Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Hormone circus is on its way to my address. They at least gave me some warning in the form of a delightful spread of teenage acne all over my 40 year old face.
I will admit it has got easier with the mega moods since I stopped drinking. 7 months in and yes I still get a bitch strop on but it’s not like it used to be. I literally used to want to crawl out of my own skin I felt that bad and desperate around that time of the month it was awful.
Sometimes I wish I was more emotional and could cry it out. But it doesn’t happen for me I’m like a fireball of cranky. Anyway, rant over. Stupid hormones.


Hormone circus just left my house on the way to yours. I had just enough out of control hormone juice to tear up at a children’s book I was reading in public on my dinner break so that’s fantastic. Sending strength and sanity. :muscle:t3::woman_in_lotus_position:t2:


Aww Trusty. Ok I take back the wanting the emotional side instead. Can you imagine us in lunch together, you would be crying while I’m glaring at anyone who breathes. Least it would be an interesting table :thinking: :rofl:


I started the pill when I was 17, went off at 28 to get pregnant with my son, went back on immediately after, totally stopped taking it at 35 but, then had another baby went back on it at 38. I have been off of the pill for 2 years now, I’m 44. My periods were a mess. Also, my anxiety while PMSing was ridiculous!

I had a period for almost 1 month straight and the doctor said it’s normal. They checked all of my hormones, apparently normal. Um, no. That’s not normal. They also did an ultrasound, apparently normal. :roll_eyes: I gave up on them.

I did some research on my own. I started taking Vitex Berry supplements. It actually helped. My periods are pretty regular and normal now. Not too much PMS, but definitely a little. I’m basing regular on what I remember them being like when I was maybe 14. Lol They come every 25-29 days and last 5-7 days. I really feel like the Vitex Berry has done this. There are some herbalists that sell tinctures but I opted for these pills I found. The manufacturer is Gaia Herbs. Hope that helps!



Went to see a gyne bc my periods have been tricky despite an IUD that was installed about 2 years ago. Well, apparently the doc who did that didn’t manage to get in the right place (it should have been further back). So the gyne took it out and tried to put a new one back in. 20-30 minutes later it was done but it required screaming, blood, a local anesthetic and a senior gyne. Left my bike behind and took a taxi home. Cramps were crazy for the rest of the day and I’ve been cramping daily ever since. I’m now on my 1st period since so I’m hoping everything would settle.

Why does it have to be so difficult to be a woman! :woman_facepalming: :dancer: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


An honest table. :heart:

Urgh what an ordeal for you :sob::sob:

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Well I had an implanon put in today.

I have forever had trouble with all various contraceptions and am at my wits end with it all. I’ve been off contraception since having my youngest almost 5 years ago as I’ve been completely single however I’m now considering dipping my feet back into the dating pool :grimacing:

The IUD was working amazing for me until I fell pregnant :frowning: so I’m trying the implanon. I’m feeling dubious that it’s going to agree with me and if it has continuous side effects I’m pretty much going to take it out and just stay single forever!

Arm is so sore today, wonder if I’ll be able to do my burpee challenge on Friday… I shouldn’t complain though because I bet @Olivia is feeling way more traumatised and in pain today!

I just hate being a woman sometimes, that is all. Anyone else have an implanon and can share their experience with it?


Oh @Olivia so sorry you had to go through that shit. Healing hugs :hugs::unicorn::heartpulse: Are you better now?
And how is “räkkä” up there?

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Eh, I’m ok, although I’m so done with daily cramps, bloating and spotting. I wish they were over.

Räkkä is what it is. It’s tolerable in downtown areas and when it’s windy or scorching hot. A southern friend was over here to visit me during midsummer and he wasn’t dealing well with black flies (mäkäräinen). I’ve kinda forgotten that only North has them lol.

How are you?

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Im sure mäkäräinen will soon invent south. Im ok, except dealing with hormones and brain issues and other annoying stuff. Ill probably survive. Sweet dreams, its full moon so i wont sleep well :wolf::full_moon:

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Each cycle I learn more somehow. Soy will mess with my cycle. Diary will mess with my glycemia especially before mens.
I am grateful that symptoms are pretty predictable now and not like some years ago.
And I am grateful that ibu will help with the cramps.


For my glycemia I know this for a long time. Eating cheese will mess with my insulin sensitivity like when compared to plant fats.
I used to consume a lot of soy products, milk, tofu, yogurt etc and my cycle became really long. Like 40+ and unpredictable. When I quit it became lot more regular and shorter also. Now it’s about 33 days. The most important thing for me is predicability as my cycle always messes up with my diabetes.

Concerning soy I think it has something to do with the phytohormones. Not sure anymore.


I’ve been told that soy can act like estrogen in some people. I have a breast cancer survivor in my family who avoids it for that reason.


I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with kyleena iud. I haven’t used birth control for 17 years!!! I’m scheduled for my procedure tomorrow and I’m really nervous!!! I was reading all the possible side effects :grimacing:


I have a similar I’ve had Mirena for a little over 3 years now. I absolutely love it. There was a bit of an annoying first two months as my body adjusted to it but I haven’t had any issues otherwise.


I have a mirena iud too. I’m on my 2nd one. 1st one was installed a couple of years ago by a GP but when my gyne checked it this summer, she said that it wasn’t “all the way up” as it is supposed to :woman_facepalming: So I got a new one on that visit.

I hope not to scare you. The installation can hurt. I needed a local anesthetic (yep). I had to take a sick day from work that day, I was in a lot of pain. That’s not the case for everyone tho. I had period cramps and spotting for 2 months afterwards. It’s a lot better now.

I haven’t noticed other side effects.


Last week- angry and a bit bloated. Ok I’m gonna start.
This week-started, sad and having terrible cramps. Why?!?! Honestly, there’s like what a week out of the month I’m feeling stable (hormonally) :expressionless::triumph::expressionless:


That’s how I feel too- sometimes I get even more angry and emotional thinking about only having a week or so of normal. I’ve been taking this supplement ( I posted it previously I think) Called Moon Balance that I feel helps. It might be a placebo but hey, if it helps me I don’t care.


My friend is sending me something called Flo. It’s suppose to be amazing and I believe it’s just a supplement too. We shall see. I’m glad you found something that helps even if it might be a placebo lol