Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I’m truly sorry. I make myself laugh at these things otherwise I’d go off the deep end. I hope I didn’t offend or seem insensitive.
I hope yours eases up one day also and you can enjoy a life without medicine.

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Good heavens ofcourse not! How could we survive without black humour. I should use more emojis and have enough time to finish my messages, but instead i have to pretend good parent v phone addict mother to my 10 yr old :sweat_smile:


:joy: oh been there sister! My you gest is now 16 and has her very own phone addiction and room addiction. We see her once or twice a day for food :rofl:

My condolences. My 15 year old is likewise in a symbiosis with her phone

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Which is perfectly fine the week before and during her mensus! :rofl: the apple did not fall far from this tree. Hormone zipper not just roller coaster. Wowza
Maybe its just her being a teen or maybe its cuz im a witness and its not me experiencing it. But good lawd!

I see, poor girl :worried: my teen has it quite easy, nothing notable as regards pms monster or otherwise. I can keep it all to myself :blush:

Oh that’s good! Do check yourself tho cos often the reference ranges are just based on averages for the lab, so a result can be within the ‘normal’ range but still iron deficient. Putting it out there for you or anyone that wasn’t aware of that. Turns out quite a lot of Doctors aren’t!


This is accurate in Finland too. Majority of doctors don’t know the case of low ferritine or difference between low hemoglobin and that. My ferritine was 7 or 8 at lowest and it should be more like 100. I couldn’t get it higher by eating iron supplements and got injected twice. Actually i dont know what my status is now, hopefully get that checked soon. How is your iron issue nowadays @siand ?


Ugh I’m sorry to hear that. With the heavy periods I guess it is a constant battle. Is a hysterectomy something you’ve looked at or just hoping nature will take its course before too long?

I was getting better but my stomach has started rebelling against the iron supplements :poop::see_no_evil: and always worse while on my period. Who knew trapped wind could be so painful?! Although my periods are much lighter (also more irregular) with the iron which I’m grateful for.

Alongside iron, vit d and various cofactors I recently started b12 injections at home. When I remember to take everything it really helps. Generally though am much better than this time last year. Apart from the :poop: thing. Progress not perfection I guess!

I’m due another round of blood tests in a month or so, interested to see where I am with it all. And what tests I can get my doctor to run.


Ive thought about almost everything to end this agony, but the local public health system is maybe slower than the natural inevitable progress.

Sorry to hear iron pills give you trouble. Believe me i know it all from stomach cramps to diarrhea. Have you tried some quality lactic acid bacteria? Or taking iron every other day (should be better absorbed that way)?

What do you take the b12 injections for, if I may ask? Im very interested in b12 as it should help with constant fatigue. Im also testing how would going non-glut/caseine/sugar help.

All the best with next lab results and coping those nasty stomach probs :heart:

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One of the reasons my doctor suggested an IUD was because of my extremely low iron. I opted for the kyleena which is slightly lower hormones than the Mirena, but she said it can still help eliminate heavy periods. The Mirena can stop then all together. Haven’t been on birth control since I have my daughter 16 years ago and I hate taking hormones but these are a very low dose and do not contain estrogen. Unfortunately there’s just a few side effects in the very beginning such as very light spotting which is very frustrating but I’m due for my actual period around the 6th of September so I’ll let you know if it’s any better. It was getting ridiculous the amount of blood I was losing!
Also maybe you need to try a different iron supplement? There are so many out there and some much more gentle on the stomach.
Sorry to hear about your pain. I can relate and suffered the same way with the tummy troubles before. No fun at all! I have also heard about what @Fireweed mentioned about taking the iron every other day. My doctor told me the same thing.


Ive been suggested iud multiple times. I really thought about it thoroughly, but didn’t dare to have it cause every medicine, synthetic hormone products included, seems to give me the worst possible side effects. Happy to hear yours have eased thanks to iud. Also tried many iron products and most of them gave me bad time. Finally, they didnt absorb adequately and/or all went with the monthly massacre. Some people use organic liver capsules and take vit C and copper to help. Unless vegan, that and bone broths would be the natural way.

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Yes I was very nervous!! I’ve actually been contemplating this IUD for over 5 years!!! It’s a bit scary. So far so good. The amount of progentrins releases per day is only around 17mcg’s and it’s released right into the uterus, so much less side effects than taking anything orally.(oh I just read that after a year it goes down to only 7 mcg’s per day that’s released as well) Still, the thought of having something inserted freaked me out. My sister in law has had the same one for over a year and we had a good talk about it. Her only side effect was the spotting at first as well I also figured if I hated it, I would just get it removed (which I thought about after the first week to be honest because I was a bit panicky about the thought of it).
Honestly now I’m really happy I did it… But it’s only been about 20 days. I’m interested to see what my first period due on it is like. I seriously had to use Super tampons and night time pads at the same time for the first 2or 3 days of every period!


I know many women who are perfectly ok and helped by iud. Spotting is quite common i assume and relatively harmless though annoying but hey, better than the Niagara falls :woman_shrugging: Its great that you have someone so close to support you :heart:


I got myself again. A deep, lay on the floor, cry when people speak to me sadness hit me tonight. I reached out on here and was met with kindness. Now I’m on the couch, making pizza and watching sweet British children on The Great British Baking Show Junior edition.

I checked my period app and indeed it is coming for me. I can always tell because I get those “wine sounds good” kinds of thoughts. I’m glad to know that I can ride these feelings out on the couch. Stay strong my hormonal heroines. :heart::pizza:


I think you and I are/were on the same cycle. Lol, but actually for real!
I’m all a little messed up now because of the IUD I recently got, but normally I would be due in a few days. Unfortunately, I’ve been spotting almost daily for 22 days! Sooooo not fun.

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I had the copper/non-hormonal IUD for 10+ years. My first few periods with it were fairly painful but once it settled in I hardly felt it. Did I read that yours is new to you?

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Yes it’s new. It’s a low hormone dose that’s supposed to help with my extremely heavy periods. I’ve only had it 22 days… So I’ve been spotting since I got it (except for like two random days)
I’ve been told this can last for a few months and then everything should get better and I might not even get it. Or a very very light one

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My sister had a hormonal IUD and her periods have stopped completely. I’m glad to hear you aren’t having too much pain. Mine felt like my body was trying to expel it the first few periods. Cycle buddies!!

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I’ve heard that the copper ones can cause more cramping. I was quite crampy for the first week or so but totally fine now. We’ll see what happens in a couple of days when I’m supposed to actually get my period. Hopefully it will just stay like the spotting or slightly more and nothing crazy like it was.

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