Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I’ve seen that too- I’ll be interested to see what you think of it.


Thank you for introducing this thread. Like many other post I have read, I too have battled the hormonal roller coaster. On top of the responsibilities as a Mother, and Partner, having to try to balance my emotions and responses seemed unbearable at times. It was not until later that I was diagnosed with PCOS, that it all made sense. On top of making an eager effort to put down the bottle, I am on a Spiritual, Mental, and Physical healing journey to find my center and true self again. The best advice that I can give is when your body is not aligning with your mind, take a moment and focus on your breathing. Remember to be here now. Sometimes the purest most simplest actions, help our bodies re-center.


Oh wow, I could have written this!! I also was blessed to find Susun Weed’s book, New Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Way.

Growing facial hair…it’s a thing. Total ugh.

Period Club was the best. The girls (now 42 years old!!) still talk of it.

And yes…getting sober pre perimenopause…imagine? What a dream that would have been. Alcohol + hormones = disaster.


Well I did it… Sorry for the personal info but I was so nervous to get this iud and now it’s done. Feeling a bit shaky, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought…


Well done! Feeling shaky is normal I think. It’s an invasive procedure and your body is adjusting. I hope the iud works for you!


Thank you, although a little update-cramps are bad. I hope it’s worth it. My Dr. recommended because of my heavier periods, but I need to stop looking at the side effects of iud’s (kyleena and mirena) because it’s stressing me out.


My cramps were really bad for the first month, too. Then it started to get easier. Don’t read about side effects, just try to deal with things as they present themselves.


Prayer and meditation, Journaling, meetings all these things work for helping me through so much! BUT not my homicidal raging thoughts when my hormones fly off the charts 2 days before I’m supposed to start. I say supposed to because I started perimenopause at the beginning of this year and now I never actually know. Seems like the rage just comes out of nowhere now. I was having an amazing day, I was chairing an AA meeting and half way through it I imagined a scene off the old 1976 film Carrie. It was all I could do to keep my emotions in check. I just kept repeating “this isn’t real, this is hormones” in my head while smiling at people and nodding my head.
I wanted to drive straight to the liquor store after the meeting. Weird thing was I didn’t really want to drink I just wanted the rage in my head to shut the hell up.

Good grief :roll_eyes: I’m so glad it didn’t last all afternoon.
P.s. no one was harmed lol no one even knew the thoughts waging war inside my brain. I just needed to vent to other women who would understand.
P.s.s. no I would never homicide :rofl: just stating that for the record in case there ever is one. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


Oh girl yesss! I’ve always had heavy periods that makes my day miserable and all I want to do is sleep. When I got my Nexplanon Birthcontol it got worst :expressionless::roll_eyes: Males have no say so to how we are during these times because they have no idea what we have tobgo through. I try to drink a lot of water but I find myself binge eating chocolate :sweat_smile:


I hear you on the rage that comes with a hormone surge. Great job not medicating it away with a bottle and an extra great job on no homicide committed today. :rofl:


I can understand in some ways too, but my thoughts usually become more suicidal like jumping in front of bus…I never would, but the urge can get so real as I storm down the street in a fit of anger and tears. Then it passes and I wonder who just took over my body​:thinking::exploding_head::crazy_face::sob::rofl:


Thank you wonderful ladies for not only understanding but also seeing g the humor in it. Like obviously im not going to “homicide” anyone ( probably) :rofl:
And I get the suicidal part too. It just depends on the day. The jumping in front of a bus has sounded tempting. The. Later you’re like whoa! Where did that thought come from!
Talk about getting the “crazies”
I am grateful I didn’t medicate with a bottle but I did with food! On the plus side I didn’t wake up with a hangover. Just some swelling and the scale can piss right off :rofl:


I can totally relate and it took me ages to see that these thoughts of suicide arose more frequently some days before mens.
It got a lot better since a) I realized it and accepted it. My thoughts don’t reflect reality. And b) since I take st. John’s wort. I don’t necessarily believe in herbal things tbh but my psychologist suggested it to me and since I can’t see a harm and now that I am thinking of it feeling more balanced I keep on taking it.


Oh my gosh I ate 4 kinds of icecream last night…it was oat based and dairy free but still full of sugar(and pea protein!!) I’m so bloated right now but I know it will pass. A day here and there of over indulgence won’t make a difference… Even though it sure feels like it right now. At least we didn’t drink :raised_hand::clap:


Thats right! At least we didn’t drink, or homicide anyone :rofl:


Good gawd! 2 days into my period and I so much want a my favorite drink I can almost taste it. I have endometriosis and the back pain this cycle is almost debilitating.
Uggg is it the pain, the heat, the upcoming sobriety milestone or all of the above increasing my desire to drink? Who the hell knows but I needed to say it out loud to other humans.
My husband is an active alcoholic so I can’t say this to him or he would run to the liquor store for me. :roll_eyes:
The daily check in thread is to heavy traffic for me and I wouldn’t talk about my cycle and endo on there anyways lol
Thanks for listening ladies. A few more days of the major roller coaster and at least I will have 1 to 2 weeks of “normalcy” :rofl:


Some ibuprofen should help with the back pain. You can take up to 4 to equal prescription strength of 800mg. Also I’ve found an ice pack to be very helpful for back pain or cramps. I use to use a heating pad but have noticed the ice pack works better for me.
Your murder talk provided a laugh during my morning coffee :joy: thank you for that!

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I always use a heating pad also. I will give the ice pack a try when it starts hurting again. Thank you for the suggestion. I used to take loads of ibuprofen but can’t anymore since my stomach surgery unfortunately and Tylenol just doesn’t seem to help with the pain.
You are welcome for the laugh lol im so glad im passed that part of the hormone crazies lol

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I’m guessing if you can’t take ibuprofen you probably can’t take any nsaids. That sucks!! My other suggestion would have been excedrin. Hopefully the pain passes soon!!

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Unfortunately nope, no nsaids :sob: the thing that helps i cant take uggggg

It’s not bad this morning. Just that annoying deep ache feeling. Gonna do some stretches and walking. That usually helps when its not that bad.

On the plus side I have a very smart husband. He just apologizes every single time I mention anything hormonal. “I’m so sorry baby” is his go to line. :rofl: