :wink:


Do you ever feel like you just can’t do it?

I woke up this morning with cramp and the usual, took some pills, showered, prepared for work, when it was time to leave I just went down this mental vortex of how I can’t be chewed to go to work, don’t want to interact with anyone and all the negatives etc etc …

Didn’t want to call in sick, even tho I guess it really is sickness … . So have made an excuse for being late however would do anything to avoid this day and the interactions it needs me to have. It’s like I just can’t do it.

It sucks.


I know. It’s frustrating and overwhelming. I went through the same a week ago (and again in twenty days). Can’t wait :unamused:
Hang in there :muscle:


How are you today @Badger? Thinking of you :pray::heartpulse:

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Oh I feel you! It’s emotionally overwhelming. For me, it’s also physically overwhelming. Without IUD and pain meds, I’d be vomiting and having diarrhea simultaneously, the cramps would be so bad I couldn’t even sit. And still think I should go to work???

I hope you’re managing! :sunflower:

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Ah thanks that’s really nice.

I’ve got past it. I didn’t call in sick (I really try and avoid that) but I made an excuse not to go in and took and emergency holiday.

It’s mainly the social side that I struggle with, I’m anti social enough even on a good day… But just then I recon I would have blown up and flown off the handle at people or something.

It’s a shame I can’t just be honest with the employer, but there’s just absolutely no way you could ring up and say I can’t come in cause I’ve got pms so I can’t handle seeing anyone let alone having to engage with them politely… It’s just a no go, so you have to come up with some polite fabrication. Pfffffttt.


I know that sooo good :woman_facepalming:
For me it was the decision between pest and colera: go to work and be a suffering, blooding hell of a hissing, grumpy, gnarling biologocical victim of female biology bullshit or stay at home and suffer alone and well cared by hot water bottle, tea, cosy bed and no worries about to bleed on my cloths, furniture etc. because well packed :+1:
either there was no way to interact social in a polite, normal manner. the horrendous bleedings stopped after my surgery when the uterus was grilled. best thing I ever did for my health AND wellbeeing :pray:


Hey ladies!!! So I usually get really bad PMS where I have to lay in a dark room all day the day before my period. But the last two months that didn’t happen! (:clap:) Instead it was like day 2 of my period I was a negative crying sobbing mess. Ugh, I am feeling better today. I guess it’s just weird that it switched up on me. I was bragging to my fiancé that I didn’t get PMS and then bam, it hit me way later.
Oh well, hopefully the worst of it is over. I was driving around yesterday listening to the piano version of “Where is my mind?” … after crying all day… gotta love those hormones.

@anon74766472 glad I have this thread to come vent about it at, thank you!


Hey @erntedank did the “grilling” change your symptoms related to hormonal changes as well? I’ve been suggested IUD but afraid of it cause I always get the worst side effects from any hormonal “help”. So next week going through some not so nice examination to see if I’m a good roast candidate. It gives me creeps already :confounded:


Hi @Fireweed
As the grill only effects the endometrium and in the best case you stop bleeding or have only minor bleedings afterwards (like me, my endometrium was very thick) there are no direct hormonal effects.

what I experienced was a massive gain in quality of life due to reduced blood loss. my body adapted after 6 months with reduction of cramps. in my opinion because there was nothing more to be cramped out of my uterus, but that’s just a personal feeling.

three years after the surgery I still can say, it was one of the best decisions in my life concerning quality of life and increasing my blood iron level.


Thank you, I appreciate your share on this a lot :pray:


You are welcome, please PM if you want to talk/ask one on one, I’m fine with sharing my experience.

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Day 32 of my cycle. Feeling in a deep hole of self-pity. I want to believe it’ll pass, yet I feels so real.
Noone will love me, won’t ever find a relationship again. Which I normally don’t give a shit. And I know the fucking answers of: you have to love yourself first. Blah. Blewwww.
End of rant.


You will make it! I won’t, I’m in a deep pms pit of s…t right now


So will you, my friend. It shall pass soon, I hope. :expressionless:

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I doubt it :expressionless: but you’ll do great :grinning:


@Fireweed @anon74766472 I’ll join this club ladies :confounded:

Almost killed myself laughing at this…

Cause I’m P.M.S., I’m dynamite
(P.M.S) and I’ll win the fight
(P.M.S) I’m a power load
(P.M.S) watch me explode