Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Hello @Willowwhiny.
So yes, I was offered laparoscopy and I’m about to agree to it. Apparently it is a minor surgery and I won’t be able to do much for approx 5 days afterwards.
Can I ask you about your experience?
How it went, felt, etc?

You can reply me in personal message if you don’t want to share it publicly.

Thank you :hugs::hugs:

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Hi Jana. I’m so happy they agreed to the lap. It’s a tiny incision barely noticeable and short minor op. If there is something there forcthek to work on they usually do it there and then. Maybe take a full week off if you can . Can be uncomfortable after but they give you lots of pain relief to take home so all will be fine. You just may not feel like doing much. All depends what they do. I hope this helps x

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If my well-meaning husband shows me one more thing he’s cleaned for the first time with the comment “did you see how dirty this gets” not knowing that I have cleaned it every. other. time. I will lovingly murder him.

Perhaps its the PMS talking. :thinking:


You ever start your period and then think hmm that explains so much :joy: no wonder I’ve been an emotional crazy person the past few days


Every. Single. Time. :woman_facepalming:t2:


Yup :raising_hand_woman: penny drop “ahhh thats why the ad on the ad on TV made me cry last night” :woman_facepalming:


A coworker made me cry earlier just by being nice :woman_facepalming:t2:


Kindness really gets me too. Anybody being kind and compassionate turns on the tears.


Worth checking ferritin levels, plus b12 and vit d if you haven’t already. Heavy blood loss will deplete iron and can cause mental health symptoms.

Yea sometimes I wonder how much actual emotional processing I ignore because I’m just about due to start my period :see_no_evil:


I was recently diagnosed with PMDD. Anyone else familiar? During luteal phase is when I struggle the most with staying sober.

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It’s just as bad when there’s no longer the ability to produce the hormones that regulate the entire body and you have to take medication and struggle with getting the correct ones for the body and the correct dosage…etc… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: SOOO FUN!:face_with_raised_eyebrow: NOT!!!


Day 1, finally. I have to say that the longer I am sober the better I learn to accept my monthly symptoms. And knowing about the timeline is helping me to accept my body as well. It is: pimples, water retention, ‘(cannot write this in a gentle way)’, diarrhea, cramps. :see_no_evil:


Me too. Sobriety has definitely helped me regulate my moods and makes my symptoms (cramps and other icky stuff) more acceptable.
I feel calmer knowing my body is causing symptoms and not a bottle.


Yep, pretty much :expressionless:


Yes and the fact it tracks on Fitbit so I should actually know better always surprises me as well :sob:.

I actually sometimes feel evil around my period lately, it’s getting a bit gnarly emotionally.


Yeah I had all the same tests. Can’t go on the pill due to being 43 and it interfering with other meds. Told to go away with mefanamic and transanamic avoid (spelling Def not correct).

It really isn’t fair as time off work for periods in the UK is really not accepted.


I’m ok thanks, better months and worse ones. Not drinking has helped as my core temperature seems to have changed completely/stabilised. I feel cold sometimes now, whereas before I was always steaming hot and my period was horrible on top. :heart:

Women are remarkable really. I won’t hear otherwise :pray:


I know exactly how you feel. I really do. I literally went through all of this in April. That month was hell for me, I actually had thoughts of stepping in front of ongoing cars while walking to my car (i live in the city). I said really mean things to my friend and husband during this time. It truly feels horrible but I promise you it will pass. The next month in May (being 2 months sober) i FINALLY felt normal again.

Its a bitch, but you HAVE TO ride out these emotions naturally to overcome it. Whether its crying it out (my method), going on a walk, listening to music, watch a funny movie/show, eat your fav food, enjoy a hobby. ANYTHING to get your mind off things. Im sorry youre feeling this way, I hope it gets easier for you soon❤