Women's hormonal roller-coaster

I’m also eternally grateful that I’m tracking my cycle and can see it coming. Part of my stress tonight might have been because I thought I was heading for a depressive episode. It’s nice to know that it is likely hormonal and can be explained.

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I know I totally feel the same way. That’s one reason why I didn’t really want to stop getting my period completely so I got the lowest dose hormone possible and hopefully I’ll still have somewhat of a cycle. There were times that I felt so depressed and suicidal and then I would realize it was because of my hormones and it made it much easier to handle to know that there was some reason behind it.


Another positive is that I have WAY less depressive episodes now that I’m not drinking. My dark thoughts were much darker when they were soaked in alcohol.

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100% absolutely true!


I’m grateful for you tonight. Thank you.


Thought I’d share about the impact of soy on my cycle.
Below is without soy products:

I consumed a lot of soy this cycle and am at day 37 atm. Fucking unpredictability bc it also messes up my blood sugar.

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I don’t fully understand the chart that you sent, but I didn’t look at that closely… All I know is I can’t have soy at all because my stomach is super sensitive to it… So I guess that’s a good thing that I have to avoid it? My daughter needs a lot of tofu and soy products and wonder if she should switch??

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Sooo funny pms-ing story time…
A new billboard was put up by my house and it had puppies on it! and was all pretty looking so I got excited thinking there was going to be a new puppy day care or park or something! As i got closer i could read it was for pet cremation, and in half a second i went from happy summer day to balling my eyes out at the thought of my dog dying some day. My poor boyfriend has no idea what happened as all he sees is me in the passenger seat bouncing up and down clapping to suddenly being like “noooo!” and crying :rofl:. Yeaaaah i was pms-ing way to hard and that billboard got me right in the feels hahah.


It summarises the length of my last cycles. Average ~32 days. This month I had a lot of soy and it was 39 days.


I felt that disappointment from here! I most likely would have done the same thing lol


Ha! I am you and you are me.

I am constantly choked up during my period but will bawl when I witness scenes of respect or compassion.
Everybody stands for the little guy? :face_holding_back_tears::face_with_peeking_eye::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:
I physically can’t take it.

Conversely, get me angry and I get very still. Like I have lava at my core.

I kind of like that it is socially acceptable to have these very broad mood swings. Then again if a stranger were to ask me if it’s because I’m having my period…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::exploding_head:


I need to vent. After quiet 2 months my period is back again and torturing me with cramps, horrible mood, feeling like a piece of shit, lonely, bloated … Can this dammed bullshit of hormons finally rest in peace and leave me for good? This fucking menopausal circus :hot_face::cold_face::face_vomiting::exploding_head::sob::triumph::rage::angry::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::skull_and_crossbones: grrrrrrr
I hate to feel like that and now I know where my shitty, depressed, whiny, angry mood the last days came from. That was not me, that was this fucking hormonal rollercoaster. grrrrrrrr
I deeply wish this biological error to fuck off and go to hell, I have suffered enough and I want it to be over. Finished. Gone. Outch, cramps. I definitely need a stronger word than fuck … :pleading_face:


The struggle is definitely real and does definitely end. The process can take time. I was talking with another post menopausal friend this weekend about these stages in our lives and how unprepared we were for the very real physical and emotional changes. It is refreshing to have others share their experiences, to light the way a bit.

I was so so so ready for my periods to end fully. The last few years dragged on with one period a year or two. And they did get much lighter (tho before that much heavier and tiresome beyond belief…as yours sounds).

Not being ruled by hormones awaits on the other side. :heart:


Can i add that i find high strength evening primrose oil daily massively helps me with PMT


I’m often relieved when I realize that it is the hormones and I’m not insane or ready to go into a life of homicide. I’m sending you space and quiet.


Feeling this stupid roller coaster hard yesterday and now today. I just cried because the hubs is doing the dishes. He knows I like to clean the house before leaving for vacation and instead of me doing it when I get off work. He is doing it while I work.


Day three of bleeding and the mood lifted. I’m human again, not crying about nothing or feeling like suicide because life is only a lonely desaster without perspective :woman_facepalming:
Instead I enjoy pizza and just shake my head over something unimportant but typical I heard about my husband today. Yesterday I would have freaked out and felt abandoned and excluded.
I feel with you all and send you hugs. Thank you all for being here :pray::hugs:


I would seriously try the evening primrose oil it definitely helped me, theres science on it


Funny funny, this cycle was actually quite eventless. No major fuck up with my glycemia. No bad life ending thoughts. Let’s keep it this way :upside_down_face:


I asked for 1 thing from the period gods… to start after my half. I started today :joy: Cramping and raging today but at least I wasn’t on race day :confetti_ball: