Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Big hugs :hugs:

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Day 1. Finally. I am grateful that I somehow, baby steps, acknowledge the ups and downs of the cycle and take the waves. I get a bit more confident with the insulin sensitivity which pretty correctly tells me what is happening. I tend to close me eyes to that. Well after so many years but honestly when I drank and binged and purged, nothing ever was predictable. And when you change more than one parameter, we’ll you just know shit.


Feeling pretty annoyed today by everything… and anything….


I can hard relate to that - so many swears have left my mouth today.

Sending lots of good vibes to you.


All the swear words are my best friends today :joy:


Ha! I find the surprise ones can be pretty creative. Sometimes I’m like, ah I never thought before to put those two words together… swear satisfaction.


Yes!! I love adding a string together and then being so satisfied :joy::joy: Thanks for the laugh!


Still here. Like just start already :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Thought I’d share, this song always makes me feel better


Just feeling so sad and lonely today. Still haven’t started but it’s coming :roll_eyes: Why notify me a week before?


Same here too… just around the corner, feel like crying since I got up today! It’s a bank holiday (again…), therefore I’m off and home alone. Just went for a run, that did help quite a lot! :slightly_smiling_face:


Glad you went for a run! I’m having trouble with motivation for my fitness related task in general. It’s like I’m only giving the bare minimum effort which I suppose is better than no effort lol
Turning the corner today :grinning::hugs::birthday:


Hey ladies,
Felt like coming here to comment /share some thoughts n feelings I’m having lately about woman’s hormones and the absolute magnificence of our bodies and cycles.
I’m learning to tune into my cycle and the seasons of it. I mean, they happen each and every month like clockwork and I’m in awe of my newfound understandings and awareness - especially regarding how to live with and care for ourselves given our hormones and cycle. It’s so important to honour and hold reverence for this amazing body of ours. It’s truly a temple - a vessel that is carrying us through life in the most amazing and intelligent of ways :relaxed: and when we know and understand it, the journey becomes easier, peaceful and even enjoyable. I think a significant gift of my sobriety is this blessing of getting to know and understand myself, my body my hormones. Depending on where I am in my cycle, I can almost guarantee what I can expect to feel, my mood, motivation, outlook etc. I LOVE that time, mid-cycle, where progesterone is high and I’m feeling good about myself, positive, excited and courageous. I relish this time of the month now. And, I’ve learnt that in the short period of time right at the end of my cycle, where levels are low, I need to rest and take it easy; I need to not make too many plans or commitments and I need to be kind to myself. Coming off the OCP a few yrs ago made a significant, positive difference in my hormonal health (once I got through the initial 12 months of hormonal imbalance and restoration that was needed, which was hard!). If you’re interested or suffering in any way, I found these two Doctors who are experts in female and hormonal health -} Dr Lara Briden and Dr Joelene Brighton. They both have amazing books and IG pages, podcast interviews and websites etc etc I’ve learnt so much from them. I feel very grateful to have found their work. Anyway, I wanted to share, as it’s a topic I’ve become really interested in now as I notice my own health and wellbeing improving… with its up and downs, of course! cause that’s life! :laughing: Always learning tho, and there’s always room to grow. Having an understanding and wellbeing practice around our cycle and hormonal health, I’ve learned, is SO important and liberating :relaxed::pray:
Anyone else had any realisations or learnings / lessons etc they’d like to share too? I’d love to know.


I woke up pretty wobbly and I knew it was going to be a delicate day but I thought, see yourself through Steph. Go and get some bits done and you’ll feel better for it. I’m an idiot, because that never works and almost always makes it worse. Now I’m sitting at home with a hat I bought that’s too small and I’m crying because I have a big head.


Oh dear, what a pity! This was so me too :see_no_evil: I give you a big big hug and a even bigger cup of delicious tea to comfort you :hugs::coffee:


Thank you very much, that is really lovely. I’m definitely taking that hug and tea, and please know I’m sending some right back to you.


Wonderful :sparkling_heart: That’s the best reason to get off the couch and brew me some more tea :hugs:


I assure you that you don’t have a big head. That hat is stupidly small

Stupid hat!!


Ha! Thank you, you are very kind. It is a really stupid hat.
I have now come to terms with my head size.


:expressionless::expressionless: I really do wonder if menopause is better