Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Went for my first mamogram today. Was a little nervous as have been told it is quite painful. But was totally fine! I said to the lady I was surprised how little it hurt and she said I had soft “stretchy” boobs which don’t hurt so much. I have in the past coveted firmer boobs, but glad for my marshmello floppies today!


Oh I needed this morning chuckle.
I had a mammogram at age 30 and it hurt. Then in my mid 40’s it didn’t hurt at all.:rofl: them softer squishier boobs really make a difference :sweat_smile:


I hope your feeling better. I was away from this thread for s bit but yes your post about back pain. I was curious if you ever tried(or can try?) A topical anti-inflammatory cream?

I have. It is hit or miss if it helps. I have Voltaren gel. Thank you for thinking of it :purple_heart:

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Wanted to jump in to vent this. Having a rough time with the hormones.

I was on holiday, in my favourite place, in beautiful weather and couldn’t even be bothered to stay there, doing the things I love.

So I drove over four hours to get home then bam period starts.

I’ve been trying to take it easy on myself, just try to chill and made a list of small jobs to complete to try to feel a little better… I’ve actually completed most of them, like mowing the lawn and tidying up etc… but I still feel like total crap.

In fact a load of the stuff which I normally have immense gratitude for, it’s like they just melt to nothing, like usually I’m quite happy in my humble little house but today I’m just seeing all the cracks in the ceilings and the rotten skirting boards and leaking bathroom and thinking my god I’m going to get old alone in this house and just watch it degrade around me even more.


Just feeling a bit sad and lonely.

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Hormones make a happy head that much harder. I’m sorry you are struggling but you aren’t alone in those “where is this coming from” thoughts. Do something nice for yourself if you can. Your mood will change and we will be here. Sending a hug your way.


Omg I hate my hormones and this is one reason why. Im so sorry you were struggling. I hope it has passed or changed. For me, id rather feel homicidal than down and blue. We are all different there im guessing.
We got you. It will pass or change.
Remember, you like your comfy humble home. I bet it’s perfect for you! I definitely understand looking around and seeing all the things I wish was better and thinking “is this all I deserve or am going to get” but its just hormonal thoughts.
Thank you for coming on and sharing your struggle. :hugs: sending loads of online hugs.

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I can relate. I hope your are feeling better! It’s amazing how sometimes I can be so happy with everything around me and then all of a sudden I notice things like you said around the house that make me so angry but in normal circumstances I don’t even pay attention to them… Like the little cracks in my cupboards, or the chips in my bathroom mirror. That’s why when that happens I try to walk away go outside get a walk and stop fixating on it because I tend to do that when I’m in that kind of mood and then I feel super depressed.


I think I have heard something about soy and thyroid? Wish I had more brains (and energy, and money, ha) for studying. Would love to properly learn about nutrition and all the biomechanical processes going on. Sounds like a really exciting area too, still lots to learn and discover.


If you have a search of this thread for ferritin I did a post a while back about checking levels etc. For lots of people being low on iron can cause problems. Both in terms of cycle and mental health. Menstruating women obvs most affected due to regular blood loss.


Hey ladies,
Just wondering if there is anyone who is trying or has tried to conceive at 35+? I’m 37,and been trying since 35. This has been my main driving force for my 400 days of sobriety, but no luck yet. My cycles are shorter than average, but ovulation comes at a good time for someone with a longer, more average cycle, meaning my luteal phase is short (6-7 days). I looked into why this could be, and 2 reasons stood out - low progesterone due to stress or age. Stress is manageable, but age… not so much. Currently on a wait list to be seen at a fertility clinic to investigate, but in the meantime, trying to reduce my stress levels.
Can anyone relate?


I get blood work done every few months because of a condition I have and medicine I’m on. The last time I went it was normal. I go again in a few weeks actually. I’ll check :blush:

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I struggled to conceive a little with a short luteal phase (not quite as short as yours). I started taking Vit B6 and got pregnant pretty quickly after that. Research on some fertility sites and they will give you the dose you need.

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Nice :blush: I started to take vit b6 to see if it has any positive effect on my pms. We’ll see about that…
Some balancing has taken place with vitex angus and sage. Im soon 53 so id love to give this hormonal circus away if someone is in need?


Thanks for the tip. I’ll take a look. :heart:


I hear you sister, same here.


No no no, my circus is at capacity, but thank you. So thoughtful. :rofl::crazy_face:


I wanted someone else to experience this amazing s**tstorm with special features like menorrhagia. Well, another time then.

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We have to laugh at these things. I often wonder if we haven’t all gone mad from the hormone crazy train the way we carry one as women. Lol

I went perimenopause the beginning of the year and the menorrhagia has FINALLY, after 30 some years, eased up. On one hand I hate perimenopause, on the other im grateful my periods have finally lightened up!

Good to hear it has eased a little :clap:. I have to take tranexam acid and look forward to a non medicine era (no laughs) in my life. All of them cause me trouble