Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Oh brilliant! :hugs::joy:


Great :+1: I agree, would be great to stay this way :pray::blush:

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I feel like crap today, totally ungrateful for everything and in a pit of self-righteousness and feeling empty, like I want things, money, possessions, I feel pissed off and let down. I hate feeling this way but I don’t know how to turn it off either.


I’m sorry you are feeling this way. Ride the feelings today and tomorrow will hopefully be better :heart: I find calming music extremely helpful, like the kind they play in a massage parlor. (Not sure what genre that is considered lol)
I was feeling really angry and annoyed at the whole world a few days ago but it passes as it normally does


I know that feeling all too well @badger and I wish I had some great advice but I don’t. Hope it’s short lived and sending positive healing vibes your way.


Hang in there @Badger. You are worthy and not crazy for feeling this way. Hold tight until these feelings pass.


This is brilliant!


I think I found my tribe :smile:
I suffer from PMS and I think I even may have PMDD, but I first need to discuss this with my Doctor. Around 2 weeks before my period starts I feel like another human being. Everything feels way worse as it is. I googled the symptoms and mine fit.
I have to wait some weeks before I have my appointment so I began to take lavender capsules for my anxiety and racing thoughts. Only walking and moving my body isn’t enough.
Positive side effect: it lowers my blood pressure :+1: It’s always a little too high because I’m NEVER relaxed. I’m always “ready to fight”. And this is why I really need to see my Doctor. It could be PMDD because my symptoms get worse before my period starts. But I’m never really relaxed so who knows?
I also have Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects my hormones. Yeah, I won the lottery I know :smile:
Have a beautiful day girls, even if your hormones kick your ass.


Welcome to this small community which over 50 % of human are part of :upside_down_face:

Day 1 for me and I am actually glad how the visit of my friend went in the light of this. I am also grateful that suicidal thoughts are not part of pms for me at the moment. Won’t miss them. So today I am grateful I can spent the day at home, doing excessively nothing and drinking one hot chocolate after the other. Glycemia only hit me hard today. Vicious chocolate cycle :see_no_evil:


I do the same today lol. And now I know what I forgot to buy yesterday: oat milk and cocoa powder :smiling_face_with_tear:


Started yesterday and holy hell am I angry today. The current thing that is bothering me is the lack of division in the household chores, as in there isn’t any. While we both have full time jobs, I technically have 2 since I’m the only one that cleans. I get so tired of fucking cleaning especially when he is just sitting there looking at his phone. Why don’t I just say something? Well because he acts like a child and does the task but then I have to redo it. Ie-the dishes. He rushes and they will still be dirty :expressionless::expressionless: it’s better to just do it myself even though it pisses me off.


I hear you, this division of chores is crap. Especially when hormones bug us it is harder to stand it. Might try an open communication on the issue when you’re in a stable mood? To be honest, here for me it changed nothing but I tried my best and got it off my chest to the right person - my husband.
Send you a big big hug :hugs::hugs:


I have brought it up multiple times over the years and he will help here or there but never just because only when I ask.
Thank you for the hug :people_hugging:


Oh, that sucks. I am glad I can only blame me but this is often also very tiring. I hate cleaning the apartment. I am grateful I am back into small apartments.
I remember a roommate who was the reason I said, okay well it’s officially the end of me and roommates. It was so :nauseated_face::exploding_head::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: when it was his turn and we girls were just not strong enough to sit it out. I have really no advice. :roll_eyes:


Same here. I read somewhere this is one of this men-women-communication-thing. But: who are we? their nanny always to tell them what to do? :thinking:
send you another round of hugs :hugs:


Same here! This has been one of the best parts of ending my previous relationship. I don’t want to have to constantly reteach a man how to properly wash dishes or scold for smearing dirt and grease all over walls & light switches. And when I am hormonal and tired the last thing I want to do is yell and pick up after another adult. It’s just me, my mess, and I.


Please take comfort in this scene re-enactment of my husband anytime he cleans something new:
Him: “Em!”
Me: “Yes”
H: “Have you seen how dirty the (fill in the blank with an item, most recently it was the underside of the sink stopper) gets?!?!”
M: Trying to stay calm because I am apparently the only person who has cleaned it for the last 6 years “yep, that is dirty”.

Take today for yourself @Runningfree and stop cleaning. I can get pretty resentful pretty fast when I’m hormonal.


Thanks guys. :people_hugging: I went back to sleep and just going to be lazy. Which doesn’t make me feel much better because I’ll just have to clean tomorrow. :expressionless: I did get grocery shopping done today and some cleaning before I went back to bed.
Tomorrow I have to take my car to the shop and that’s another thing that gets under my skin. Like if we are in traditional men-women divides why am I taking my car to the shop?! Ugh I’m just angry. Sleeping the day away is probably for the best.
@TrustyBird that sounds like a conversation that could be had here only I wouldn’t have had the same last response


Take care of you. Sadly the cleaning will probably still be there tomorrow. Rest up.