Women's hormonal roller-coaster

It feels like the whole world is coming to an end during the week BEFORE lol! Any trigger….anything will set me off and I immediately want a drink :sob:

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It adds a whole new tricky dimension to sobriety. Hang in there!

You ever just know a period is going to be rough…. I am SOOO angry and want to say everything mean in my head out loud BUT I also want to cry because I feel like everyone is an asshole


I know the feeling, it’s toxic. Just went a week through like a bottle of poison :skull:


Yell it here @Runningfree! We’re listening. I’m prone to wanting to push sweet old people in stores, like a monster.
Be an A-hole if needed but don’t let it make you drink.


Ok, so 1 this made me laugh and 2- maybe I’m not as angry as I thought :joy:

It won’t push me to drinks, no worries there. I just haven’t had period symptoms like this in a few months. I got it all soreness, bloating, irrational emotions :woman_shrugging:t2:


For the record I have never pushed anyone. But the hormones tell me to. Time for a day off couch nap.


I was just reading the latest in this thread and can absolutely relate to everything. I am almost 6 months sober and am now tapering off my anti depressants I am on half dose now. I’m seriously considering returning to the doc to discuss the good old hormone circus . I shouldn’t need daily anti d to cope with something that happens for a week a month but I have severe pms, pcos and endometriosis too. I’m curious if they can give something small to help on just those days. I know we can take walks and fresh air blah blah but that doesn’t always help. Hormones can be vicious. I will let you know what I find out please tell me too if any of you take anything other than herbal at that time of the month.


Thanks for sharing this!
I always know that my period is coming when I suddenly realise that I’m easier angry, upset or sad, when I’m feeling like my bf doesn’t give me enough attention or is not loving me enough, etc… Then I know that none of my emotions are real, but that it’s caused by my hormonal changes…
I don’t like it, but I still can deal with it. As well as I can deal with feeling “fat” and ugly (although I’m perhaps still the same).

My biggest problem is pain. For first 2-3 days I am in agony and if I don’t overdose myself with different painkillers, I can’t even move. In period of 2 days I take 36 pills of painkiller. I know how bad it is, but if I’m for example required to work in these days, I must. It doesn’t put the pain fully away, but it makes it bearable…
I visited a doctor and I got some prescribed pills. They don’t work much unless I top them up with Paracetamol. That’s why I’m taking so many pills. Once the pain is gone after few days, I don’t take painkiller at all until next period again.
It’s a hard life for me. I must plan events taking into consideration when I am going to be on period. I’m trying to avoid doing anything in that time if I can. It can be tricky and difficult because I don’t always get it regularly.

Not sure if somebody else with similar problems is here?

If you guys have only mood swings, believe me - I envy you!


I am definitely hormonal af today. Headachey and dizzy. Flying off the handle, sugar craving, but kinda frisky too, and mood changing on a sixpence. Thought it might be the weather, but surely must be hormones too.

@Jana1988 so sorry you get in so much pain :sob: that is really rough


Wow, that is a lot. :pensive:

I also take ibu but not more than the ‘allowed’ 1200 mg/day. I tell myself that my liver will handle it. And that’s usually only on the second day. At least it doesn’t have to metabolize alcohol from a bottle of wine each day anymore.

For me the bigger problem is my glycemia.


I also went through having HPV and pre-cancerous cells on my cervix which had to be surgically removed. I still had the scar under my belly button from the surgery to remind me of it too. Also had a boyfriend that gave me PID. I just had to chime in because of how insanely similar our stories are lol. They didn’t had the HPV vaccine for my age group prior to me getting all of that, but my teenage daughter has now had it. So hopefully she doesn’t have to go through the same crap. I was a total pit of anxiety for years, always worrying I was going to get cancer from it.


I had an IUD put in about 3 years ago which has stopped my periods. I sometimes get occasional spotting. However, the crazy part is I STILL get the stupid PMS hormonal crap around what would be my time of the month. I figured that would go away with no periods, but apparently you still cycle. It does seem like it calmed it down slightly, but I still get pissy and flustered around that time. I feel like I got a lot worse when I was still drinking though. So there is some level of stabilization on the pissy meter since I quit drinking 9 months ago at least lol.


@Jana1988 It might be worth a trip to the gynae. That much pain sounds like endometriosis. I have it too so I understand well. They operated and removed some which does help for a while it might be worth asking for a scan. Xx


It’s a beautiful day and it started so happy, then a slight disagreement with my husband had me on the verge of tears - I had to remove myself and take some deep breaths. It’s that time for sure…ugh it is so frustrating to feel that loss of whatever semblance of control or at least calm around emotions. No doubt my down spell last weekend leading up to PMS could be hormone related, too. Anyway, right as rain now until the next thing :crazy_face: The joys of being a woman, eh?


Hello @Willowwhiny.
I had an Ultrasound once which showed nothing. However I had it again recently and I 'm seeing a doctor for consultation on Tuesday…
I almost wish they would find something so they can just “repair it” & I don’t have to go through this anymore :disappointed:

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Ultrasound doesn’t always find it. I had to have the laproscopy to find the full extent of it but they removed some there and then so it was worth it. I wish you luck Jana severe pain is exhausting and trying to fit in normal life or work when you can barely crawl out of a foetal position is so hard. Let’s hope the doc suggests something ASAP x


Oh, thank you for information. If the doctor doesn’t offer me laprospocy himself, I may ask about it. That’s good to know about it :blush:
Yes, the pain disables me from normal activities and my bf forced me to see a doctor again, because he says that it’s not normal to be in pain so much… :unamused:
The prescripted pills are horrible when I read about them. Pretty dangerous side effects, so I’m not happy taking them, but I must to, because only behind counter painkillers itself don’t work.
I don’t know how I was doing it before I had these prescribed pills. Somehow I don’t remember how I coped. I was drinking A LOT! Maybe that’s why my memory is blank :thinking::sweat_smile:


Aww yes I understand completely drinking in the past for me was a pain relief method too. I see you are UK too. Absolutely get doc to refer you to gynae. Let’s hope they let you have the Lap its the best way of knowing everything xx


I appreciate your help :pray:t2: and suggestion. I will update you what is going on :blush:
Yes, I am from London and you??
Originally from Czech rep.