Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Well this year for Christmas I have been blessed with the joys of blood, bad skin and bloating :laughing: merry xmas to all my fellow raging hormonal friends :joy::sparkling_heart:


Such a wonderful gift :joy:


I was lucky as it was 1 week before Christmas so I had a chance that I could control my glycemia with the Christmas food.


That’s good. I suppose at least I have had plentiful access to chocolate which probably doesn’t help the bad skin or bloating but meh, it helps!



If that ain’t the most accurate shit :triumph:


Back in highschool, my periods would often start in the middle of a German test :unamused:


Covid :white_check_mark:

Period :white_check_mark:

Hungover :x:

Still feel much better then New Years morning in the past. My period coming on the first of the year when I tested positive for covid yesterday kind of made me laugh. Explains why I’ve been a little emotional mess the past few days. No desire to drink. Going to be kind to myself today. Cozy clothes, queer eye, I did get Rue out for a small walk. But she’s going to have to settle for romping in the back yard today. Not her usual 5 miles. I’m sorry my body has to deal with all this but still better then filling it with wine and emptiness.


I wish you a speedy recovery! May your hormones be gentle as well. :pray:


Love your checklist @Callie99 :hugs::+1:


Right now my period symptoms are much worse then my COVID ones so I’m taking that as a blessing.


Thank you @erntedank :yellow_heart::kissing_heart:

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That’s rough :cry: I hope you feel better soon and the covid symptoms stay mild :heart:


Thanks Jennifer :yellow_heart: so far just tired and a headache. Feeling very lucky.
Happy New Years :partying_face:


Happy New Year to you as well!!! :confetti_ball::tada::fireworks::sparkler:


Anyone is welcome to read but this question primarily revolves around hormones and periods.

As a frequent relapser i have decided to take a different approach to my journey this time. One is to speak here not sit in silence with my secret. Second is to join a group. Thats this week’s mission. My third issue is very complicated…

In a nutshell I’m a pcos, endometriosis ,pms sufferer… nothing new… been like this years. Pcos used to be treated by the pill but they don’t like me taking over age 35 now. Endo has been operated on but is life long issue… grows back etc. I have 2 fabulous weeks of the month and 2 bad ones. I’m in the great phase right now. I’ve started taking extra supplements this month… inositol and perfectil vitamins and will start the gym today on a bid to race the clock to hormone hell in a week or so. I’m terrified it will jeopardise my journey being AF.
I don’t want to ask the doctor or share my AF issues if I mention hormones they just put me back on the wait list for the gyno who offers hysterectomy or other things I’m not mentally ready for.

Any quick fixes or advice ladies?


I don’t know any quick fixes but moderate exercise helps with weight control and lifts up my mood, cramps can be a bit more tolerable with slow yoga or walking. Nature is very helpfull in getting my mind fixed on something else than pain. Breathing exercises can also be beneficial with chronic pain and moodswings associated with hormones.

Very sorry to hear about your strugles, remember that you’re worth being sober even when it hurts or bleeds or feels intolerable otherwise!

If you are smoking, try quitting, it makes the hormones so much worse! I am quite the same age as you so your post is very relatable. Good luck!


Thank you @zephyrine . Yes been to the gym today and started on inositol vitamins this month watching the food too. Nothing worse than making progress and then the hormone circus coming to town to ruin all your best efforts.
I will let you know if I see significant changes with what I’m trying this time round. Thanks for the reply x


You are not alone :hugs:
Hormone cycles are a big trigger for alcohol abuse in women. Self medication through the worst time of PMS and period by alcohol to relieve mood swings, depression, cramps, back pain and all sorts of unwell-being is widespread, often without beeing realized for decades.
I too had to deal with that hell of a rollercoaster.
Exercise helps a lot. Herbal tea from lady’s mantle alchemilla vulgaris helped tremendously. But I had to let it steep for at least 3 hours (best results after 12 hours) and drink 1 liter.
I allowed myself comfort food, that’s better than alcohol.
And I took sleep aid to gain rest during the night so I at least wake up with the idea of a fresh morning and another day to be taken at a time. Meditation in the morning and evening helped me to calm my mind as my brain loved the uterus party and joined regularly with lack of concentration and behaving like a black hole :woman_facepalming:
Writing daily diary about how I felt and taking notes where I was in my cycle helped to identify correlations I didn’t realize before. To work on these made my life a lot better and the bad times in cycle more bearable.
Hang in here and keep posting. Wish you all the best :pray::orange_heart:


What a great thread! Back when I was drinking about 3 days before my cycle I couldn’t even catch a buzz no matter how much I drank! I’ve had my tubes tied since I was 23 and boy my pms is off the charts! I’m either very emotional crying over stupid stuff or pissed at the world very tired right before and awful cramps. I find if I exercise and drink lots of water and take me vitamins that helps but I do find it helps if I take my anxiety medicine during this time it helps too! Being a women sucks sometimes lol